9 Things to never say to someone who has been in an abusive relationship.

Image from Unsplash

Image from Unsplash

I have had my fair share of abusive relationships. Whether they were in my family, friendships or life partners. Although I am not a victim, I have had to heal from these circumstances and often feel like (in some weird twisted way) I went through it to be able to understand and have compassion for others.

To me, life is a constant process of healing. However, many of us do not fully heal from our childhoods because we are supposed to be grateful for the bare minimum that most of us receive from our parents because there are fundamental upholding systems of abuse in all facets of life.

If you have experienced many abusive relationships, particularly from a parent. Please know that you are not the only one.

As we are in the Age of Aquarius, most people will find the strength to heal and do better. With that comes speaking from a place of truth and doing so with conviction. Especially with people around us.

So, if someone lets you know that they have been or are currently being abused, here are 9 things to never say to them:

1. Are you sure?

2. What did you do to ask for it?

3. Why speak out now?

4. Maybe you imagined it!

5. I don’t believe you.

6. Well, why didn’t you do anything about it when it happened?

7. What responsibility should you take about it?

8. You’re being dramatic.

9. Give it time, you’ll be able to forget about it.