9 Things that I have learned about anger.

Image from Unsplash

Image from Unsplash

As I have gotten older, my views on anger have changed. I have spent a lot of time being and I was a teenager that was filled with rage and upset.

I healed from that but from time-to-time, I catch myself getting angry and allowing it to pass because I don’t believe in expressing my anger at people.

Although I don’t believe in operating out of anger: sometimes it serves a purpose. It can help us let people know to take us seriously after we have tried other avenues to communicate our frustration.
Amongst my journey with anger, here is what I have learned about it:

1) To be cautious of people who use it casually or are angry on a daily basis.

2) It causes disease within the body.

3) It can fuel ambition if directed at a specific target.

4) It is the cause of many people’s demises.

5) Once we attach ourselves to anger, it is hard to come out of.

6) It is of The Ego.

7) It can ruin a person’s life.

8) It can become an addiction to those who are not aware of the impact they have on The World.

9) If transformed into productivity, it can change The World.