12 Things that I want to give myself credit for (in 2019).
Image from Unsplash
Truthfully, I have felt some disappointment about a few people’s reaction to my honesty regarding what I’ve been through this year. After going through a lot, I noticed a lot of ‘positive gaslighting’ in forms of, ‘don’t worry, things get better’, ‘keep a positive approach’ or, ‘you can do it!’
I know that these phrases mean well; however, I have done the best that I can under these circumstances with the tools that have been given to me. So, hearing what I need to work on when I have poured my heart out, feels like a slap in the face.
I don’t think any of these people mean unwell; I just think that sometimes listening is better than always looking for a remedy. Sometimes, we are so quick to find a solution that we forget about compassion and kindness. There are times when listening is the highest form of love.
As a result of feeling this way, I decided to look within and give myself the credit that I have been looking for outside. Although it would be nice to receive credit from others; if I don’t give it to myself, there is no point in looking to others for it.
Here are 12 things that I want to give myself credit for (in 2019):
1. For leaving a toxic relationship with a healthy body and mind.
2. For getting up everyday.
3. For putting forward effort.
4. For trying to see a silver-lining in most situations.
5. For crying sometimes.
6. For smiling sometimes.
7. For listening to my intuition.
8. For never giving up.
9. For maintaining a healthy body.
10. For my (almost) daily yoga practice.
11. For starting a wellness platform.
12. For reminding myself of what I should be proud of.
What are you giving yourself credit for? Make a list and e-mail it to info@biologiquelife.com to be posted.