What it took to get to me. My journey to self-love.

Image from Unsplash

Image from Unsplash

It took being born to get to me.

It took me going to the school that I did, to get to me.

It took me being bullied to get to me.

It took me having an eating disorder to get to me.

It took my father leaving me to get to me.

It took me almost failing a year of High School to get to me.

It took me thinking that I wasn’t good enough to get to me.

It took me working jobs that I disliked to get to me.

It took me being cheated on by my fiancé to get to me.

It took me being lied to and manipulated by some people that I trusted deeply to get to me.

It took me being full of fear and then releasing that fear, to get to me.

It took me learning to stand in my truth to get to me.

It took me speaking from a place of honesty and love to get to me.

It took me reflecting on my mistakes to get to me.

It took me letting go of the need to please others to get to me.

It took me leaving unhealthy relationships to get to me.

It took me distancing myself from toxic cycles and people to get to me.

It took me looking in the mirror without judgement to get to me.

It took me understanding that I am the love that I have been seeking to get to me.