3 Reasons why I am no longer friends with any of my exes.

Image from Unsplash

Image from Unsplash

This year is the first that I am no longer friends with anyone that I used to have a relationship with and I think it’s one of the best decisions that I have ever made.

I have decided to focus on my present and future, leaving behind people and memories that are no longer in alignment with my connection to The Divine/Source/God.

I have been very vocal about a prolific relationship that I had with a famous narcissist that was so extreme that it forced me to take a look at myself and who I was attracting into my life. Although it was a tough experience, I needed it and I am grateful.

With that being said, here are 3 reasons why I am no longer friends with my exes:

1. There is no use in going back.

I am partially a perfectionist and I like to give things my all. It has been to my betterment and to my detriment because many have misunderstood it as needing to be right; however, I just have a need to make sure I did the best I could and what I was most capable of.

That means that I used to have former partners in my life because a part of me knew that I contributed to how things ended and it was my way of trying to make amends with the past. However, I have learned that there is a reason why there are three different words for the past, present and future.

Different phases of our lives are there for a reason. And, my past and present are not the same. It’s time to leave them behind.

2. Relationships gone wrong doesn’t make me a bad person.

When it comes to relationships, I have been out through the wringer. I now see why because it had to do with healing that I needed to go through with regards to my childhood and now that I have, I attract and keep around a different caliber of person.

Before I addressed fundamental trauma, I couldn’t see the patterns that I was recreating that attracted men who felt intimidated by me, were jealous and that were disloyal to me because I didn’t trust my intuition enough to have the clarity that I needed to have solid and healthy relationships.

So, even though I knew a former partner was not ideal for me, I would keep them around in my life and this never really rid my life of the toxic energy that I left the relationship of, to begin with. I can firmly say that I did contribute to most of my past relationships not working out. However, I learned and gained so much from them. I don’t have to keep around exes because I feel guilty or a sense of shame of how things occurred.

3. I want to create space for my future partner.

I believe that I am worthy of love and a partner who is respectful of me and what we will have together. Because of that belief, I do not need to cling onto people who do not believe this either.

As a true Aquarius, I am always willing to release people and things that do not align with my present and my future. If I really want to have a family with someone who is loyal, considerate and respectful then it is up to me to be an example of that behavior and set the precedent so that I am not being a hypocrite but living what I would like to receive.

I believe that I am worthy of a partner who is healthy, respectful and stable. Therefore, I put forward efforts to be the same so that I practice what I preach. I want to create space for the ideal relationship and partner so that when he arrives, he feels welcomed and not haunted by my past.

My new relationship deserves a chance without baggage and the past getting in the way of the prospect of what could be.