Kaitlin Lawrence is inspiration personified.
I could tell you many good things about Kaitlin Lawrence and one of things is how inspiring she is. Through her smile, energy and love of yoga, she is treasured in our community.
Here are other reasons why she is inspiring:
1.How long have you been teaching?
I started teaching in 2012.
2. What motivated you to start teaching and what have you learnt from teaching?
I was offered an opportunity to teach immediately following my first Yoga Teacher Training. I was terrified, but I kept reminding myself of this quote by Anaïs Nin, “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
3. What is something that you have learnt from a fellow teacher?
Everything! Here are a few Yoga wisdom nuggets that came to mind today:
•Yoga should never be a silent kind of suffering.
•Whatever you practice, you get better at.
• “Work is love made visible”- Kahlil Gibran
•What if you are already good?
4. How many times a week do you practice?
I practice every day, but it varies based on my needs. There are days when I need 2 hot yoga classes in a row and other days when a 15 minute meditation will do the trick.
5. Who inspires your practice?
Anyone who consciously and actively practices self acceptance. Anyone who honors where they have been, where they want to go, and what they need in any given moment. People who let their light Shiiiinnne!!
6. Why is it necessary for you to practice?
I love myself when I practice. The more love I cultivate for myself, the more love I am able to give to others.
7. What message do you like to spread through teaching?
I aim to empower everyone to be their own best teacher.
Also (stolen from a fellow yoga teacher), The yoga postures have so little to do with what they look like and everything to do with how they make your FEEL. If you eventually get your feet behind your head (like a pretzel) and you are still an a**hole, what is the point? You are just an a**hole with a party trick.
8. Where are you currently teaching?
I currently teach private and group Yoga and Meditation classes in NYC. I travel a lot for work so I find ways teach wherever I am.
9. How has yoga helped your character develop?
The yoga has enabled me to start a conversation with myself and distinguish between what my body, mind and soul may need at any given moment. I am now a much better listener and caregiver to myself and others.
10. What has kept you practicing all these years?
Sometimes I get the answers to my questions. Sometimes I get so much more, but reminding myself is a daily practice.
11. What would you tell your self when you started teaching yoga?
Instant forgiveness: If I say “left” instead of “right”, instant forgiveness. Take a deep breath, say what needs to be said, move forward - no big deal. Even now, as a human, when I make a choice that doesn't serve me: Instant forgiveness, deep breaths, move on, new choices - no big deal.
12. What are the best ways to start teaching at a yoga studio?
Show up, ask questions and find ways to be a part of that community. If you want something enough, you can find a way to make it happen!
13. Why is breath so important in your practice?
Becoming aware of my breath has changed my life. The more I practice conscious breathing during challenging postures in the yoga room, the better I am at consciously breathing through challenging situations in my life.
I used to eat food to cope with stress or sadness and now I can take a few deep breaths instead. It can be a game-changer if practiced daily. We can survive weeks without food, days without water, but only seconds (or minutes if you practice) without breath. Breath is our life force!
14. What is your FB name? IG name and twitter?
instagram/twitter: @lawrencekaitlin
Website: www.kaitlinlawrence.com