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Dear Body,

Image from Unsplash

Dear Body, 

Thank you for being there for me, particularly when I wasn’t there for you. We’ve come a long way together and after all this time, I am so grateful that you are healthy and that you forgave me for what I put you through before. 

It took me learning how I had been conditioned to look a certain way to break that chain and appreciate you. You stuck around, loving me unconditionally. 

I still have some thoughts of how you can be different but I check myself because I know your purpose. You keep me alive, strong and able to fulfill my purpose. So, I will do the same for you. 

Body, I promise to love you unconditionally. Especially when it is not easy to do so. When I’ve eaten almost a ton of pancakes, over-indulged on some wine and can’t get to a yoga studio or workout that day or the next, I will still love you because we are both doing our best and this journey of life.