‘Material wealth isn’t/ shouldn’t be the point of life.’
Mulala Mitchell is a yoga teacher based in Nairobi, Kenya.
1. What style of yoga do you teach? And, where are you located?
I teach Baptiste Power Yoga and my location is Nairobi Kenya.
2. What is your intention behind teaching?
I teach yoga to help people to be able to relax at the end of a long day or at whatever moment of the day it is. My students always tell me about how calm they become after a yoga class and if I am able to help someone stay calm in the midst of chaos then this is all I want to do!
3. Who are your mentors in yoga?
My teachers are Paige Elenson of Africa yoga project, Catherine Njeri of Africa yoga project and Walter Mugwe of both Africa yoga project and Yoga heart Kenya.
4. What have they taught you?
My teachers have taught me that not everything needs to be reacted to. That thoughts become things and so whatever we invest our thoughts into often seems to become a reality and because of this., I cause joy or pain to myself depending on what thoughts I decide to concentrate on! Also that we are all connected no matter our sex, race,religion, we are all one and we experience the same emotions and physical realities.
5. Please mention a book about yoga that has had a positive impact on you?
I am not sure if this can be classed as a yoga book but The monk who sold Hes Ferrari by Robin Sharma has taught me the importance of gratitude, kindness and that material wealth isn't/ shouldn't be the point of life. This is my favourite quote from that book"The secret of life is simple, find out what you love to do and then direct all of your energy into doing it.
Once you do this abundance flows into your life and all your desires are filled with ease and grace."
6. What lesson are you currently learning in your yoga practice?
In my Asana practice, I am learning the truth to the words 'practice and all is coming' meaning if I don't practice I basically lose the integrity of the poses next time that I am on the mat, I lose my grounding. My intention becomes a little bit shaky and this transfers into real life!
7. How often do you practice?
I practice between 3-5 days a week.
8. How do you implement the other 7 limbs of yoga into your life other than Asana?
I implement the 8limbs of Yoga into my daily life by paying attention to the environment am in making sure that I am not being harmful to anyone or anything. taking care of myself, my thoughts and my appearance, meditating every single day and journaling, putting my energy and concentration on positive vibes only , Taking deep breaths whenever I am offended or hurt, this allows for my reactions (if any) to be more thought out and less harmful.
9. Why is being present so important to you?
When you are present you get to experience the life in the now. You get to be more mindful, you are a better listener even in silence. You get to actually see the other person. You see things that you would not normally see.
10. How can we keep up with you on social media? What is your IG handle and/ FB name?
My Instagram name is @mulalamitchell and Mulala Mitchell on Facebook.