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9 Signs of a narcissistic parent.

Image from Unsplash

We all know one, or a few. I went to a private school for most of my life and they are magnets for narcissistic parents. Those who use their kids for show and lack empathy and compassion towards them. 

You see, many people have children as an extension of themselves and this is dangerous because kids are who they are- an extension of God and not that person; no matter who’s DNA they may share. 

I could tell you personal stories of dealing with narcissistic parents. However, I would like to keep this short. One day, I will elaborate on this. 

For today, however, here are 9 signs of a narcissistic parent:

1. They shame their children in public. 

2. They gloat about how their child has done well. 

3. They compete with their children for attention. 

4. They guilt their children into doing better instead of encouraging them. 

5. If their child(ren) speaks up, they are told to be quiet with no explanation as to why. 

6. They make their children feel unworthy. 

7. They use their children for money or guilt the child into taking responsibility for things that they are too young to comprehend. 

8. They covertly or overtly dominate the child’s life. 

9. They can never take criticism of their parental skills. They respond back with phrases like, ‘I did everything I could for you’, or,  ‘You are ungrateful’, whenever you feel mistreated.