12 Reasons why I am grateful to be alive today.
Image from Unsplash
It is important to re-centre our minds and focus on positivity sometimes. Particularly, when we feel down. I first started daily affirmations six years ago and, it felt like I was being corny or a phony when I would speak these words of life into me.
I came to realize that feeling this was way was just my Ego. And by speaking Affirmations into my life everyday, it elevates my consciousness and creates a belief system of positivity that is being stored in the muscle memory of my brain.
Here are 12 reasons why I am happy to be alive today (my daily affirmation):
1. I am able.
2. I am alive.
3. I am strong.
4. I have been gifted with another day to enjoy.
5. The sun is shining.
6. My body is functioning.
7. I can open my eyes.
8. There are many more reasons to be happy than not.
9. I have everything that I could possibly need.
10. I am at peace.
11. I am surrounded by love.
12. I am love.