CEO and FOUNDER of Mind•Body•Connection.
BiologiqueLife just launched a wellness service directory that connects wellness professionals, wellness studios and clientele interested in wellness services.
We are so proud of this venture. And, would like to share more about this endeavour with you. Our team asked The Founder and CEO, Hali Tsotetsi some questions about Mind•Body•Connection:
1. What inspired this concept?
Well, I have been teaching yoga for almost seven years and although wellness (as an industry) makes money, most people who choose this professional route are struggling. It’s almost as though we are being punished for doing good in The World.
I wanted to shift this perspective and create a platform that supports people who are creating health for themselves and others.
2. What’s behind the name?
We always talk about the connection between mind&body in this industry but very few embody it. I believe that this is because the wellness industry is separate; however, we should be united. Someone’s wellbeing can thrive if they take care of all aspects of their health; not just practice yoga, not just go to a chiropractor... But, a combination of what that person needs to be at their best.
3. Who is Mind•Body•Connection for?
From a professional standpoint, it is for someone who is a wellness practitioner who believes that they deserve to make money and sustain a career off of creating health for themselves and others. Many of us (in wellness) are not treated well, paid enough or don’t even believe that we are worthy of making the same as someone who works a traditional office job. However, Mind•Body•Connection is here to debunk that. If you believe that you are worthy, invest in yourself first. Don’t wait for others to invest in you, first!
From a client perspective, it is for the person who believes that preventative health will help them live a more full and happy life. Everyday, more and more science reveals to us that taking care of yourself is number one. If we take care of ourselves, we are better off - in the long run.
4. What’s your vision for Mind•Body•Connection?
To build a platform where millions of people around The World can connect because they share a commonality. And, that is to see the world in a better state of being. A World where practicing yoga is just as important as your daily coffee, where visiting a holistic practitioner supports seeing your modern doctor and where people who work in wellness are taken as seriously as a technician, engineer or even a lawyer.