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10 Things I am leaving behind with my 20’s as I turn 30.

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I just turned 30. And, truthfully, I have been afraid of leaving my 20’s. I’ve had a lot of great memories and loved having been in my 20’sBut, like with everything else, change is inevitable. Time has to pass and with that, we get older.

It seems silly but moving forward from my 20’s felt like I hadn’t achieved what I had wanted to by the time that I had wanted to. I had always thought that I would have a family of my own by my 30th birthday and the thought of it not happening saddened and disappointed me.

With the support and encouragement of loved ones around me, I came to the realization that things do not equate to time. Turning 30 has helped me rid myself of society, other people’s and my own expectations on to an age, particularly an age that seems to be monumental.

As I release my expectations, I release these other nine things too:

1. BS

2. Drama.

3. Insecurity.

4. Neediness.

5. Desperation.

6. External validation.

7. Toxicity.

8. People who only want to others down.

9. The need to please.