Dear W, I forgive you.
Image from Unsplash
Dear W,
I want to forgive you. I want to forgive you for acting like a child and pretending to be an adult.
I forgive you for your insincerity and insecurity as I am not sure that you are aware of how your actions have affected anyone else other than yourself.
I forgive you because no matter how many times you say that you will behave a certain way and behave another; ultimately, I am responsible for my own peace.
I forgive you because I am done questioning the outcome of what we are and just want peace.
I forgive you because nothing is as powerful as making a decision to move forward in progress.
As I progress, I do so to heal what once was. They say that forgiveness is medicine and that is why I forgive because whatever has happened between us has left me needing to heal.
I forgive you because everything is falling into place and one day, I will understand why everything has turned out the way that it has. Until then, I will continue to forgive. Forgiveness always leads me to light.