‘How can you fully enjoy a sunrise on a mountain peak if you are already thinking about the next higher mountain?‘

Marcel Clementi is a yoga teacher based in Austria.

Marcel Clementi is a yoga teacher based in Austria.

1. What style of yoga do you teach?

 I teach Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Hatha, Power Yoga and Yin.

2. What is your intention behind teaching?

I want to inspire my students to live a healthier and happier life and to learn useful things not only for the mat but also for their daily life. Yoga is more than just doing the asanas. It’s a way of living.

3. Who are your mentors in yoga? 

Victor Hernandez is the teacher of both of my teacher trainings and a very inspiring, young teacher. Online I like to get new inspirations from Patrick Beach.

4. What have they taught you? 
They taught me that every body and everybody is different – and that’s beautiful. And that the journey of being a good yoga teacher never ends. Continuous studying, growing, practicing and reading is necessary for being an inspiring teacher and person.

5. Please mention a book that you have read about yoga that has had a positive impact on you? 

There are many! But perfectly imperfect by Baron Baptiste and The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle are definitely my favorites so far.

6. What lesson are you currently learning in your Asana practice? 

Currently I am focusing more on the awareness and the body-mind-connection and to deepen my meditation during the asanas. I am practicing more gentle flows and I prefer to hold the asanas a little bit longer. When I started with yoga I saw it more as my daily workout routine. Now it’s my daily meditation routine. My lesson is that the real change is happening inside.

7. How often do you practice? 

 If possible every day.

8. How do you implement the other 7 limbs of yoga into your life other than Asana? 
I am always trying to keep a positive mindset, to be honest and to support others. I take care of myself with my morning routine including meditation, reading and a workout.

But the most important thing for me is, to take my yoga and meditation practice into my daily life. To enjoy a beautiful day in nature, to really listen during a conversation and to be fully present as often as possible. Yoga helps me to live my life more fully.


9. Why is being present so important to you? 

Because if you just plan your future or think about your past, you never really live.

How can you fully enjoy a sunrise on a mountain peak if you are already thinking about the next higher mountain? Or, you compare the moment with the last sunset you saw?

Live for each moment, be happy and grateful and life will offer you more than you can imagine.

10. How can we keep up with you on social media? What is your IG handle and/ FB name?


My Instagram is @marcelclementiyoga

Blog www.marcel-clementi.com

YouTube Marcel Clementi

FB Marcel Clementi