Image from Unsplash
What it took to get to me.
It took admitting that I don’t know everything to get to me.
It took listening to some of what other people had to say to get to me.
It took releasing the need to control other people to get to me.
It took me fully comprehending that I can only control myself, to get to me.
It took me admitting that emotions are apart of life to get to me.
It took me understanding what toxicity is, how I play a role in it and asking myself if it is worth having in my life, to get to me.
It took me accepting responsibility of my life to get to me.
It took me forgiving myself and others, to get to me.
It took me setting healthy boundaries to get to me.
It took me practicing what I preach to get to me.
It took me releasing the need to be liked or accepted to get to me.
It took me choosing peace as my anchor to get to me.
It took me making peace with my Ego to get to me.