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Dear W, (closure)

Dear W, 

I’m not sure what you are holding on to because, I am done. 

I owe it to myself and my future to close this door and to move forward with gratitude and love. I’ve been waiting for you to release me which is not happening so instead of resisting your energy and fighting you, I send you love and let you go. It takes two people to fight and I surrender my sword. You win! You win whatever it is that you wanted to win because I don’t have the energy or time to go back&forth anymore. 

I deserve happiness, joy, respect, authenticity, stability, kindness, love, to feel worthy and genuine reciprocation. You are clearly incapable of giving these things to anyone, including yourself. So, let me go!

I am grateful for every single thing that we went through. I am grateful for the songs that you wrote, grateful for all the times that you made me smile, for when I truly felt your heart and grateful for the painful lessons that you taught me. I’ve wrapped our memories in a box and have decided to bury this box. 

This relationship has taught me many things, one of them that everything that I ask for from others, I must practice myself. So, in the spirit of authenticity and being true, I let go of needing you to let me go and know that I will find freedom in looking forward to my future. 

Sending you love,