Why do I want to forgive him? The Jay version.

Why do I want to forgive him?
Because he is not a bad person.

I forgive him because although we are incompatible, I know that he has a good heart.

I forgive him because his healing process of past trauma doesn’t depend on me and when I am ready for him to be at peace with his past.

I forgive him because we had great memories that I will cherish and remember; those don’t disappear just because he hurt me.

I forgive him because although I have moments that I miss him; I accept that we aren’t meant to be in one another’s lives.

Forgiveness is giving up the hope that things turned out differently and, I am at peace with the reality of what we have become.

3 Reasons why I will never expose or publicly shame my famous ex.

Although I have spoken (through this blog) about the lessons that I have learned while I dated one of my famous exes, I have made a promise to never betray or extort what we had. 

At this moment in time, an ex that is in the public light, is being ‘me too-ed’ and while my opinions of whether he is capable of being a monster or not is none of my business, I have chosen to stay quiet about what he has put me through. 

Here are 3 reasons why I will never publicly expose or shame my famous ex: 

1. I left with more than I came in with. 

Even though things turned out the way that they did, I gained more than I lost. I admit that he put my through the emotional wringer but I chose what to receive from having him in my life. 

I left the relationship with a deeper understanding of myself and that I will no longer be a ‘narcissistic supply’ to someone who has deeper issues than I am aware of. I can walk away having learned one of the most valuable lessons someone/ something has ever taught me. For that I am grateful.

2. Life is full of choices. 

I have had my moments post this relationship and others, where I have wanted to tell everyone how my former partner hurt me and call them names. Sometimes I have succumb to this temptation; only to leave me feeling bitter and empty. 

This chapter of my life is about healthy choices. Ones that lead to a successful life, that I can be proud of. 

Publicly bashing my ex does not fit into my definition of the type of life that I want to live. I choose health, light and happiness; not bitterness and rehashing the past. 

3. It all boils down to forgiveness. 

One of the reoccurring themes of my life has been forgiveness. Can I forgive my Father for leaving us? Can I forgive my Mother for reminding me of my imperfections? Can i forgive my high school bully for leaving an imprint of insecurity on me?Can I forgive my ex-fiancé for cheating on me? Can I forgive myself for staying in relationships that weren’t healthy? Can I forgive my ex for putting me last? 

The list goes on and on. But, what I do know is that, forgiveness starts with me. It’s easier said than done but the cycle of betrayal and hurt ends when I decide for it to end. I can remind myself and The World of how he promised to be there for me, cheated on me, lied to me, stalked me, wrote songs about me and wouldn’t let me go. But, that is a story of victim hood. 

He is who he is and that is independent of me and my thinking. I can’t change him and so I let him be. I only want to focus on things that elevate my spirit and help me grow; none of that involves betraying someone that I once loved very deeply. 

3 Things that I learned from getting over my past relationship.

Two years ago, I made a very difficult decision: to no longer be in a relationship with a wonderful person. Although I had a lot of love for him, I felt like he had put me second amongst the other things that he had going on in his life. 

And while I was hurt by his lack of effort towards us and me, I do not blame him for what happened. It is all how it is meant to be. And, it has taken me some time to see that. 

During this time, I have had moments of missing him, dreams about him, being angry at him and wishing him well. Ultimately, I have concluded that we were not meant to be but that whoever he ends up with would be very fortunate to have him in their life. 

Throughout this process, here are three things that I learned from getting over a recent past relationship.

1. I am responsible for my life.

Sometimes it is more challenging to let go of a relationship with someone that you still have respect for. It can also be harder to accept any pain that they have inflicted on you. Because in loving relationships, sometimes we hurt others (intentionally and unintentionally). 

It was only until I left the city that we both lived in did I begin to process how much being put in second place (in his life) hurt me. It also brought up past internal emotional pain and led me to choosing myself as a result of seeing that only I was capable of doing so. 

I learned that I had to prioritize my health and my well-being over being with someone who I loved, which was tough but I don’t regret the decision I made. If I had stayed, I would blame him for more responsibility than he should put on himself and that wouldn’t have been fair. 

2. It is okay to mourn the idea of what was supposed to be. 

I remember being on the airplane leaving Los Angeles to Miami and wondering what that meant for us and what we had become. At this time we had already broken up but he was still a dear person to me, in my life.

I sat looking outside the window as we took off and began to cry like I hadn’t cried in a while. I didn’t know that I still had some of those feelings towards him. I didn’t know that I hadn’t fully mourned the idea of us, because he had still been in my life. 

For the first time, I could see clearly a future without him as anything in my life and it was very hard. Throughout the beginning of my healing process, things began to get much better. I did what I had to do to isolate myself from him and what he represented in my life. And, it did get better. While I went through the normal stages of grief, I am glad that I gave myself permission to fully embrace what I needed to in order to heal and move on from the past. 

3. It is normal to get emotional about memories from time-to-time. 

Every now and then, I will see him as a public figure and doing some press. In the beginning, I would flinch when I saw him in an interview or even when his name was mentioned. Then I remembered that I can’t run from him or his face. I will have to see him from time-to-time. 

While I don’t recommend dating anyone in the limelight, it has taught me strength like no other. It has encouraged me to dig deep into my feelings when I see him on a public forum or setting and, to take accountability of my emotions or actions after I have seen him. It has been a catalyst of my recent inner healing and growth. 

If I have any feelings of resentment, anger or sadness when I see him or hear his name, I am patient with myself and internally question if I have moved on from him or what I need to do to be at peace with what I have chosen in my life. 

I believe that I made two great decisions: to have him in my life when I did and, to no longer do so anymore. With all the love that I have for him, I wish him well and send positivity his way. I don’t physically have to be next to him to do so. I accept that I can love him from a distance.

3 of the biggest lessons that I have learned about forgiveness.

The first time that I understood the concept of forgiveness, I had just broken off a toxic relationship and stopped drinking. I had gotten to the point in my life that I needed to do some self-work and introspection. I was tired of blaming my life and my action on others and I chose  to take ownership of my life. 

I began with forgiveness and by apologizing  to myself and others for things I had done. I wasn’t proud of some things I had done and ways I had behaved. I knew that I could do better. 

You might ask what forgiveness has to do with me and why is this so focused on me? Because forgiveness was something I had to (and still have to) offer to myself and others. 

Here are 3 of the biggest lessons that I have learned about forgiveness: 

1. It has the power to heal. 

I had spent a lot of my early twenties bottling up emotions and feelings. So much so, that when I would drink (sometimes), I would unleash inner anger. Even though I had been to therapy and done some work, I had never been brought to my knees enough for me to surrender to The Higher Power. 

Until, I almost got arrested when I was extremely drunk and had just had a fight with my ex-boyfriend. In a miraculous way, The Divine saved me and I made a promise to heal. 

One day, I was sat in a park by Hudson Street in New York City and I wrote a forgiveness letter to my ex-boyfriend. Although I had sunglasses on, I was shedding tears of freedom. I finally found peace in releasing any grudges that I had been holding onto in the past. I was healing years of anger, torment and victim hood.

2. It is powerful. 

If someone had come to me when I was younger and told me that there is power in forgiveness, I would laugh in their face. I had always been taught that power is external, through fight and force. 

Once I began to practice the power of forgiveness, I understood an internal power and inner strength that is rarely taught or understood. One that empowers each of us to let go of what we can’t control. 

One of the most powerful things that any of us can do is be at peace. And, forgiveness offers this to us. 

3. It allows for healthy relationships. 

Many of us are taught that boundaries are being angry and holding onto the past. I used to think that if someone made a mistake in a relationship or misbehaved, I had to leave. Sometimes that is the case. 

But, the shelf life for relationships where there is no room for mistakes, apologies and forgiveness, is very limited. When two people grow together or form a bond, there is bound to be hurt. 

It’s after the hurt that determines character. Whether we are the one apologizing or not, forgiveness allows us to see that person as more than a mistake or someone who is hurtful; it can provide us with nuance about where they have come from and what they have to offer. 

Why do I want forgive him? March 2023

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Why do I want to forgive him?

Because carrying hate toward someone is not worth having for one day. 

I forgive him because although his intent might’ve been to hurt me, it gave me a new perspective. 

I forgive him because while I could carry around and continue to talk about our story and how frustrated I am about it, i release it to God and trust that all is well. 

I forgive him because life goes on. 

I forgive him because no good ever comes from making people suffer or punishing people based on what they have done in the past. 

I forgive him because he is human and as a fellow person, I am not going to judge but instead, wish him well. 

Dear God, I need you...

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Dear God, 

The day has come. A significant ex of mine has moved on and while I am happy for him, a part of me is angry at him.

I want to know why he didn’t fight for us when I wanted him to. I would have appreciated some kind of closure on his end. And, an explanation about some of his odd behavior. 

I have come to accept that it will now come from you so, I am reaching out to you, God. I need you. 

I feel so much juxtaposition about this and although I know it’s for the better and I have already moved on, my ‘thinking mind’ has questions to answers that I know that I will never receive and I am struggling with that. 

So, God, I ask for peace as I move forward with my life. I ask for patience because I don’t want to see anytime with him wasted. Although I feel like I could’ve spent my time on better things than on someone who made no clear plans on our future, I know that I learned a lot from this situation. 

While I am inclined to hate him, I don’t and I ask you for your Angel protection while I continue moving on to the next phase of my life. 

I accept the past and I am grateful for it. I need you to help me stay positive about my future without the person that I saw it so clearly pictured out with. 

I need to be more than okay. I want to thrive and I ask that you help me get there. 

With deep gratitude, 

Why do I want to forgive him? November 2022

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Why do I want to forgive him?

Because anger has no place in my heart.

I forgive him because although I once had high hopes for us, it is better to peacefully release someone and something than for it to forcefully be taken away from me.

I forgive him because there are only so many times that I can rewind and replay a situation that is not doing me any good.

I forgive him because while a part of me wants to hold a grudge against him for the rest of my life; that is not healthy.

As I choose health, I release any anger, torment and anguish that I believe he has caused me and transform into wisdom and clarity.

I forgive him because I clearly see that everything has turned out how it is meant to be. I got way more than I came with and something I received is a lesson that will carry with me for my life.

The lesson is that life is too short to be around people who will play with your emotions and make you feel less than based on how they feel in life.

3 Realizations that I recently made before I let someone go.

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I recently met someone who I had a strong romantic connection and attraction to. It began almost like a movie and I was impressed at how sincere he seemed when we met.

As with all things, time passes and things change. Even though, a part of me wishes that the beginning had stayed in my memory like a capsule that I could refer and smile to when I needed to look back on a good memory.

I’m not sure why meeting and being involved with person has had such a big impact but it has. And, although it did, I have recently had to let him go for various reasons.

Here are 3 realizations that I recently made before I let someone go:

1. Not everyone can stay with you forever.

This is a lifetime lesson that comes to me every now & then and, it hits me the hardest. We all have a tendency to want to hold on tightly something that we view as a treasure. However, I have had to remember that people can be special to us but they have free-will.

People change, grow and evolve. And, sometimes people grow apart. Not everyone will be around forever and it is okay to come to terms with that.

2. The beginning is sometimes the best part.

When I met this man, he approached me strongly in a very romantic way. I was impressed. He left an impression on me because I had been open to meeting someone who was kind and sincere, these qualities he seemed to embody.

Overtime, I saw that a lot of it was a facade and that as time passed he was not as kind and sincere as I thought. Even though we had an amazing beginning, things turned out to not be feasible in the long run- which is okay.

I got great memories and a huge growing experience from this. Sometimes that’s more valuable than a relationship.

3. I deserve to have healthy boundaries.

When things started to go South, I leaned on my inner strength to set boundaries. I began to see that he was telling me things about what he wanted and acting very differently. This is when I took it upon myself to be honest and set boundaries for myself moving forward.

As open as I had been in the beginning was no longer serving me when I didn’t feel safe anymore. We all deserve to feel like we are worth of having the healthiest, loving and reciprocal relationship that we can. If this is not working out, we have a right to let go it or the person that we are having it with.

The 3 new ways of forgiveness that I have learned recently.

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As I have previously mentioned in 2020 , I went through one of the hardest times of my life. Although it was necessary, it was tough and challenge is imperative because ig builds character, endurance and stamina. All of which have made a better me.

A part of that growth process was learning different ways of forgiveness that I didn’t know existed.

Here are 3 new ways of forgiveness that I have learned recently:

1. To forgive and still set a boundary.

In March 2021, I made a tough decision to leave the yoga industry after 8 years having taught. I was burned out, tired and done with all the drama and I’m grateful that I did because I am a lot healthier and feel more whole.

When I left, I decided to make a stand against the injustice that I felt against a particular yoga studio and I was betrayed by people who I had stood up for before, and that hurt the most.

As I moved forward, I had to remind myself to not take it so personally and ask God/Divine/Source for direction in healing and I found that in forgiveness.

2. To channel my anger into something progressive.

The Summer after I left teaching yoga, I was lost. I realized that a lot of who I was and what I identified with was yoga. But, I was so disappointed and disgusted with most people in that industry that it hurt when I remembered different memories over the many years.

I specifically remember listening to Kanye West’s Donda album and crying. Although I had hope for my future, I had to mourn the remnants of the career that I thought I had wanted and come to terms that I didn’t want to and would never teach again.

Although I was angry at some of the people I believed took away my chance to teach, betrayed me and used me, I channeled that into my future and took the lessons that I learned and made the best of it. My life is my life not in their hands.

3. It takes time.

Today, I can say that I have moved forward and am grateful for all the lessons but there was a time when it was hard to see. During those times, I was patient with myself and held on to the hope that I would heal and things would get better.

I hoped for the day that I would no longer be angry or have any resentment towards anyone I used to work with or for (when I taught yoga) and today, I am clear of any negativity to any of them.

As I proceed with my legal acts of justice against how I was treated, I can do so with a clear mind and heart. I can separate my anger and need for right to be done.

9 affirmations for letting go of unhealthy romantic situations.

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I recently met someone that I was romantically interested in and although things didn’t go very far, they are still in my life. It has required me to look within for a balance of strength and compassion to give myself grace in order to let go of what I thought the outcome would be. 

I can forgive myself for expecting more than he was capable of and also let go of romantic ties that came with expectations. 

In addition, here are 9 affirmations I tell myself to let go of this and other emotionally painful situations: 

1. It always gets better. 

2. I believe in unconditional love. 

3. I embody unconditional love.

4. I am worthy of genuine love and respect. 

5. I align myself with healthy relationships. 

6. I deserve emotionally and physically available people in my life. 

7. I choose to move on with my life.

8. Through hurt can come the ability to transform it into lessons and wisdom. 

9. I am love. 

3 Things I wish I had known before I began the process of healing from my last break-up.

Although my recent relationship was with someone who is in the public light, I felt obligated to keep how I felt private. But, now it is time for me to reveal how I feel after having healed from a break up and moving the other side of the country away from the city that both of us were in. 

As with all endings, they can be tough and this one definitely was. I had to walk away from the potential of a great relationship and face the fact that I didn’t have one with him and probably never would. 

Here are 3 things that I wish I had known before the healing process of my last relationship: 

1. Sometimes it’s going to suck. 

When I was younger, I used to run away from my emotions and do anything I could to avoid them. But, the older that I get, the more I have learned to accept them and realize they are there to help me. 

Sometimes it’s easier said than done when I read a headline that says he has moved on and I feel betrayed as though he should’ve fought for us and he didn’t. He never did. When I get emotional about feeling this way, I remember that it will pass and to face my emotions whether I want to admit them or not. 

They will be there to help me heal so I need to embrace them to get to the other side. 

2. You’re going to want to reach out but don’t. 

I have had my moments when I have wanted to reach out to him and just say hi. See how he is and how is life is going but I don’t. Because when I have done that in the past, it confuses the other person and hinders the healing process. 

So, for the first time, I decided to go ‘cold-turkey’ from him and I had my moments when it was hard not to reach out but I am glad that I didn’t. 

Clarity is a compass that invites in new. There is no need for blurred lines when we move forward because that just confuses our intentions and what The Divine has in store for us. 

3. You don’t have to hate him. 

Out of all my past relationships, being with him was one of the most poignant times of my life. While I have many great things to say about him as a person; I also have my issues with how he handled me and what we had. 

I have had my moments when I have been angry, regretted some of it and wanted to erase him from my memory. But then I remember what it feels like to have heart in my heart and that feeling is heavy. 

Both can be true: I can acknowledge how he hurt me and also see the divine in him. Hate is heavy and I choose to live free of internal animosity. No one deserves my peace and my future, especially someone who is in my past. 

Forgiving him.

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Why do I want to forgive him?

Because life goes on. I can’t stay stuck in the past and expect to move forward in life. 

I forgive him because not everyone understands the true meaning of friendship or companionship. 

I forgive him because some messages come in the form of people and can be the biggest lessons we ever learn. 

I forgive him because I know enough about people to see someone for who they really are. 

I forgive him because I can set boundaries but not force people to respect me the way that I have asked. 

I forgive him because I am done carrying the weight and burden of things not working out the way that I wanted them to. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. April 2022. Final edition.

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I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

She has evolved past any hurt and pain.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

She wakes up grateful that she has another day to live.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

She has so much to offer herself and those around her.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

She lives in the present but also acknowledges the opportunities the future can bring.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

She is open to people and embraces connection.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

She has put up boundaries that protect her inner light.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

She listens to her intuition and will never stop dreaming or being aspirational.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

She looks at me the mirror and believes in the person who is in front of her.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

She is done looking outside of her fulfillment and acknowledges the power within her.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

She is at peace with who she is while still growing and evolving.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect- March 2022.

Image from Unsplash

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

He is in the form of someone that I can trust.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

He makes as much of an effort as I do.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

He has clear communication and understanding.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

He is emotionally and physically available to be in a healthy relationship.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

He is free of any baggage from his past.

3 Things that I wish I had known before I ended my last relationship.

It’s been over a year since my last relationship and although we were not romantically involved, I would support him until recently when I decided to choose my health over sacrificing myself for him and what he was going through.
I chose to take some time from him to heal and it has been a process. As with all journeys of transformation, I have learned a lot. Mostly to be patient with myself but other things, too.

Here are 3 Things that I wish I knew before I decided to leave my last relationship:

1. You can love someone and still end a relationship with them.
When I met this man, I strongly believed that he was the one. Honestly, sometimes I think he still is but time will tell if that is the case. He was everything I had been looking for and more. I learned so much from him and grew immensely as a person. I will always be grateful for his presence in my life.
But the time came when I realized that although I loved him, I couldn’t stay in the relationship with him due to his circumstances. It was a tough decision but one that I don’t regret making. You can have all the love in the world for someone and acknowledge that being with them might not be the best or healthiest option for you.

2. There is no need to rush getting over someone.
When I left Los Angeles, I had dreamed of the dating life that I wanted and when I would start dating, I realized that I was not over this past relationship. I had been suppressing how I felt. That it is hard dating after being with someone who meant so much to you.
I was avoiding that I was secretly comparing new men in my life to him and it was not fair to them. So, I decided to hold off on dating until I have processed my emotions and fully healed from my past.

3. Sometimes we don’t know everything but we can still make the most of what we have got.
The main reason that I moved away from Los Angeles was to heal from the past. So many things reminded me of him and I would see his face on billboards and people would mention his name. It was hurtful to be reminded that the person who a lot of people think is a great person actually is and I decided to no longer be with them.
When I got to where I currently live, I felt a sense of freedom that I haven’t felt in a long time. The liberty of being able to heal. While I take it a step at a time, I do not know what the outcome will be but I do know that my better and wiser days are ahead of me and I am focusing on that.

Why do I want to forgive him? February 2022

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Why do I want to forgive him?

Because he came into my life as a teacher and I learned many lessons that I would never take back.

I want to forgive him because I was shown through him that hurt people hurt people and his actions are not personal.

I want to forgive him because forgiveness is freeing and I don’t want to be a prisoner to someone who has hurt me.

I want to forgive him because I was shown (again) to put up my boundaries and stand my ground.

I want to forgive him because I can’t take back the past but I can take the lesson and move on with my life.

I want to forgive him because being angry for any time longer than is needed to heal will stop the process of healing and progression.

I want to forgive him because the situation is no longer in my hands. It is in the hands of God and I am grateful for that.

3 More Things that I have learned about break-ups recently.

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Over a year ago, I ended a relationship because I felt like it no longer became a mentally safe place for me to be. I felt as though I was being put second in his life and it became painful to be in.

Even though it has been quite some time, I was still in the same city as he was and the lockdowns made it almost impossible for me to live there. So, as I have moved, I feel like I can properly heal. I would be lying if I didn’t say that it feels great to be free of him and the prospect of bumping into him- maybe more than I really should.

I’m a true Aquarius and I appreciate and love freedom. And, I felt stifled by his empty promises and energetic bond where he proclaimed we would be together. With this liberty, I can now speak my truth and move forward with love.

Here are 3 more things that I have learned about break-ups recently:

1. Being angry (for a certain amount of time) is okay.

I had promised myself that I wouldn’t get angry at him because I still believe he is genuinely a good person. The thing about life is that sometimes good people can still hurt you and it’s okay to speak up about it.

I was in the shower and it dawned on me that I was actually angry at him for putting me second during the lockdowns and it brought up a lot of my childhood abandonment issues. Where (as a child) I felt like there is always someone else above me who got the love that I wanted first.

Even though I tried to shun this feeling, it was still evident in the fact that I put him first and he didn’t with me. It was my choice and I don’t regret it but I can’t deny the anger that I felt towards him for choosing others over me.

2. Do what you need to do to heal from it.

When I ended the relationship, I was concerned for him because I didn’t want him to end up with a drinking problem again as he was in recovery.

I was more concerned with his well-being than my own. I would pray for him, check on him and send him well wishes because I couldn’t fathom anything bad happening to him or him drinking again.

I am aware that I made that choice and don’t regret making it because I don’t want anything to happen to him and I still wish him the best but it hurts to look back and see all that I did for him and the same was not reciprocated.

So, I took physical, mental and energetic space from him to heal and the process is not easy but is necessary and worth it.

3. The process of elimination is worth it.

After every break-up, I feel a little sense of relief that I tried it and it didn’t work out. Especially in this instance.

I ended a relationship with someone who is one that many lust after and hope to meet and get to know. I did and it was great, the good and the bad.

I learned (again) that just because someone appears to be ideal for a relationship in their appearance, stature and prominence does not mean that they are suited for me.

The person for me is on the way. And sometimes it takes letting go of the fake dream to realize that.

Why do I want to forgive him? December 2021

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Why do I want to forgive him?

Because I’ve been angry at him too many times to count. And now I want to free myself of any resentment that I have felt towards him and his situation.

I forgive him because although I am disappointed in his empty promises, there is nothing left in being miserable about what someone has or hasn’t done.

I forgive him because carrying any pain about us has an expiration date and today is that day.

I forgive him because I am done having any ties to him and our story.

I forgive him because I don’t want to be angry or feel hurt when I see a picture or story of him with someone else on a tabloid magazine.

I forgive him because one day both of us will have moved on and it might hurt for me to find out publicly but it is a truth that I will have to face.

I forgive him because my future is too promising to give to the past.

I forgive him because I am better off here today having been through the lesson of what our relationship entailed.

What it took to get to me- November 2021

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What it took to get to me.

It took accepting why past relationships didn’t work out, to get to me.

It took me being grateful for what I have

To get to me.

It took me listening to gratitude affirmations daily, to get to me.

It took me taking things step-by-step

To get to me.

It took me raising my vibrations

To get to me.

It took me letting to go of the need to convince others that I am worthy, to get to me.

It took me moving on from any of my past romantic relationships, to get to me.

Dear B, thank you…

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Image from Unsplash

Dear B,

You might’ve probably heard or not but I am leaving. A part of me has been afraid to tell you for fear that you will run after me when I already have so much to worry about. How you feel about this has been the last thing on my mind.

It has been selfish of me especially because I think so highly of you and have deep love for you. In fact, the deepest love I have ever felt for anyone has been for you.

I used to think that to end a relationship, I had to be angry but you taught me that is not always the case. And with that, I want to thank you. You have taught me true love and for that I will forever be grateful.

While there is a part of me that doesn’t want to see you with anyone else, I want you to be happy. So, when you meet someone who makes you happy, is kind and gives love back to you the way you have given to so many, I will be genuinely happy for you. I could never stay mad at you for too long anyways. Who could?

I often wonder how someone who has been through so much is so even-keeled and cool about life but then I realize that is another lesson you have taught me, that everything is relative.

I wanted to be the person that you end up with but I’m not and as I leave, I fully let go of the possibility and I release any energetic hold I have had on you.

With all the love I have for you, I wish you the best. You were not ready to be with me and that might be The Divine or another force working against us but I accept our fate and lovingly move forward.

Although I am hopeful about my next chapter, the one that you were a part of will always mean a lot to me and I will always keep that close to me.

I love you, B! Now, from a distance.