3 Sayings that I choose to live by.

As a writer and someone who is drawn to literature and words, phrases and sayings have always resonated with me like nothing else ever could. 

I strongly believe that words carry power and immense significance in our lives and energetic fields. That’s why we must align ourselves with those of encouragement, support and growth so that it can manifest into our lives. 

Here are 3 sayings that I choose to live by: 

1. Behind rejection is God’s protection. 

When I first heard this saying, it was on The Wendy Williams show and at the time I was going through a bad break-up. I had been trying to change him into being who I wanted him to be and he was doing that with me. 

Listening to those words reminded me that someone not being who I want them to be isn’t a reflection on either of us but that sometimes things and people are not meant to be in your life for a reason. And, one day, you will get it. 

Sometimes divine protection comes in the form of a ‘no’ or someone not wanting to be with you. And, it is often for a reason bigger than we realize. 

2. ‘Still I rise’- Maya Angelou. 

Although I never met Maya Angelou, her teachings and life has left a big imprint on me and my growth as a spiritual being. 

As with most of her phrases, I appreciate her humility and compassion towards the human experience. A big part of being alive is overcoming, over and over. 

It is through those times that we learn who we are and create another layer of strength, wisdom and courage. If we believe we can rise again, we always will- an affirmation that I choose to live by. 

3. Life is what you make it. 

I have had the fortune of being surrounded by positive role models on my Father’s side of the family who embody kindness, compassion and seeing the silver-lining. 

In fact, one of my most vivid memories of my childhood was when I attended my (paternal) Grandfather’s funeral and remembered how everyone said how positive he was. It made me want to focus on positivity as much as possible. 

Yes, life will not always be unicorns, butterflies and rainbows but there is always something to appreciate. It’s important to align yourself with gratitude so that you remind yourself it is always there when you need it.