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Dear Men, (seeing the world from a different perspective)

Image by Unsplash

Dear Men

One day you’ll see the world through my eyes. 

One day you might have a daughter who comes home complaining to you that her male teacher looked at her in a sexual way, that she was harassed by a man at a store and no one watching did anything, or that she has been stalked by an ex-boyfriend that she wants nothing to do with. 

You might hear her tell her friends how she doesn’t want to upset her boyfriend by not speaking up even though he disrespects her and makes her feel small. She might come home crying because a drunk man followed her at night and called her a nasty word, leaving her to feel completely defenseless. She could possibly tell you how she wasn’t ready to have sex with the guy that she is seeing but she did so because she was afraid he was going to see someone else and dump her.

One day, you might have a son and you might have to explain to him how to treat a woman with kindness and respect. Will you know how?Would it be based on how you lived your life? Or, an example that you have seen?

You might have a son and have to show him living examples of relationships where there is equality: the woman and man treat one another with the same level of respect. Will you be that example? Or, seek it in another? 

Your son might ask you about your history and how you have treated women in the past, what will you say? He might ask you why there have been movements throughout history of women seeking liberation because they felt oppressed. What will you answer him? And, would you believe your answer? 

He might come home and ask for your advice about a girl/lady that he is interested in, would you feel comfortable enough to share your dating history with him? Or, be embarrassed at how you have behaved towards women in your life? 

I am not here to judge you or tell you that you should live your life a certain way but merely to ask you a question, are you at peace with how you treat the women in your life?