What it took to get to me. Part 3

Image from Unsplash

Image from Unsplash

What it took to get to me- part 3

It took sobering up with clarity to get to me.

It took admitting what I had done wrong to get to me.

It took me forgiving myself to get to me.

It took me forgiving people around me to get to me.

It took letting go of what I can’t control to get to me.

It took me looking in the mirror to get to me.

It took me releasing vengeance to get to me.

It took me allowing myself to shine, to get to me.

It took letting go of people who are threatened by me to get to me.

It took me being grateful for every single thing (including things that have hurt me) in my life to get to me.

It took shifting my mindset to get to me.

It took me recognizing what is healthy for me, to get to me.

It took me choosing health and wellness to get to me.