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Dear Mr. Could’ve Been,
The last time that I stayed in a situation like this, I ended up hating the other person. You are not capable of being hated and I see so much beauty in you that I have wanted to stay as someone to be there when you needed.
I focused on what I could give you so much that I let go of what you could give me. I need more and I want more. Things that you can’t give me. And I don’t need to demonize you to see that. Your hands are full and I don’t blame you.
It is clear that your journey is not about us and I can’t blame you. One day, you will have enough to give someone enough and it won’t be me. Saying this fights my dreamer side who believed only the best for us because you are so worthy of love and everything more.
But, it is no longer fair to me. I don’t need to hate you to ask you for the space that I deserve, to be with someone who is ready, open and available to plan for us.
I don’t have to hate you to want to be free of you. In fact, it is the opposite. With all the love that I have for you, I release you and give up any fight that I have ever had of the obvious. That you are not ready.
I was afraid to leave you because you are going through a lot and it’s too much for one person to go through alone but it’s time for me to go. There is no future for me here.
I have love for you and I always will but that love has transformed into more of a friendship-love than partnership one because I deserve more. I close the door of having you as my partner and acknowledge you as Mr. Could’ve Been.
We could’ve but we didn’t and I have made peace with that.
Yours truly,