new moon in aquarius

'Trust that you know what’s right for you and what’s gotta go' New Moon in Aquarius by Astrologer, Natasha Weber.

Image from Unsplash

SYDNEY: 4:46 pm, February 1st

NEW YORK: 12:46 am, February 1st

LONDON: 5:46 am, February 1st

LOS ANGELES: 9:46 pm, January 31st

PERTH: 1:46 pm, February 1st




This is a new Moon of surprise revelations and unexpected twists and turns - so prepare for change. February’s new Moon in Aquarius explores uncharted territories, tempting you to conquer brand-new frontiers as you explore lush green pastures. Yet, abandoning your cosy comfort zone for the promise of something new and shiny proves challenging if you insist on clinging to worn-out old patterns. Suffice it to say that turning your back on what feels safe and secure will feel a lot like pulling your fingernails off, one by one. Trust me, you won’t want to do it, no matter how stuck you are in a rut. But if your happy place has morphed into a job, person, habit or mindset that’s holding you back from reaching your highest potential. Or worse, sucking the joie de vivre right out of you, La Luna can rid you of this parasitic vibe if you’re willing to play your part too. 


From now until the next new Moon, do something wildly radical! February’s new Moon is ruled by electric Uranus. And because the rebellious planet is travelling through traditional Taurus right now - the sign of tradition, custom and routine - you will get some push back when you attempt to reset.


Trust that you know what’s right for you and what’s gotta go. And then, be brave and step boldly towards a revolutionary new direction.


Self-disciplined Saturn adds to this new Moon's story, supporting you through the separation process as you walk away from whatever’s past its use-by-date. From now on, it's onwards and upwards.

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 About Natasha Weber, the author:

Astrotash, Natasha Weber PMAAAC, MAFA


A self-confessed astrology nerd, Astrotash is the resident astrologer for myBody+Soul,Australia’s #1 health and wellness site. She writes horoscopes for Mamamia and has presented on radio and podcast shows, such as Sivana and Healthy-ish. Astrotash has appeared on Sunrise morning show and is also a guest speaker at the Soul Star Festival.


Motivated to build a bridge between sun-sign columns and the ancient science behind our celestial movements, Astrotash aims to bring deeper personal awareness through the lens of astrology. When she’s not reading the stars, you’ll find her in downward dog, ‘earthing’ in the Australian bush or dancing up a storm at Zumba.


Astrotash is accredited by the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology and a member of the American Federation of Astrologers. Her articles have appeared inThought Catalogue, Out of Office New Yorkand Today’s Astrologer, in addition to international publications across the globe. She continues to research, present and publish, and is an active member of the following astrological organisations:


•          Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology

•          American Federation of Astrologers

•          Federation of Australian Astrologer