5 words that you need to remove from your vocabulary.
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Words carry power, and I've found called myself names I thought I didn't mean, only to find out later that Ididmean them. Because behind every word is intention.
If my intention is to be kind to myself and to others, then I have no reason to use the following words:
1. Stupid
We call ourselves, people and things stupid if they don't do what we want them to when we want them to. Releasing this word from your vocabulary allows you to accept things the way they are. Who are we to judge who someone is? What something is? And when something occurs?
2. Fat
If you're calling yourself and others this word, STOP! This word spreads pure hate. Do you want to contribute hate or love to this world? If you want to be a positive influence in this world, using this word will do the opposite of your intention.
3. Should
If things were meant to be a certain way, they would be that way. If you were meant to be with your former partner, you would be. If you were meant to be a millionaire, you would be one. If you were meant to have different parents, you would have different parents. You are exactly where you are meant to be, and you can use what you have to progress. Wishing things were different from how they are now will stop you from progressing successfully.
4. Hate
It isn't only a strong word, but a word that promotes negativity. Why focus on what's going wrong with your day and life, when you can focus on what's going right.
5. Loser
People have their own routes in this journey of life. Most of the time there isn't a winner and a loser because all of us have something to learn from life. If someone has decided to live life the way that they want to, which may seem bizarre to you and others, you aren't the judge of how and what they are meant to achieve. Have enough respect and consideration for people to let them live life the way they want, without them being fearful of labels and restrictions.