9 Affirmations for the year ahead.

Written by Hali Tsotetsi

Photo from Unsplash

Being positive is a daily choice. For many of us, it requires a lot of practice. And, while we may never be perfect at it, it is worth aspiring to. 

Living through a positive lens makes everything more exciting and rewarding because we learn to be grateful and appreciate what life has to offer us. That doesn’t mean that we shove down negative feelings. 

However, we process our emotions in a healthy manner while understanding that things happen for us and not to us. 

Here are 9 affirmations for a positive year ahead: 

1. I am at peace with how things have turned out. 

2. I live my life for me. 

3. I live with true intentions.

4. I embrace life fully. 

5. I open my heart to love others with vulnerability. 

6. I trust that everything works out for the better. 

7. I am exactly where I am meant to be. 

8. I am grateful to have another life to live.

9. I call on Archangel Michael to protect me from negativity as I face challenges through this upcoming year.

3 Things that I want to remember in 2025.

Written by Hali Tsotetsi. Image from Unsplash.

I have been blessed with 35 (almost 36) years on this earth. I have had ups and downs but overall, I have had a fortunate and blessed life. With the blessings, comes lessons. We cannot have happiness without the juxtaposition of upset, anger and, the full array of emotions while we are on this journey. 

Every year, I hope to become wiser and more learned in life. And, that requires some challenge. Through the challenges of 2024, I have learned some lessons that I would like to carry over to 2025. 

Here are 3 lessons that I want to remember in 2025: 

1. Accept support from people who are genuine. 

I had a tumultuous year in 2024. While I began a new career as an app developer, I suffered severe health problems and ended up in The ER. It was a time when I was reminded of why my friends (of decades) were in my life and how important healthy family dynamics can be. 

As much as I had given support to others, last year I was reminded that I am worthy of support from people who really mean it and are capable of being there for me. Genuine people who mean well for you are healthy for you. They can help you heal in ways you never thought were possible. 

2. Do little things to make yourself happy. 

While The Summer was a challenging time, I emerged out of it with the promise to do little things to make myself happy. I promised to do something kind for myself once-a-week and I fulfilled that promise so much so that I ended the year the happiest that I have ever been. 

I spent the latter half of 2024 by disconnecting from toxic friendships, situations and people while choosing options that helped me thrive. Each day is too promising to focus it on people, things and situations that bring out the worst in you. 

3. You don’t have to keep the peace if it means sacrificing yourself. 

Sometimes we have to work with or deal with people on a personal level that are fake, gossipy, conniving or just plain nasty. It is life. Something that I thoroughly learned from dealing with two particular people in 2024, is that some people will try to provoke you. They will lie about you, gossip about you in your face and, try to tarnish your name to make themselves feel better about themselves. 

They are not at peace with themselves. Their issues have nothing to do with you. Even if they try to push them onto you. You don’t have to be close with negative people just to ‘keep the peace’. You can choose peace and yourself over fake friends or people who want to drag you into gossip and lack of productivity. 

9 Affirmations for the election results.

Written by Hali Tsotetsi

Photography from Unsplash

Whether you are pleased or disappointed with the election results, it has been quite the emotion roller coaster. You could say that it is by design; however, it is normal to feel an array of emotions.

We are human after all and, we cannot be put into one particular box or monolith. The same goes for opinions and ideas.

So, with the results recently being announced, I encourage you to practice compassion and empathy. Because emotional maturity is what we need most.

Here are 9 affirmations for the election results:

1. I stand firm in my beliefs.

2. I listen to others.

3. I practice compassion towards others, whether they agree with me or not.

4. I embrace all opinions; not only my own.

5. I practice daily gratitude for my life.

6. I practice what I preach.

7. I live what I believe.

8. I am open to other opinions.

9. I embrace healthy debate and don’t think less of someone else if they think differently than I do.

3 Ways that I heal my inner child.

Written by Hali Tsotetsi. Image from Unsplash.

As a child of divorce, my inner-child will always remember the years that my parents got divorced and when my father decided to leave and never return. It is a deep wound. But, the great thing about life is that we are constantly healing. 

We may have triggers but having tools and techniques to cope with those wounds can help us overcome and deal with our inner demons. 

Although, I sometimes feel triggered by fear of being abandoned. I use these tools to choose a healthier way of life: 

1. Affirmations.

Every morning, I listen to affirmations. I have done this practice for the past ten years. When I started, I didn’t believe that I was worthy and capable of having a healthy life. I didn’t know a life of self-belief. 

Over time, that has drastically changed. While I still have remnants of that inner-child who feels the need to be validated by others. I remind myself that validation comes from me. That is only something that I can give to myself. Yes, it feels good to receive compliments from others but that is icing on the cake. 

What I believe about myself is the foundation. 

2. By tapping. 

One of my triggers is being ignored by people that I care about. It is a symptom of being neglected and left by the two people that were meant to be there for me when I was a child and needed them. 

Sometimes I will catch myself in relationships and friendships expecting the other person to communicate the way that I do and if they don’t, I feel my inner-child draw up scenarios of being left again and, it can feel horrifying. 

That’s when I sit still and practice my tapping where you tap on different pressure points in the body whilst repeating healing affirmations. It reminds me to be present and validates my feelings. 

3. Different methods of therapy.

While I believe tapping is a method of healing, there are many other forms of therapy. The traditional therapist/ patient type of therapy has become popularized in western society. However, there are many other forms of esoteric practices. 

Reiki, tarot, spiritual guidance, physical activity and yoga have all helped me validate my self-worth and support me in my healing process. 

You don’t have to see a traditional therapist to develop awareness, embark upon your healing process and step into your true worthiness. Sometimes it can start with journaling or with a run in the park surrounded by nature. 

I continue to heal my inner child through different modes of healing and some days I hear her pull me back to a little girl who craves her parent’s attention. Which is when I ground myself, remind her that she doesn’t need to live in fear, is worthy of health and, can let go of the past. 

Dear Inner Child…

Dear Inner Child, 

You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. You can know who you are and trust that you will be okay. 

I’m sorry that the people who were meant to protect and guide you let you down. They were hurt, themselves. I’m sorry that the people who claimed to have your best interest, really didn’t. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t trust again. People can be disappointing and distrustful but they can also be kind, good-hearted and full of love. 

I’m sorry that you have been bullied, hurt and beaten down by people who thought they had power over you. They used it wrongly. Some of them used your innocence to belittle you and taunt you. But don’t let them steal your essence from you. 

I speak to you with love and remind you that you are loved and you don’t need to work for love or prove that you are lovable. Trust in yourself and know that you are lovable, everything else will fall into place. 

You don’t need to be perfect or please everyone. Live your life for your highest self and don’t worry about people who see your imperfections, they are projecting their insecurities onto you. 

Free yourself from the curse of rejection and abandonment by validating yourself and reassuring yourself of what you need to hear in your life. 

Anything you do should not be proof or validation of your worthiness but an extension of your love for yourself and for life.

9 affirmations for a healthy body.

Throughout my life, I have suffered from body issues. I have been extremely underweight and overweight- all while thinking horrible thoughts about this body that gets me through so much. 

Through the evolution of self, I am here today grateful for my body and where it has taken me. When I catch myself being hard on myself and my body, I remember the journey that it has taken me through and how it has been patient with me throughout what I have done to it; it deserves the same patience and love that it has shown me. 

Today, I strive for health: a healthy mind, body and soul for the best life that I can live. 

Here are 9 affirmations for a healthy body: 

1. I am grateful for my health. 

2. I choose health over anxiety. 

3. I lovingly support health in my body. 

4. I feel strong and healthy. 

5. I am open to the most healthy body capable. 

6. I choose how my body feels over how it looks. 

7. I welcome positivity and strength into my body. 

8. My body is a source of energy, healing and light. 

9. My body radiates joy.

3 Ways that I recently learned to speak up for myself.

It was my thirty fourth birthday on February sixth and every birthday, I feel stronger and wiser. Something that I have recently learned is to stand firm in my convictions and moral compass. Which used to be a struggle for me.

During the lockdowns, I learned this lesson firmly that sometimes what you believe in may cause others to ridicule you, doubt you and judge you but, if you believe in something and yourself, sometimes you will stand alone in your belief.

I have gone through a few scenarios lately that have reminded me of who I am and that it is up to me to stand up for myself. Support is nice but I have to be the first person who sets boundaries for myself.

Here are 3 ways that I recently learned to stand up for myself:

1. Don’t continue a relationship with red flags.

I recently met a man who I was thrilled about getting to know. We had chemistry and things seemed like they were going well. Until, I expressed that I was going on a date as I was still single and he showed up to a place that he knew I would be at with another woman, on a date.

Whether this was a game or not, I am not sure of but it was a major red flag. I took a step back from the situation, evaluated it and then let him go. I expressed my honesty to him and set a boundary that I wouldn’t deal with situations like this again.

You might think that I was rushing to judgement about a guy and, that could be; however, I have dealt with enough player energy to know when someone is being sincere and when they aren’t. I don’t hate him and I wish him well. But moving forward, in my life, I am done forcing situations and people that don’t fit into a healthy way of being.

2. Staying away from negative people.

We have all gone through phases where we have surrounded ourself with one or a few negative people. In some cases, I have been the negative person.

When I was a negative person who was in a dark place in my life, a few people distanced themselves from me and I don’t blame them. It wasn’t up to them to be there for me when I was constantly whining and complaining.

People staying away from me when I was in a negative space taught me to change, grow, be more grateful and live in abundance. Something that I can only do for myself. It’s nice to have support but people do not have to blindly show loyalty to me no matter what.

The same goes for others. I have learned to distance myself from the person who is constantly complaining and in a negative space because there is only so much I can do for them. It is up to all of us to make the most of our lives and if someone doesn’t, I am not obliged to be around them.

3. Judgemental and condescending people.

When I left Los Angeles, I was very happy. I felt like I was leaving behind a lot of judgement and hypocritical woke culture.The majority of people that I met there would claim to be for a cause but live life the exact opposite.

Especially as a yoga teacher. Some of the most disturbing things I had seen there were by yoga teachers who would claim to be spiritually enlightened but turn out to practice the exact opposite of what they preached.

Recently, I posted a fake pregnancy picture on my Instagram (for April fool’s day). While it was meant as a joke, I received a DM from the former HR director of Hot8Yoga in Los Angeles. Who (when I worked there) would continuously gaslight me about experiences I had and bully me. I had some serious situations with certain students when I worked there that felt dangerous and when I would express this, she would speak to me in a condescending and rude tone.

So, the irony of her writing me was astounding. I told her that I did not accept her opinion of me and that she wouldn’t continue to bully me. We are entitled to an opinion but there are those people who are constantly judging others when they do not practice what they preach.

If I lived for judgemental people, I wouldn’t live at all because they will always have something negative to say about you and what you will do. I am open to critical feedback but not condescending people who need to find joy in their lives.

3 Things that I wish I had known before I spoke out on a popular yoga studio.

Image from Unsplash

Almost two years ago, I retired as a yoga teacher. The politics started to overshadow my love to teach and I left. One of the main reasons was how the industry is now filled with narcissistic personalities and people who want to be famous and use spiritual teachings as a way to gain notoriety and fame. All while abandoning the fundamentals of being an honest teacher. 

I am not perfect and am learning in life. However, I made it important to have some form of integrity while I taught because I believe that that is what the foundation of yoga is. 

While I still practice, I am no longer interested in teaching and probably won’t ever again. Mainly because what I asked of myself, I didn’t see good examples of around me. In every industry, there is politics and issues that need to be addressed. 

However, I was experiencing sexual harassment, bullying from management and, stalking at levels that I have never experienced in any other industry. 

As I wanted to bring change that I saw was necessary, I was silenced with an NDA and threatened out of being a teacher- which was my ultimate straw and why I left. 

Here are 3 things that I wish I had known before I decided to speak out on a popular yoga studio: 

1. You will be alone. 

I am used to being the only one to speak up about humanity and how things need to change. I have also learned to do it from a place of introspection; as opposed to telling others what to do and pointing the finger. 

While I have often taken on the role of someone who speaks up and acts against injustice; I have learned that (most of the time) I will be alone. In 2021, I found myself speaking to The Director of Human Resources at the yoga studio that I taught for and pleading with them to see my point of view. 

At this point, I had been stalked, sexually harassed and bullied while teaching or working the front desk. I was fed up and tired. I had caught onto their tactic of trying to keep me quiet and decided to file a complaint to The EOCC. I went through this process alone and was rarely helped by anyone and, I found myself betrayed by some teachers who claimed to have my back but then would suck up to this studio on social media. It sickened me so much that I decided to leave and let go of people associated with this. 

2. People will question you. 

After leaving this popular yoga studio, I filed a complaint through The EOCC. I then went through a grueling process of being interviewed with different lawyers who saw me as a money ticket or didn’t believe me. 

To me, justice has never been about money. It has been about holding studios and companies accountable. And, I have decided to tell my story because although people have tempted to silence me, I am not afraid. 

Even though a lot of people have doubted me, I believe in the truth and releasing it is very freeing. 

3. Don’t expect people to take your side. 

I saw a different side to people that I considered friends. When I had reported my issues with a former colleague who had been sexually harassing me, I was told by a manager that there was nothing that she could do. She then proceeded to tell me that there was another popular yoga teacher who was accused of harassing other teachers but was excused because he brought in a lot of money for them. 

Learning this information made me see another side to a lot of people that I worked with. I understood in that moment that most colleagues are not your friends. You can be friendly with them but when something serious happens, they might not take your side. 

When it comes to money (in any industry), most people are defending what keeps food on their table. And, in the yoga industry’s case, it involves people being afraid of being blackballed and having their name tainted of speaking up against a person or company that is renowned. 

Speaking up against toxic secrets and comprate abuse is not for everyone and doesn’t have to be. However, I don’t have to hang around or be in the company of those who choose to act like the toxicity doesn’t exist. 

3 Things that I am currently learning.

Image from Unsplash

I believe with my whole heart that life is about evolving and learning. Who we were yesterday should not be who we are today. As time passes, there are many things that we can learn and grow from. 

Obviously, this should be natural. But, it is imperative for each of us to keep moving forward in order to make our lives better. 

With that being said, life will throw challenges at us and it is up to us with what we do with them. Right now (in my life), I have been challenged to learn a few things. All of which are not easy things to do but are important in order for me to grow and become a better person. 

Here are the 3 lessons that I am currently learning:

1. Everyday is a blessing. 

If I am being fully honest, I admit that I have been taking life for granted these days. Something that I recently realized as I found myself jumping ahead into the future with my plans and, not being as grateful for the present moment. 

It is ironic, yes! But, life is not guaranteed. There are many people taking their last breath or fighting for their lives and I have the blessing of being able to fully embrace a life that is healthy and meaningful. For that, I will always be grateful. 

2. Being sober can be very powerful. 

Every three months, I take a month-long break from drinking. Currently, I am on day 8 of this break and it feels refreshing to fill my body with more liquids that replenish my body; rather than dehydrate it. 

It feels good to wake up with a clear mind and be able to focus my mind clearly without recovering from the night before. 

3. People’s opinions of me are not to be taken to heart. 

I have previously mentioned how I used to write for a very popular blog where I would get slated in the comment section and half of the comments were unkind. This taught me to have a thick skin and not take things personally. 

As I build a platform on YouTube, I am seeing a ton of support. However, I also receive some negativity. Which is normal but can be jarring and effect my flow. 

I am learning that every little thing someone has to say about the content I create or put out is not to be taken so seriously. Feedback is helpful but negativity is not. And, I can always choose to block it out. 

3 crystals to help create serenity and calm in your life.

Image from Unsplash

Being the daughter of a Geologist, I grew up with crystals and stones around the house. Not only did they physically look appealing but I could always feel a certain power that they held energetic powers.

For me, particularly, i aligned with my birth stone: Amethyst. However, through the years, I have learned about more of them.

Here are 3 crystals to help create serenity and calm:

1. Amethyst

As I have mentioned before, I have always connected with this stone as it is my birthstone. Amethyst contains protection powers and can have a calming effect on oneself.

It’s traditional color lavender/purple is associated with serenity and peace. That’s why I recommend having this stone in your house or around you for calm and serenity.

2. Aquamarine

This stone that is named after its color which embodies the sea can also help soothe your emotions. In spirituality, water rules emotions.

Hence, this crystal can help clarify your emotions and maintain serenity.

3. Turquoise

Similar to the stone above, the color of this stone embodies a sense of serenity related to emotions.

It has been said that Turquoise was used by ancient Shamans to help someone heal from trauma and anxiety.

I recommend this stone in your home to bring calmness to it.

*This article is not meant to be taken as scientific fact.

3 Belief systems that I have grown out of.

Image from Unsplash

Growth is a natural part of life and as we mature, hopefully, we are learning more about ourselves and others. With that knowledge, we can decide to take with us what is value and what is not valuable for the next phase of our life. 

Although I am an adult, I never want to stop learning because that keeps me accountable and open to what life has to offer. 

With that openness, I can be transparent about behavior that I have grown out of. Here are 3 belief systems that I have grown out. 

1. A victim’s mindset. 

Having grown up in a post-Apartheid South Africa as a black girl, I was expected to be a victim. And, that’s what I became for many years. I would blame my failures on white people and men. 

This lack of accountability led me down the path of many more failures because I didn’t want to look at the common denominator: me! But, once I did, I could take control of my life and deal with the consequences of my actions. 

I learned to look at how I behave and how I can succeed and not blame it on a particular race or gender. I am in control of my life. 

2. To control the uncontrollable. 

The irony in my former victim mindset is that growing up, I developed severe anxiety. As a child of divorce and being the middle-child, I felt a lot of burden to carry everyone’s weight and found that no one was there for me. Yes, this sounds dramatic but this belief system caused me to want to perfect and control as much as I could. 

Until, I ended up in a relationship that was so disastrous that I had to be honest with myself. I learned though being with him that I cannot control people and certain things. And, that it is not always up to me to fix things. Not everyone and everything is fixable and I need to start healing and owning myself instead of trying to do that for others. 

3. That I have to be married and have children by a certain age. 

When I was younger, I wanted to be a young mother. Now, as time has passed i glad that I didn’t before because I was not ready. I had to release belief systems and heal from my childhood trauma so that I don’t continue cycles. 

One day, I will have a healthy family filled with love and joy. But, it had to take me healing to have that and end cycles of feminine victimhood and toxicity. It’s not as important how old I am when I have children as much as being able to provide them with a financially and emotionally stable environment to grow up in. 

Affirmations for Full Moon in Pisces 2022.

On September 9th, we experienced a Full Moon in Pisces and as the seasons change, this is considered The Harvest Full Moon. 

With the oppositional signs of Virgo and Pisces in full force, we can use this moon energy to expand our lives for the next few days. 

Here are 9 affirmations for The Harvest Full Moon:

1. I am present through my emotions. 

2. I am in tune with my emotions. 

3. I encourage boundaries. 

4. I am alignment with structure and harmony. 

5. I breathe through my feelings. 

6. My emotions are like an ocean that is wild and tame but work harmoniously. 

7. I release anything that has been holding me back. 

8. I face my shadow side without fear but with compassion. 

9. I embrace compassion to myself and others. 

'Get out of the idea of hustle and grind. Think of expansion. ' Tarot Readings for Aries, Taurus and Gemini in September.

Image from Unsplash

*Applicable for Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars and Venus of these signs.


Aries, you are stuck in a hostile situation that you put yourself in. With Mars ruling this Sun Sign, danger can seem attractive to you. This has caused a few people to have their eye on you and have your name on their tongue. 

It doesn’t have to be this way. You can bow down gracefully; without your Ego at the forefront. 

Mantra: I humble myself to learn. 

Taurus: A lot of tension in the air for you, Taurus. You have even been contemplating letting go of a situation or person because you feel too weighed down. I encourage you to open your mind and not be so stuck on a particular goal. Sometimes, what is meant for us will appear in ways that we didn’t expect it. So, release the need to control!

Mantra: I open my mind, body and spirit to the unknown. 

Gemini: Embrace the element of air in your sign. Think of expansion and how you can expand things in your life naturally. A few work projects are on the way but they require a willingness to think in expansive terms. 

Get out of the idea of hustle and grind. Think of expansion. 

Mantra: I am grateful for what I have and that gratitude helps mie expand. 

'Expect a scene because this person can be dramatic.' Aquarius, Pisces and Aries Tarot Readings for August 2022.

Image from Unsplash

*Applicable for Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars and Venus of these signs.


Someone that you left in the past is coming back for you. They are watching you and wondering what happened. It’s almost like you left without saying anything. They want answers from you and will get them very soon. Expect a scene because this person can be dramatic. 

Mantra: I am in alignment with unconditional love. 


You’re learning a big message of life that will serve you in almost everything you do! It involves discipline and sticking to a plan. You have a tendency to be wish-washy but you are learning to own your consequences. 

Mantra: I am responsabile for my life. 


There is a path to freedom that you need to walk alone on. Please be assured that you have everything you need to do it well! There are two ways that you can look at your new venture: like you have to or like you get to. Sometimes looking at things from a lens of gratitude is very helpful. 

Mantra: I choose the path of gratitude. 

'Even if you feel this strong connection, you can also take is slowly. ' Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn Tarot Readings for August 2022.

Image from Unsplash

*Applicable for Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars and Venus of these signs.

Scorpio: There is a clear and strong soulmate connection with someone. This person wants to build with you. The cards represented are The King and The Queen of pentacles. Try to bring balance into this relationship by taking it step-by-step. 

Even if you feel this strong connection, you can also take is slowly. 

Mantra: I build a solid foundation for a healthy relationship. 


Sagittarius, you are feeling like an outsider lately. You lack desire and substance right now. I encourage you to take some walks in nature or surround yourself with nature because you need more grounding. Once you do so, things are going to start aligning themselves in your favor but it starts with you. 

Mantra: I align myself with things that ground me. 


There seems to be a lot of chaos in your life right now, Capricorn. It’s almost like things are going to get worse before they get better. Focus on the positive and don’t let people and things weigh you down. I see you coming out on the other side stronger but you need to manifest it through your thoughts and actions. 

Mantra: I manifest strength and courage. 

'Try to focus on gratitude and abundance; not lack.' Tarot General Readings for Leo, Virgo and Libra August 2022..

Image from Unsplash


Leo’s, happy birthday! Congratulations on another year around the sun. You are conflicted with going after your dream and paying the bills. It seems very difficult right now. Please remember that times like these is when your character is developed. 

Take a step back, breathe and take care of yourself. Then re-immerse with a clear mind. 

Mantra: I put my dreams into actions. 


Happy Birthday to all the Virgo’s in August! May many blessings come to you. 

Virgo, you are being overly critical about your life and those around you. This may isolate you from others and your full potential. You have so much potential that is waiting to be unleashed but it won’t come out by being negative. 

Try to focus on gratitude and abundance; not lack. 

Mantra: I am in alignment with Abundance. 


Libra, there is a new love that is waiting to enter your life but you are afraid of it. You’re often in a love-cycle that involves ambiguity and lack of clarity. This person is going to ask more of you and believe that you are capable of having a healthy relationship because you are. 

Instead of running away, heal them cause of why you want to. 

Mantra: I am healing my shadow side. 

'It’s time to see this as a growing experience and rise above it. ' July Tarot Readings for Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius.

Image from Unsplash

Libra for July: 

You are feeling like you’ve missed out on something big in your life. It looks like a work opportunity didn’t work out how you wanted it to. 

It’s time to see this as a growing experience and rise above it. 

Mantra: I am at peace with failing because it is a teacher. 

Scorpio for July: 

You are at a crossroads to fit into a certain societal mould or to walk your own path that is unique. It is your choice but the path of conforming might leave you feeling like you need more. 

There is a love-partner who is coming to help you walk a unique path. Embrace them. 

Mantra: I walk a path the path that has never been taken before but I don’t walk alone, my Angels and The Divine are guiding me. 

Sagittarius for July: 

It’s time to open your eyes to what the truth is. It seems like you are blinding yourself about a situation and the more you deny it, the bigger it becomes. 

Your instinct is to run but I encourage you to face up to the situation and develop your inner strength. 

Mantra: My Inner-strength is just as powerful as external strengh. 

3 Things that I wish I had known before I started a podcast.

Image from Unsplash

As I get ready to relaunch my podcast, I am looking back at how I could’ve done things better. As with everything, we grow from practice and I definitely grew from that experience. 

Over ten episodes in, I felt the need to stop and reflect because things were not going as smoothly as I thought they would. I am a firm-believer in self-accountability and staying humble no matter what. 

So, it was time for me to be honest with myself. 

Here are 3 Things I wish I had known before starting a podcast:

1. Don’t let people project their issues onto you. 

I had been wanting to start a podcast for a few years  and when I finally decided to do it, it didn’t feel right. I was met with people in the wellness industry who were overly concerned about how they appeared so much that I felt like I was changing my vision to appease them. 

My first interview was someone who I had taken spin class from before. After I saw a post of hers on Instagram expressing her disappointment with a particular company, I wanted to provide her and others a platform to be transparent about their experience. 

Her words about the company were not positive so when she expressed her unhappiness with the title after it had published and claimed it was sensational, I was very disappointed. I am not one to hold onto materials or push an agenda so when she said that I had, I was very upset. 

I defended myself, the name and the reason why I decided to call it ‘The Surviving Series’. It had nothing to do with pop culture but actually an extension of my name which means survivor. I had planned on using that title for years.

But, after she said that, I started to take on her story and blame myself even though that wasn’t my intention. I snapped out of it and promised to not let someone’s opinion of me and my work overshadow my true intention. 

2. Detach yourself from who you interview. 

The second guest that I had on was a BIKRAM yoga teacher who was introduced to me through a former friend. Yes, we stopped being friends after things went South with this guest.  

Before the interview, I had been transparent about the intention of the episode. To focus on surviving teaching after so many years. While we were recording, I noticed that he was advertising his yoga studio and was taking it into a different direction. I started to become tired keeping up with him and his facade that he was putting on for the camera. 

Even though it wasn’t how I wanted it to turn out, I decided to keep it. During the editing( which took about a week), I noticed that he was releasing footage that he had secretly recorded while we were interviewing. I was beyond stunned. 

It never dawned on me that people do things like that and when I started to do research on him and his studio, there were several misconduct allegations and claims of inappropriate behavior against him. I was appalled and disgusted in what I read about him. 

I contemplated never interviewing anyone again but then I decided to separate myself from people’s stories and intentions. I can only set clear boundaries and affirm them when it is time to do so. 

3. Have clear boundaries. 

As I mentioned in the last paragraph, I could’ve set better boundaries in general when dealing with those that I interviewed. A part of me was afraid to do so in case they declined the interview once I had. 

I now know that I would rather not have a guest on my podcast if they are going to be disrespectful to me or my work- whether they decide to continue with it or not. 

Dealing with disrespectful people is no longer a part of my life, professional or personal and I am allowed to make that clear on all sides. 

Cancer, Leo and Virgo July General Tarot Readings.

Image from Unsplash

Cancer Tarot reading for the month of July:

*Messages for Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus and Mars*

Happy Birthday, Cancer Suns! Sending you lots of love and joy.

There is a possible new Love or Love Reunion headed your way. If this is new love, this person might remind you of someone you knew before and, if it’s a reunion, you will have closure or a rekindling about someone in your past.

This person has wanted to reach out to or has but you weren’t ready yet. This has a lot of prosperity if you are willing to have an open mind and heart.

Leo Tarot Reading for the month of July:

*Messages for Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus and Mars*

Happy Birthday, Leo Suns! You’ve made it around another 365 days of The Sun.

There is someone new in your life who has potential to be a long-term partner for life. This will go well if you can let go of your hangups and who you were before. You are shedding your former self and with that comes self-forgiveness. Can you forgive yourself for times when you were at your lowest?

If not, how can you expect to forgive others? Self-forgiveness allows you to forgive others. Vice Versa.

Virgo Tarot Reading for the month of July:

*Messages for Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus and Mars*

You are being called to take a step back from involving yourself too much in other people’s lives and to focus on yourself. There are great things ahead of you so, try to remember that as you walk forward.

It will get worse before better but know that your character is being tested and you will pass if you keep looking forward.

‘Transform their negativity into fuel.’Full Moon in Capricorn General Tarot Reading.

Image from Unsplash

This Full Moon is asking you to walk alone in your journey to success. You might be ridding yourself of negative people and things that tell you that you aren’t capable. If you believe that your dreams are worth it, then get at it! 

The best way to show people that they were wrong about how successful you can become is by becoming successful. 

Transform their negativity into fuel to do better and master whatever you want to succeed at. 

Mantra: ‘I walk this journey of success alone so that it develops my character.’