Although I am grateful for all the Yogis that we feature, I have a special place for Lindsay as she was my first teacher in NYC.
We have both made way it to The West Coast and I am very happy to be on the same coast as this inspirational yogi. Please, be inspired...
1. How long have you been teaching?
Almost a decade.
2. What motivated you to start teaching and what have you learnt from teaching?
Teacher trainings weren’t what they are now, where there is one in every studio, so teaching kind of happened to me more than anything else in a few life-shaping months after I graduated NYU in my early twenties. I continue to learn from teaching- everyday, each class, I think when you work with people, And I imagine this is true in any field, there’s always something new even though most variables are the same.
3. What is something that you have learnt from a fellow teacher?
Oh wow, I mean everything I know I have learned from someone else. More specifically, compassion from Julia plainine Troiani, San Calvano constantly brain bombs me and displays true courage, dedication from yancy Scot Schwartz, Beth Cooke is fierce in life and friendship, Sarah Blowers reminds me what looking towards the light can achieve. I could go on and on.
4. How many times a week do you practice?
I try for 5.
5. Who inspires your practice?
Who doesn’t?
6. Why is it necessary for you to practice?
So that I can continue to stay curious and participate in This World.
7. What message do you like to spread through teaching?
I aim to provide a platform where it feels safe to develop and follow your own intuition.
8. Where are you currently teaching?
Love yoga, Mota, Rise Hot Yoga, and privately I’m also runnning a 200hr teacher training in January in LA-
9. How has yoga helped you develop your character?
Yoga is a way of looking at oneself and knowing oneself more clearly. It empowers a practitioner to have agency and choice, in my feeling.
10. What has kept you practicing all these years?
The yoga.
11. What would you tell yourself when you were younger, Teacher to Teacher?
Take in one body first, when you’re ready to take in more you will naturally begin to see more.
12. What are the best ways to start teaching at a yoga studio?
Go there! Practice! Be Kind!
13. Why is breath so important in your practice?
Breath is Prana (life).
14. How can we reach you through Social Media?
IG: @lindsayyoga