5 negative behaviour that I am done with.


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When I look back on how I've dealt with difficult times in the past, I realize that I've spent a lot of wasted time on negative mindsets that haven't helped me progress. In fact, they did the opposite. I complicated many simple situations by overthinking, analyzing and ignoring signs that were right in front of me.

So I came up with a list of five negative behaviors that I wasted time indulging, and I won't waste time on them again:


1. Believing people who have insulted me.

We live in a wonderful world, but most of us have been hurt. People who have been hurt and cannot move past the hurt will try to hurt others, either intentionally or unintentionally. I've wasted a lot of time believing hurt people's insults, never realizing that people who were ready to insult me were ready to insult others too. Insults are rarely about the person who's being insulted; they're more about the person doing the insulting.


2. Convincing someone to love me.

I wasted time trying to convince a former partner of mine to love me. All that time spent waiting for him to call me back, hinting at him to buy me flowers and waiting for him to see how grateful he should've been to have me could've been spent on someone who genuinely appreciates me. Not only was I wasting time, but I was also subconsciously telling myself that I wasn't worth being loved. Ultimately, every single person is worth being loved.


3. Beating myself up about the past.

Whatever has happened is done. I used to spend a lot of time wanting to change what my behavior in the past. The clock moves forward, and wanting to change what has happened is impossible. All that time spent on looking in the past can be used to help me progress in my future. The future is something I can actually do something about.


4. Judging people on the decisions they've made.

I won't be happy with some people's decisions, and that's OK. I don't have to live with the consequences their own actions — they do. Time spent criticizing and judging someone else's decisions is time truly wasted. That time could have been used to help me progress in my own life. I can't control what others have done with their own lives, so there's no need to judge them based on my expectations and views on life. 


5. Excusing selfish behavior.

I once had a friend who behaved in a way that seemed like she thought life was all about her. She would call me or want to see me only when she needed me to be there for her; however, when I asked the same from her, she would disappear. I wasted a lot of time convincing myself that she didn't intend to be selfish, and I excused her behavior because I feared losing a friend. After it all, I did lose her as a friend, and all that time I spent convincing myself that she wasn't being selfish could've been used on appreciating a friend who actually isn't selfish and gives me back what I give them.

10 Inspirational quotes by Mahatma Ghandi.


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Mahatma Gandhi is , to me, one of most influential people in history. Born in Porbandar, India, he became a lawyer, civil rights activist and Nobel peace prize winner. He helped India gain independence of British reign by practicing peaceful protesting. 


Here are ten quotes by Mahatma Gandhi that I hope will inspire you


1. Where there is love there is life.’

2. ‘In a gentle way, you can shake the world.’

3. ‘ I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.’

4. ‘A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes.’

5. ‘You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.’

6. ‘Be the change you wish to see in The World.’

7. ‘An eye for an eye leaves The World blind.’

8. ‘A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave.’

9. ‘To lose patience is to lose the battle.’

10. ‘My faith is brightest in the midst of impenetrable darkness.’

3 mitos sobre el cuidado de la piel y la verdad real.


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Cuando se trata de cuidado de la piel, hay información limitada por ahí. Como especialista en piel, creo que es mi trabajo ser informativo y difundir las verdades que he aprendido sobre el cuidado de la piel.

Aquí hay 3 cosas que he escuchado sobre el cuidado de la piel que no son ciertas y que se han aclarado:

1. Las espinillas son causadas por la piel obstruida.

A menudo escucho a la gente decir que sus espinillas y el acné son causados  por los poros bloqueados, que están en forma incorrecta. Este es un error común de que toda la piel dañada se crea por poros bloqueados; Sin embargo, la mayoría de los granos y el acné se producen debido a una producción excesiva de aceite y bacterias en la piel. Esto se puede curar de diferentes maneras, según el tipo de piel, como: exfoliación, usar una máscara o cambiar la rutina de la piel.

2. La exfoliación es ideal para tu piel.

Esto puede ser cierto, pero no siempre es así. Nuestra piel trabaja en ciclos, ciclos de 4 semanas. Lo que significa que su piel tarda 4 semanas en deshacerse de la capa de piel. Recomiendo la exfoliación una vez al mes para ayudar con este proceso, pero algo más que eso interrumpirá el proceso natural de desprendimiento de la piel y conducirá a la sequedad de la piel, los granos y el acné.

3. Las espinillas y el acné son causados  por la piel grasa.

La piel es el órgano más grande del cuerpo, es un sistema muy inteligente. Parte de este sistema está diseñado para corregir la sequedad en la piel. Casi el 70% de las personas sufre de sequedad que causa acné y granos. Esto sucede porque cuando la piel está seca, nuestra piel lo compensa con un exceso de aceite que produce piel grasa. A menudo, la cura para las espinillas y el acné es encontrar una rutina de aceite que complemente la piel en lugar de secarla.

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My Evolution as a Woman with Hali Tsotetsi.


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With the introduction of our new segment, we found it fitting to sit down with our Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Hali Tsotetsi. If you’d like to find out more about her, click on our *About BiologiqueLife* button.

She expands on her evolution as a woman:

What has been a big part of your growth as a woman?

Heartbreak, pain and not getting what I want. For some reason, ever since I was a kid I thrive off of challenge. When I am faced with something that might break another, it gives me drive.

Even how I was born is an example of that. I was discovered in my Mother’s ovaries during an operation that she had. She was told to have me aborted because of the high risk that I might be born stillborn, with autism or other mental challenges. However, my Mother believed that I would be fine and healthy. When I was delivered, she was right. Since I was a baby, I have always been “re-born” out of difficulty- that is truly when I grow.

Who has inspired you to stay true to your role as a strong woman?
One of the great advantages of social media is that now, we have so many examples around us to inspire us. The first example is my Mother. She is the definition of strength, she never gives up on something and has instilled that in all of her daughters. The second example is Oprah, a fellow Aquarius and big change-maker, I identify with her need to be genuine. To me, you can’t be strong by being fake; authenticity is the foundation for true strength. The third example is Maya Angelou, there is nothing more powerful than people who spread the message of forgiveness and taking the high road. Which, I think was her life’s message.
Although I have had many examples, the last one is Iyanla Vanzant. As a fellow Spiritual Teacher and Influencer, it is admirable that she stands firm. When you are in the process of healing someone else, there are moments when they don’t always like you but, as an healer, it is important to commit to why the person sought you out to begin with. She has shown me that to be an healer, you can’t dote and pamper someone. Sometimes the best thing for someone is to tell them ‘no.

What other women have supported you when you needed it the most?
So many! I used to live in New York for ten years and although I love to talk about the negatives of living in New York; you can rely on women to have your back. I’ve met the most courageous and beautiful women living in that city. There are the obvious answers of support when I need it most like family and friends; however, I have also been supported by strangers.
When I first started practicing hot yoga everyday, I would take the midday class and a Dear Teacher of mine would teach that class. She didn’t know it then but her presence and ability to nurture had such an impact on my life. She helped me through so much. She taught me the true definition of a teacher: I am here for you if you need me but if you don’t need me, that’s okay. I won’t force my persona on you if you are not ready to listen to what I have to say.

What has been the hardest part of being a strong woman?
My romantic life. It’s interesting, I have heard women saying that other women are intimidated by their strength; however, I have not found that to be true. I have experienced men being intimidated by my strength by either running away from me or trying to dim my light. I made a promise to myself three years ago that, I would rather be alone than have someone dim my light by making me into what they want. Nobody wins that way.

Where do you see yourself evolving in the next few years?
I was just talking with a good friend, who is a man, the other day. I know that we are supposed to be talking about women but he noticed that I put a lot of pressure on myself and I realized that I have become so accustomed to thriving out of challenge that now, it doesn’t feel like work if I am not under pressure. So, for the next few years, I am working on not needing to be doing many things at once. I have been focusing on my career and now it’s about balance, going on dates, adorning myself and the one that I have chosen to be with.

What imprint would you like to leave on the world?
Great question! That love, faith and hope are alive and the most real things that you can ever imagine. I feel like the schooling system does the opposite of that. So, a lot of us spend 18 years being trained into disbelief of this positive mentality. That’s why I disliked school so much: I believed then, as I do now, that no one else can determine my success and my worth in This World. It is only between me and God.

10 choses à faire pour être plus propre et vert en 2019


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Le moment est venu pour tout le monde d’être plus conscient de ce que nous diffusons sur la Terre. L’ONU vient de publier une étude selon laquelle, à moins que nous agissions de manière propre, le réchauffement de la planète aura des effets dramatiques sur nos environnements naturels.

Nous pouvons tous faire la différence, voici comment:

1. Prendre des douches de 2-3 minutes.

2. Recycler le plastique.

3. Achetez du papier recyclé, notamment des essuie-tout, des mouchoirs en papier et du papier toilette.

4. Prenez les transports en commun, OU

5. Investissez dans une voiture électrique.

6. Achetez des produits qui utilisent des produits recyclés.

7. Réduisez votre plastique en réutilisant vos bouteilles en plastique.

8. Investissez dans une bouteille d’eau pouvant durer jusqu’à un an ou plus.

9. Éteignez les lumières et les appareils électriques lorsque vous ne les utilisez pas.

10. Mettez les ordures à la place, pas dans la rue.

10 Things to do to be more green and clean in 2019.

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Image by Unsplash  

The time has come for everyone to be more conscious about what we are putting out into The Earth. The UN has just published a study that unless we get our ‘clean’ act together, Global warming will have drastic effects on our natural environments.

ALL of us can make a difference, this is how you can:

1. Take 2-3 minute showers.

2. Recycle plastic.

3. Buy recycled paper, including paper-towel, face tissues and toilet-paper.

4. Take public transport, OR

5. Invest in an electric car.

6. Buy products that use recycled products.

7. Reduce your plastic by reusing your plastic- not bottles.

8. Invest in a water bottle that can last up to a year or more.

9. Switch off lights and electric appliances when you are not using them.

10. Put trash where it belongs, not on the street.

3 Myths about skin and the actual truths.


Image from unSplash


When it comes to skincare, there is limited information out there. As a skin specialist, I think it’s my job to be informative and spread the truths that I have learnt about skincare.

Here are 3 things that I have heard about skincare which are not true that are cleared up:

1. Pimples are caused by clogged skin.

I often hear people say that their pimples and acne is caused by blocked pores, which is in incorrect. This is a common misconception that all bad skin is created by blocked pores; however, most pimples and acne occur due to an overproduction of oil and bacteria on the skin. This can be cured by different ways depending on your skin type like: exfoliation, wearing a mask or changing your skin routine.

2. Exfoliation is great for your skin.

This can be true but it is not always the case. Our Skin works in cycles, 4-week cycles. Meaning that your skin takes 4 weeks to shed it’s layer of skin. I recommend exfoliation once a month to help with this process but anything more than that will disrupt the natural process of your skin shedding and lead to dryness of skin, pimples and acne.

3. Pimples and acne are caused by oily skin.

The skin is the largest organ in the body, it is a very intelligent system. Part of this system is designed to correct dryness in the skin. Almost 70% of people suffer from dryness that causes acne and pimples. This happens because when skin is dry, our skin makes up for it by overproducing oil which leads to oily skin. Often the cure for pimples and acne is to find an oil routine that compliments the skin instead of drying it out.


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10 inspiring quotes By Beyoncé



There is nothing more powerful than someone who has a vision, works hard and pushes boundaries. That is a brief description of Beyoncé. For more than 20 years, she has worked hard to raise bar of music, elevate the level of success amongst women and spread female empowerment through her actions and work. 


Here are 10 inspiring quotes by Beyoncé: 


1. The more successful I become, the more I need a man.


2.  We all have our purpose, we all have our strengths.


3.  Be healthy and take care of yourself, but be happy with the beautiful things that make you, you.


4.  Your self-worth is determined by you. You don’t have to depend on someone telling you who you are.


5. When you love and accept yourself, when you know who really cares about you, and when you learn from your mistakes, then you stop caring about what people who don't know you think.


6. If everything was perfect, you would never learn and you would never grow.


7.  We all have our imperfections. But I'm human, and you know, it's important to concentrate on other qualities besides outer beauty.


8.  The most alluring thing a woman can have is confidence

9.We all have our purpose, we all have our strengths.

10.Be healthy and take care of yourself, but be happy with the beautiful things that make you, you.


Cher garçon insécurisé ...


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Cher non sécurisé,

Je te vois. Je t'entends. Tu es assez.

Ne soyez pas victime de la tendance des garçons et des hommes à penser qu’ils ont besoin de voitures, d’argent et d’un «physique gonflé» pour se sentir dignes. Toi seul suffit.

Je sais que la société vous dit d'être fort, mais je vous demande d'être vulnérable parfois parce que parfois, la vulnérabilité fait la force. Il existe une idée fausse selon laquelle pour être un homme, il faut être masculin. Parfois, être un homme signifie que vous devez être féminine.

Votre féminité vous permettra d'être qui vous êtes vraiment. Tout le monde a la masculinité et la féminité en eux. Je suis désolé de vous avoir dit de ne pas ressentir. Le sentiment est important parce que quand on se sent, on peut comprendre.

Vous pouvez comprendre pourquoi et comment vous faites les choses que vous faites. Ainsi, au lieu d'enterrer qui vous êtes vraiment, vous pouvez embrasser ce que vous êtes vraiment. Vous méritez d'être qui vous êtes.

S'il vous plaît, laissez les gens entrer. Je suis désolé pour tous ceux qui vous ont dit de ne pas le faire; Cependant, vous n'atteindrez pas votre potentiel en bloquant les gens. Laissez les gens et l'amour dans.

Lorsque votre partenaire veut mieux pour vous, prenez les devants. Ils ne vous insultent pas; ils voient votre potentiel et veulent grandir avec vous.

Peu importe combien de fois on vous dit que vous n’êtes pas digne, ne les croyez pas. Vous êtes digne de toutes les bénédictions qui vous parviennent.


4 Things that I wish I could tell anyone who has ever bullied me.


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Unfortunately, bullies are a part of life. When I was younger, I would spend time running away from people who would go out of their way to make me feel less than, people who intentionally insulted me and people who told me (in so many ways) that I was not worthy.

High School was the time when I was bullied the most. And, while I was going through it, it didn’t fully process that I was being bullied because I didn’t believe that there were people who were so intentionally mean-spirited.

Once I could fully grasp that I was being bullied, I decided to stand up for myself and I made a choice to never ever let anyone try and make me feel less than. Overcoming bullying was not easy but I did and will continue to do so because I know that I am strong enough to handle it and sometimes, them.

If I ever saw the people who have previously bullied me, I would tell them the following:

1. I forgive you.

Yes, I forgive you for all that you put me through. The older that I get, I understand people more and more. I know that the place that you acted from is insecurity and not feeling worthy. Because people who feel worthy do not have the urge to make others feel unworthy. If you felt valid, you would treat people as such. Your behaviour is an example of what is going on in your mind. I hope my forgiveness helps you find peace.

Peace that you (and everyone) deserves.

2. Thank you.

You helped me access my strength and for it, I am a stronger and more capable person. They say that a diamond only starts to shine when pressure is applied to it. So, I owe a part of the twinkle in my eye to you. A lot of your actions felt un-necessary but now I know that it was always necessary in making me the strong and capable person that I am today. You gave me lemons and I made lemonade. I thank you for giving me some of the ingredients that I needed to make and shape me.

3. Only you have to live with your consequences.

When I think about you, sometimes I get angry thinking that a person like you is using your life to spread negativity. You have chosen this life to exude negativity. Of all the things that you have chosen to spread, negativity seems like a pathetic choice. Even though it may seem that way towards me, I am not the one that has to live with your consequences, you do! You have to live with what you have done. That is why I release any judgement because only God can judge others. I will continue to focus on the energy that I put out in this World. And, hope that I put out positivity and love.

4. Hating you is no longer an option.

I have spent a lot of time hating you. But, hating you only means that I have to spend time thinking about you. While I create negative thoughts in my head, you are unaware of them. So, what is the point of these thoughts anyway? My body is a temple and recreating what someone else has done to me is not serving to create peace and love in this body and mind. Therefore to you and everyone, I choose to release any hate, anger and animosity.

The Playlist of Hope: 10 chansons pour vous élever.



Voici mes dix chansons pour vous aider à vous mettre de bonne humeur:


1. All night - Beyoncé.

2. Audio - Sia, Diplo et Labyrinth.

3. End of Time - Beyoncé.

4. Light It Up- Major Lazer.

5. Rise Again - Liquideep.

6. I Trust You-James Fortune.

7. Make it happen - Mariah Carey.

8. Say yes - Michelle Williams, Kelly Rowlands et Beyoncé

9. Onto The Next One - Jay-Z & Swiss Beatz.

10. Just Can’t Get Enough - Black Eyed Peas

Dear Insecure Boy...


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 Dear Insecure,

I see you. I hear you. You are enough.

Please don’t fall victim to the trend of boys and men feeling as though they need cars, money and a ‘pumped-up physique’ to feel worthy. You, alone, are enough.

I know that society tells you to be strong but I am asking you to be vulnerable sometimes because sometimes, vulnerability is strength. There’s a misconception that to be a man, you need to be masculine. Sometimes being a man means that you need to be feminine.

Your femininity will allow you to be who you truly are. Everyone has masculinity and femininity in them. I’m sorry that they told you not to feel. Feeling is important because when you feel, you can understand.

You can understand why and how you do the things that you do. So that instead of burying who you truly are, you can embrace who you truly are. You deserve to be who you are.

Please let people in. I’m sorry for all those people who told you not to; however, you will not reach your full potential by blocking people off. Let people and love in.

When your partner wants better for you, step up to the plate. They are not insulting you; they see your potential and they want to grow with you.

No matter how many times you are told that you are not worthy, please don’t believe them. You are worthy of every blessing that comes your way.


4 tipos de personas de las que necesitas distanciarte.


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El año pasado escribí un artículo titulado "4 tipos de personas de los que necesitas distanciarte". Este artículo fue bien recibido de miles de personas en todo el mundo. Entonces, pensé que iba a hacer otra.

Me gustaría agregar que, "distanciarse" de algo o de alguien no lo hace egoísta; significa que aceptas a alguien o algo por lo que son y preferirías no tratar con ellos.

Aquí hay 4 personas más de las que necesitas distanciarte:

1. La gente que persigue la fama.

Antes de mudarme a Los Ángeles, no tenía un conocimiento completo de las personas que persiguen la fama. Pero definitivamente hay un tipo de persona que persigue la fama. Alguien que está constantemente buscando la validación y aprobación de las personas que los rodean. Irónicamente, estas personas a menudo no son famosas y no todas las personas famosas han buscado la fama. Menciono personas que están constantemente en Instagram, buscando desesperadamente seguidores. Me refiero a las personas que son infelices en su vida diaria, pero en las redes sociales viven como los Kardashians. Menciono a los que van a Hollywood con la esperanza de que alguien los descubra y, de repente, sus vidas cambien. La razón por la que necesita distanciarse de estas personas es que tienen mucho trabajo interno que hacer en ellas mismas. ¿Qué tipo de gente buscaría de qué huyen tantas celebridades? La respuesta es alguien que piensa que la fama puede resolver los problemas que enfrentan en sus vidas. Lo cual es completamente irrealista. Hasta que las personas que persiguen la fama aprendan que son suficientes, nada (incluida su presencia) será suficiente para ellos.

2. La falsedad.

Como Acuario y alguien que nació y vivió en Nueva York, las personas falsas me molestan. Mi crecimiento es aprender a tratar con estas personas sin ser arrogantes, tercos y con compasión y amor. Sin embargo, a veces hay que amar a la gente a distancia y recordar que todos están haciendo lo mejor que pueden. Por alguna razón, las personas que son falsas no se sienten dignas de ser reales. Que, no puedo relacionarme con. Desde que era niño, me duele ser falso con alguien porque valoro la autenticidad. Estoy aprendiendo a distanciarme de personas falsas porque están en su propio viaje y no necesito obligarlas a estar en el mismo viaje que el mío.

3. Deseo de lavado.

Todos tenemos ese amigo, familiar o colega con el que nunca podrá contar. El que continuamente te decepciona al no mostrarte ni estar allí cuando lo necesitas, a pesar de que has dado tu tiempo y energía en numerosas ocasiones. A decir verdad, no todo el mundo es un donante, lo cual está bien. Se convierte en tu problema cuando dejas que esta persona te lo haga una y otra vez, dejándote enojado o como si no fueras digno. Mereces personas a tu alrededor que se presenten o hagan un esfuerzo para aparecer y tú eres el que permite que este comportamiento continúe. Distanciándose de las personas con promesas vacías hace que las personas cumplan sus promesas y estén realmente a su disposición cuando dicen que lo estarán.

4. La ignorancia.

Realmente creo que la ignorancia es la cosa más fácil de perdonar. Sin embargo, eso no significa que tenga que tener personas ignorantes a su alrededor. En general, las personas ignorantes, no están dispuestas a cambiar su forma de pensar. Y, con quien te rodeas es en quien te conviertes. Aléjate de las personas que ven la vida solo a través de su lente y ábrete a las personas que ven la vida a través de la lente de muchos. Para que tu mente pueda expandirse también.

4 Types of People to distance yourself from.



Last year I wrote an article entitled, ‘4 Types of People you need to distance yourself from’. This article was received well and loved from thousands of people around The World. So, I thought that I would do another.

I would like to add that, ‘Distancing yourself’ from something or someone doesn’t make you selfish; it means that you accept someone or something for who they are and you would prefer to not deal with them.

Here are 4 more people that you need to distance yourself from:

1. People chasing fame.

Before moving to Los Angeles, I didn’t have a full grasp on people who chase fame. But there is definitely a type of person who chases fame. Someone who is constantly seeking validation and approval from people around them. Ironically, these people are often not famous and not all famous people have sought out after fame. I am mentioning people who are constantly on Instagram, desperately searching for followers. I am referring to people who are unhappy in their daily lives but on social media are living like The Kardashians. I am mentioning those who  go to Hollywood in hopes that they will be discovered by someone and all of sudden their lives will change. The reason why you need to distance yourself from these people is that they have a lot of internal work to do on themselves. What kind of people would seek what so many celebrities run from? The answer is someone who thinks that fame can solve the problems that they are facing in their lives. Which is completely unrealistic. Until people who chase fame learn that they are enough, nothing (including your presence) will be enough for them.

2. Fakeness.

As an Aquarius and someone who was born and lived in New York, fake people annoy me. My growth is learning to deal with these people without being arrogant, stubborn and with compassion and love. However, sometimes you have to love people from a distance and remember that everyone is doing the best that they can. For some reason, people who are fake do not feel like being real is worthy. Which, I cannot relate to. Ever since I was a kid, it pains me to be fake towards someone because I value authenticity. I am learning to distance myself from fake people because they are on their own journey and I don’t need to force them to be on the same journey as mine.

3. Wishy washiness.

We all have that friend, family member or colleague who you can never count on. The one who continuously lets you down by not showing up or being there for you when you need them, despite the fact that you have given your time and energy on numerous occasions. Truthfully, not everyone is a giver- which is okay. It becomes your problem when you let this person do it over-and-over to you, with you being left upset or like you are not worthy. You deserve people around you who show up or make an effort to show up and you are the one who allows this behaviour to continue. Distancing yourself from people with empty promises makes space for people fulfill their promises and are genuinely there for you when they say that they will be.

4. Ignorance.

I truly believe that ignorance is the easiest thing to forgive. However, that doesn’t mean that you have to have ignorant people around you. In general, ignorant people, are not willing to change their mindset. And, who you surround yourself with is who you become. Distance yourself from people who see life through their lens only and open yourself up to people who see life through the lens of many. So that your mind can expand too.

The Playlist of Hope: 10 songs to put you in a good mood.


Here are my ten songs to help put you in a good mood:

1. All Night- Beyoncé.

2. Audio- Sia, Diplo and Labyrinth.

3. End of Time- Beyoncé.

4. Light it Up- Major Lazer.

5. Rise again- Liquideep.

6. I trust you- James Fortune.

7. Make it happen- Mariah Carey.

8. Say yes- Michelle Williams, Kelly Rowlands and Beyoncé

9. On to The Next One- Jay- Z & Swiss Beatz.

10. Just can’t enough- Black Eyed Peas.

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4 Izinto engifisa sengathi ngabe ngazi ngaphambi kokuqala ukuthi ngangihlukunyezwa ngokocansi.

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isithombe kusuka ku-Unsplash


Angikhumbuli okokuqala ukuthi ngangihlukunyezwa ngokocansi; Kodwa-ke, ngiyazi ukuthi kwenzeke izikhathi ezingaphezu kwalokho engingathanda ukuthi kwenzeke. Ngasekuqaleni kweminyaka engamashumi amabili, nganginomqashi ongangibuza ngezinsuku futhi enze imibono mayelana nokuthi 'enhle' wayecabanga ukuthi ngingubani. Kwangenza ngingakhululekile kepha mina, njengabanye abantu abaningi abayisisulu sokuziphatha okunjalo, nganquma ukuthula ngethuba lokuthi ngingase ngilahlekelwe umsebenzi wami.

Muva nje, ngishiye i-yoga studio engangifundisa ngoba ngangihlukunyezwa ngokocansi. Labuyisa izinkumbulo eziningi zendlela lokhu okwenzekile ngaphambili futhi, isikhathi esiningi, nginguye kuphela owabambelela okulungile. Ngishiya kwakuyisinqumo engikwenzile ukuze ngibe nengqondo ecacile, ukuthula futhi ngingasabi yisisulu empilweni yami yansuku zonke.

Njengawo onke, angizisoli lutho kodwa uma ngabe ngingazitshela izinto ezimbalwa ngokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi. Kungaba lokhu:

1. Iningi labantu ngeke likukholelwe ngenxa yezinkinga zabo.

Ngempela ngineqhaza lami elihle lomuntu ongathandeki wesilisa. Noma nini lapho ngikhulume ubunzima bokuthi lokhu kunakekelwa okungafuneki kuletha, ngiye ngahlangana nomuntu ',' akasho lutho olulimazayo 'noma,' okungenani ubonisa isithakazelo kuwe '. Zonke lezi zwi ziyangihlukumeza ngoba ngingaba nesithakazelo, angingeke ngikhononde ngakho. Ngeshwa, abantu abaningi bacindezelekile esikhathini esidlule. Bengathanda ukuba nomuntu omusha noma oguquguqukayo avaliwe ngaphandle kokwenza ushintsho oludingekayo ukuze sithuthuke njengomphakathi. Laba bantu banamathele futhi cishe bazohlala benamathela. Ungabhekeki kubo ububele noma umusa phakathi nalesi sikhathi esinzima, bheka phakathi noma phakathi kwabantu abakhathalela ngobuqotho ngawe kanye nenhlalakahle yakho.

2. Ungamangali lapho abantu bezama ukukutshela ukuthi uhlale uthule.

Emsebenzini wami wakamuva, ngivumela abaphathi bazi futhi, ngaphambi kokuba wazi, amatafula avuliwe kimi. Ngokungazelelwe ubuntu bomuntu ohlukumezayo behlehliswa ukungezwani nami ngigqoke kancane ngenkathi ngifundisa. Ngokweqile, indaba ejwayelekile yendoda ehlukumeza owesifazane, owesifazane okhulumela yena ohlangene nokuphikiswa okujulile. Ngaphambi kokuba wazi, amakilasi ami ayingxenye futhi abaphathi babengabe besakhuluma nami. Babefaka isimiso sokuthi ngihlale ngithule. Nokho, kimi, izwi lami libaluleke kakhulu kunekhokheji. Ngibonga ukuthi ngifundisa amanye ama-studios asekela, enomusa futhi angenzi iphutha lomuntu ukuthola ukunakwa okungadingeki.

3. Izwi lakho liphathelene nezindaba.

Ngasekuqaleni kweminyaka engamashumi amabili, ngangingakholelwa ngempela ukuthi izwi lami libaluleke kakhulu njengami manje. Kubalulekile ukukhuluma ngokuziphatha kwakho nokho indlela ozizwa ukhululekile ngayo. Uma singazizwa sikhululekile ngento ethile noma othile, kubalulekile ukusho okuthile. Yebo, ungase uzinakekele. Noma kunjalo, ungase ubeke abanye amandla okusebenzisana nalo muntu naye. Ungalindeli ukuthi omunye umuntu akhulume ngoba, ngaleso sikhathi, abantu abangu-50 bahlukunyezwa kungenzeka

4. Kungase kube nzima kodwa ukwenze njalo.

Ingxenye eyinkimbinkimbi kakhulu yokuma umhlabathi wami ukuthi abanye abantu engangibizile, 'abangane', babengikholwanga. Ukuntula kwabo ububele, umusa nokuqonda kungikhuthaza ukuqala kodwa kodwa ngabona lokhu njengesivivinyo somngani. Sonke singaba abangane uma sizijabulisa futhi sijabulela izikhathi ezimnandi kodwa, kuthiwani uma kufanele uvume ukuthi umngane wakho kungenzeka ukuthi udlule okuthile okukhudlwana kunalokho owafisa? Uyakholwa yini futhi ulalele? Noma, uzobahlulela futhi uthi bayakufisa lokhu?

Ungase uboniswe ukuthi abanye abantu bazakhela ukungaqiniseki kwabo kanye nokuntuleka kwekhono lokuzimela kuwe. Bavumele bahlole uhambo lwabo. Futhi, ngenkathi benza, qhubekela phambili ohambweni lwakho lobulungiswa nalokho okukholelwa ukuthi kungcono ngoba impilo yakho isesandleni sakho; hhayi abantu abafuna ukukuletha phansi futhi bakugcine ezingeni labo eliphakathi.

10 inspiring quotes by Elon Musk


I’m a huge fan of people who want to leave The World a better place and, Elon Musk is the epitome of this. I am partially biased because I am South African too; however, this man is undoubtedly innovative and truly walks his talk. 


Here are 10 inspirational quotes from Elon Musk:  


1.When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favour.

2. You get paid in direct proportion to the difficulty of problems you solve.’

3. ‘I'm not trying to be anyone's savior. I'm just trying to think about the future and not be sad.’

4. ‘It is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary.’

5. ‘When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.’

6. ‘Any product that needs a manual to work is broken.’

7. ‘Life is too short for long-term grudges.’


8. Patience is a virtue, and I’m learning patience. It’s a tough lesson.


9. Persistence is very important. You should not give up unless you are forced to give up.


10. It’s OK to have your eggs in one basket as long as you control what happens to that basket.

3 Reasons that I left The Entertainment Industry for The Wellness Industry.


Image from Unsplash  


For some reason, I feel like it is finally time to reveal why I left The Entertainment Industry. Although I was born to parents who are both Scientists, my Mother’s extended family is well-known in South Africa for entertainment, particularly singing.

When I was a kid, I would hang out a lot with this side of the family and, because I could sing, everyone know that my destiny was to be a well-known singer. It was my ultimate dream. My Dad gave me the advice to follow Whitney Houston’s route and become a model so that I would get recognized and then I would be able to live out my dream as a professional singer.

I followed my Dad’s direction and I got into modeling. Being a model came with many negatives but it helped me meet a lot of people. My Dad was right! As I pursued my singing career, I began to dislike The Industry because of everything that came with it.

Here are 3 reasons why I chose The Wellness Industry over the Entertainment Industry:

1. I can now be who I really am.

When people ask me why I don’t model or professionally sing anymore, a memory of me being told that I’m fat, short and unworthy by agents and managers comes to the forefront of my mind. I have always been someone who has believed that authenticity is powerful. However, in an industry where standards sell, rebels and authenticity is hardly ever celebrated, it is very difficult to meet people who are game-changers and prolific because most people are concerned with selling and see you as a money-making machine; as opposed to a human-being. When I decided to become a yoga teacher (6 years ago), I felt like I could be myself in front of a big group of people for the first time in my life. I felt home.

2. I didn’t want to contribute to the misogyny and sexualization of women anymore.

I went to some of the best schools in South Africa and my parents spent a lot of money on my education. Furthermore, I came from a family of strong and educated women who are Scientists, Journalists and Entrepreneurs. However, when I would go to shoots or sets, I would be treated like furniture. I went from being able to have an opinion to, people reacting if I spoke a word when I wasn’t supposed to. Unless you have experienced this, it is hard to fathom. It’s hard to believe that in 2019, women are still being treated the way that we are. However, denying that it is a problem will not help us solve this problem. There is undoubtedly a culture of sexualizing women on a grand scale that feeds into the representation of women. That is why it disheartens me when men in The Entertainment Industry only have women who are close-to-naked in their videos, social media and public representation- it would be nice to see interpretations of women who are clothed and beautiful too. Sending the message that a woman is only valuable when she is naked and being used as a prop is dangerous. There is a difference between a Singer choosing to be naked and one who is forced to be, in order to sell. And, as someone who has been in The Industry, I can assure you that most of these women are being forced and pressured to be naked in order to sell in fear of being dropped by their label or a contract.

The Wellness Industry has shown me that women can serve many roles that they create for themselves; not what society has pressured us to be.

3. Health is my first priority.

I can’t tell you how many times I have been offered drugs on a shoot or set and after declining, the person (who offered it to me) refuses to work with me again. I worked closely with a Producer who would try and coerce me into taking drugs and I would refuse his offer, over and over. It got to the point where I felt disrespected because he would make me seem naïve and immature for saying ‘no’ to taking drugs. The ‘party scene’ is a big moneymaker for The Industry and, in general, people who say no to drugs or the party lifestyle are seen as boring, a buzzkill and are often not booked again or chosen to work with on a future project. I gave up needing to prove that I was not judgmental or stuck up for choosing to be healthy and careful about the direction that my life is headed in. Now, I always choose health and surround myself with people who support my decision because that decision is not easy to make, particularly around people who tell you that it’s a dumb choice to make.

3 Things I Wish I’d Known Before I Was Sexually Harassed For The First Time.


Image from Unsplash  


I don’t remember the first that I was sexually harassed; however, I do know that it has happened more times than I would’ve liked it to happen. In my early twenties, I had a boss who would ask me out on dates and make comments about how ‘beautiful’ he thought that I was. It made me uncomfortable but I, like many other people who are victims of such behaviour, decided to keep quiet out of fear that I might lose my job.

In my past, I have left a job where I was being sexually harassed. It brought back a lot of memories of how this has happened before and, most of the time, I was the only one who stuck up for what was right. My leaving was a choice that I made so that I could have a clear mind, peace and not feel like a victim in my daily life anymore.

Like always, I don’t regret anything but if I could’ve told myself a few things about sexual harassment. It would be this:

1. Most people won’t believe you because of their own issues.

I have definitely had my fair share of unwanted male attention. Whenever I have voiced the level of discomfort that this unwanted attention brings, I have been met with ‘he’s just a man’, ‘he doesn’t mean any harm’ or, ‘at least he shows some interest in you’. All of these sayings nauseate me to my core because if I were interested, I wouldn’t be complaining about it. Unfortunately, a lot of people’s minds are trapped in the past. They would rather have the innovator or change-maker shut up than make the changes needed for us to progress as a society. These people are stuck and will probably stay stuck. Don’t look to them for compassion or kindness during this tough time, look within or amongst people who genuinely care about you and your wellbeing.

2. Your voice matters.

In my early twenties, I didn’t really believe that my voice mattered as much as I do now. It is important to speak up for your morality however way you feel comfortable. If we do not feel comfortable with something or someone, it is important to say something. Sure, you might be sparing yourself. However, you might be sparing others of dealing with this person too. Don’t wait for someone else to speak up because, at that point, 50 people being harassed might

3.It might be hard but do it anyways.

The hardest part of standing my ground is that some people who I had called, ‘friends’, didn’t believe me. Their lack of compassion, kindness and understanding upset me to begin with but then I saw this as a friendship test. We can all be friends when we’re having fun and enjoying good times but, what about when you have to acknowledge that your friend might’ve gone through something harder than you wished upon them? Will you believe them and listen to them? Or, will you judge them and say that they wished this upon themselves?

You might be shown that some people project their own insecurities and lack of ability to stand up for themselves onto you. Let them figure out their journey. And, while they do, progress on your journey of justice and what you believe is best because your life is in your hands; not people who want to bring you down and keep you in their mediocre level.

The 10 Best Mantras To Wall Into 2019 With.


Image from Unsplash  


There is so much power in self-talk. Often, how we speak to ourselves shows others how to treat us. If you think that you are not worthy, most people with treat you as such because you probably walk around looking as though you are not worthy. However, if you tell yourself that you are worthy, you most likely portray an image that you are. And, people are most likely to treat you as though you are worthy.

Furthermore, we are vibrational beings and vibration attracts vibration. Positive vibrations attract positive vibrations and negative vibrations attract negative vibrations. Use words to stay in alignment with positivity and the higher consciousness.

There is no time like the present to progress with confidence, positivity and radiance.
Meditate on these 10 mantras at least once a day, for 30-days, and watch your life change:


1. I am love.
2. I am light.
3. I am enough.
4. I am pure.
5. I am true.
6. I am worthy.
7. I am peace.
8. I am stepping into my destiny.
9. I am the observer.
10. I am exactly where and who I am meant to be.