9 Inspirational Quotes by Ralph Smart
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I came across Ralph Smart when I was going through my twin flame journey. I had just moved to Los Angeles and met the person that I had believed would shift my world. The person did but it was a lot of Ralph’s teaching that helped me to see things in a non-attachment perspective.
I learned so much from his teachings and wisdom. So, I would like to pass some of that onto you.
Here are 9 inspirational quotes by Ralph Smart:
1. Connect with those who remind you of who you are.
2. People’s opinions of us will always change, but how we see ourselves will change forever.
3. Words are powerful vibrations, use words to uplift your spirit and heal yourself.
4. We are only alone when we abandon ourselves.
5. Study everything but study yourself first.
6. We live in the world that we are thinking of.
7. Wisdom is power. Wisdom is knowledge applied.
8. You can only give what you have.
9. Go to the place where you find your greatest power.
Quote references:
•a-z quotes
•Inspiring Quotes
• Quote catalog