‘Trust the process.’
Diana Athena is a yoga teacher based in New York City.
1. What style of yoga do you teach?
I am a certified Vinyasa and Traditional Hot (26+2) Yoga Teacher.
2. What is your intention behind teaching?
My number one intention is to share the gift of yoga, to help people feel good in their body. To share my knowledge and to inspire my students to be their own best teacher.
3. Who are your mentors in yoga?
I have started my yoga journey with Sam Chase and Nikki Carter and am currently studying with Jared McCann.
4. What have they taught you?
It would be hard to describe what they have taught me in just a few sentences. But the most important thing for me was to learn to trust. Trust the process. Trust myself. Trust my universe.
5. Please mention a book that you have read about yoga that has had a positive impact on you?
“Freedom & Resolve: The Living Edge of Surrender” by Gangaji
6. What lesson are you currently learning in your Asana practice?
My body is capable of way more than I ever gave it credit for, and most “STOP” signs are in my head, not my body.
7. How often do you practice?
At least 3 times a week, not counting going upside down whenever I have a break or a few minutes to play :)
8. How do you implement the other 7 limbs of yoga into your life other than Asana?
Pranayama and meditation are a huge part of my yoga routine, as well as plant-based diet.
9. Why is being present so important to you?
Living in the future creates a lot of fear and anxiety. Living in past is based on attachment. Being present and fully aware is the only way to see the clear picture and to experience things for what they are. None of us truly knows what is going to happen tomorrow, may as well use today’s fullest potential.
10. How can we keep up with you on social media? What is your IG handle and/ FB name?
Follow my journey on Instagram or FB @DianaAthenaYoga.