
3 crystals to help create serenity and calm in your life.

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Being the daughter of a Geologist, I grew up with crystals and stones around the house. Not only did they physically look appealing but I could always feel a certain power that they held energetic powers.

For me, particularly, i aligned with my birth stone: Amethyst. However, through the years, I have learned about more of them.

Here are 3 crystals to help create serenity and calm:

1. Amethyst

As I have mentioned before, I have always connected with this stone as it is my birthstone. Amethyst contains protection powers and can have a calming effect on oneself.

It’s traditional color lavender/purple is associated with serenity and peace. That’s why I recommend having this stone in your house or around you for calm and serenity.

2. Aquamarine

This stone that is named after its color which embodies the sea can also help soothe your emotions. In spirituality, water rules emotions.

Hence, this crystal can help clarify your emotions and maintain serenity.

3. Turquoise

Similar to the stone above, the color of this stone embodies a sense of serenity related to emotions.

It has been said that Turquoise was used by ancient Shamans to help someone heal from trauma and anxiety.

I recommend this stone in your home to bring calmness to it.

*This article is not meant to be taken as scientific fact.

3 Crystals that are essential for spirituality.

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The esoteric world is one that I have grown to admire with caution and guides. Among the guidance of Angels and Spirt guides, I have found that crystals can help our spiritual journey in many ways. 

Like with all things, the esoteric would has good & evil and one must be cautious when dealing and handling crystals. 

Here are 3 crystals that are essential for spirituality: 

1. Amethyst

This crystal is often a lilac color and comes in rock form. It is the birth stone of February and is known for energy protection and enhancing intuition. 

Most spiritual teachers will recommend this stone to you along your spiritual journey and with good reason. I recommend keeping it in pendant form on your neck and one in your bourse at the entrance to protect your place of habitat from negativity. 

2. Emerald. 

The crystal of love as it is the same color as the love chakra in Hindu culture. This is the birthstone of those born in May and is a deep green. 

This crystal helps us open up our love chakra and manifest it as a byproduct. 

It reminds that unconditional and authentic love starts with us and the different practices that we implement to stay in high vibrations and abundance. 

3. Turquoise. 

This is the crystal of healing and purification. I have one in a pyramid form that helps me clear my mind of any heavy thoughts and weighty feelings in the body. 

It is turquoise color and is the birthstone of those born in December. 

I recommend having it around in pyramid or pouch form for when you are not feeling well and are in need of a physical or mental 

3 Crystals to enhance your intuition.

Image by Unsplash

Throughout my life, crystals have had a significant role on my spiritual journey. I grew up with them in my house and being interested in their metaphysical and spiritual characteristics.

So, when I began my adult spiritual journey, crystals played a huge role in my healing process. Yes, there are some that heal and others that do many other things. However, understanding them (to me) has been less about a scientific way; rather a spiritual one.

None of this article is scientific. This is about spirituality.

Here are 3 crystals that can help enhance your intuition:

1. Selenite.

A clear crystal which often comes in a wand form has been known for centuries by psychics and those who wish to open up their third eye.

I, myself, sleep with it under my pillow when I am seeking answers to a question that I think archangels and the divine can help me answer.

If you want to be more intuitively inclined, I highly recommend using it yourself, too.

2. Amethyst

My birth stone and a Crystal known for its intuitive properties is, Amethyst. Usually found in a purple/lavender color.

I have naturally always kept this crystal close to me (because it is my birthstone) and I believe it is one of the reasons that I have been intuitively inclined.

To enhance your intuition, keep this charged crystal around you when you sleep and focus on your third eye before you drift off.

3. Citrine

This crystal is usually a variation of yellow and is helpful to enhance your intuition. It is the birthstone of November and also has healing properties.

There was a time in my life when I saw the number 1111 a lot and would keep a pendant of this crystal around my neck. It helped guide me to manifesting and fine tune that inner voice that acknowledges and knows what is best for my highest good.

*Before you work with crystals or enhance your intuition, do so with care and awareness.