3 Ways that we can heal as a collective.
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It is very clear that as a whole, we need to raise the vibration of the collective consciousness. You might have heard this before and wonder what it means. In simple terms, we resonate energetically through vibrations and the lower or higher they are, have an impact on our moods, bodies and general well-being.
It has been scientifically and spiritually-proven that the higher our vibrations are, the more positive we feel and are able to heal mentally & physically.
I used to think that it was about healing as many people as I could but over time, I have learned that I am the only that I can heal. I am responsible for my life and what I choose to put out into The World. And, of course, it’s not always to think like this but we must always try. For no one else but ourselves.
Here are 3 ways that we can heal the collective consciousness:
1. Self-forgiveness.
When I learned the power of forgiveness, it changed my life. I finally got to understand that we don’t have to keep re-creating the past in our heads. That we have the power to set ourselves free from the shackles of guilt and the past.
Although forgiveness is rewarding, we often forget that the most beneficial form is self- forgiveness. Letting go of the hurt we have cause ourselves and others to make space for healing and serenity is a huge prize that many of us have not experienced.
A great teacher of mine, Dr. Wayne Dyer used to say, ‘Feeling guilt will not do anything’. That is why we need to forgive ourselves because, as another phenomenal teacher of mine said, ‘Once we know better, we do better.’
2. By eating mindfully.
Although I was once a self-righteous vegan, I understand that it doesn’t suit my body and something like that cannot be forced. So now, instead of forcing myself to be healthy defined by a label; I do so by listening to the response my body gives me.
Health is not only about exercise and movement but also what is going into our bodies. There is a huge difference in the kind of energy we receive from different foods and this plays a role in the energy we contribute to the collective.
While it is important to notice how we receive our energy, it is also equally significant to not judge ourselves in order to ‘get it right’ because that is negative energy, too.
3. By forgiving others.
None of us are perfect and as the world becomes more divided, I see a lot of judgement, lack of understanding and condescending attitudes openly being expressed to one another.
It is vital to remember that we are human and in this experience, we are not meant to get it all right. So, we must make space for others to make mistakes and learn.
It’s time for us to drop the need to hold others to an unattainable goal with our harsh judgments and expectations through forgiveness or distancing ourselves from those who may be harmful.