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3 Reasons why I have let go of a few people from my past.

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Although I was born in New York, the city of authenticity and innovation, I grew up in South Africa and England. I live in Los Angeles where I feel like I am meant to be here and I could never understand why growing up I never fit in. I just went back to South Africa and I felt like a foreigner. I had the same feeling that I had growing up. I appreciate that place and am grateful for what I learnt there; however, I had a continual feeling there that my opinion is not worthy of hearing amongst peers and social circles. 

When I came back from my trip, I kept asking myself the question of why I felt like I only connected with a few people of my High School circles and peers. Like with any answer, if you are awake, God will reveal the answer over time. 

I have recently gone through a personal awakening which involves lifestyle, career and politics. I had expressed how I felt on FaceBook with a former High School teacher of mine and began to get attacked because of my comment by her and her friends. I had the same feeling that I had felt growing up and expressing my views. 

I didn’t call anyone names and I told a tale of a personal story and what I had gone through in support of a particular political candidate. Which is my human right. 

As the memories came back of when I was a girl and would speak up for what I believed and received tons of backlash. I decided to cut the chord between this group of people and I. Furthermore, any other person who suppressed  my right to speak and say how I feel over the past years. 

Here are 3 Reasons why I let go of my some people from my past: 

1. It was time

I have been very vocal about how I didn’t fit in going to two British Schools in South Africa. The intention behind sending me there was well-intended but it is designed to stifle free-thinking. I am a debater and a free-thinker. I will accept your views with a justified argument as others ought to accept mine. Growing up, I didn’t feel like that this was the case. I spent a lot of time trying to fit in and then giving up because it cost me more energy and time to force fitting in than to be myself. 

I am done with situations and people who require energy to force and fit myself into another person because individualism is about self-expression. If people can’t accept what I am bringing to the table, there is no point in forcing them to. 

2. I deserve people around me who treat me with care. 

I am not a victim but I have had a tendency to let some people dump their issues onto me and I have also allowed a few to bully me into changing my mind about an important issue in my life. But those days are gone. I am too grown and too well-read to allow anyone to sway my opinion anymore. Last year, I made a decision to be open to new ideas but also stand for certain issues, not based on what the masses were doing but based upon my alignment with God and what he intends for me and his children. Because that alignment has always been the best for me. 

If God treats me with me mercy and kindness, there is no need to surround myself with people who don’t. 

3. I choose a life of respect and peace. 

We all have our situations where we argue and even fight but as long as we can understand one another then we are working towards peace. I have learnt that some people do not want peace and respect in their lives, which is okay. But it is important for me. 

It is imperative for me to work towards peace. But, self-sacrifice is not that. It is giving in. I have chosen to surround myself with those who we can respectfully disagree without condescending behaviour towards one another because no one wins. 

We spend so much time chasing the number 1 spot: financially, physically and mentally and we forget that we can be number 3, 10 or even last, and be worthy too as long as we are at peace with ourselves and those around us, not all the time but most of the time. I respectfully release some people from my past because peace is one of the most important currencies in my life. 

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