Why do I want to forgive myself.


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 Why do I want to forgive myself?

Because holding grudges against myself is self-inflicted torture.

I want to forgive myself because now I know better than how I did before.

I want to forgive myself because forgiveness is true freedom.

I want to forgive myself because I fell into the trap of feeling less than and unworthy. I am out and I am grateful.

I want to forgive myself because even though I had to learn the lesson again, I have finally learnt that who a man is to the world and how much money he has, does not make him worthy of my love.

I want to forgive myself because freedom is a mental state. It is completely free; all that I have to do is change my mindset.

I want to forgive myself because my previous anger showed me what I needed heal and it might take a lifetime of healing.

I want to forgive myself because today is too precious to hold onto yesterday.

I want to forgive myself because only I can truly hold myself back from this present moment.