Let’s explore holistic health with Rhea Deevine.

For more information, visit: www.DiviniTreeHolistics.com

For more information, visit: www.DiviniTreeHolistics.com

Meet Rhea Deevine! She is the Owner of DiviniTreeHolistics.  DTH is a more holistic and spiritual approach to health, as well as everyday life.   She offers healing through herbal remedies and complete alignment with the physical, energetic and spiritual temple.  She believes that many of us are not aware of the many influences and factors that affect our well-being.  So, she is making it her mission to bring knowledge and better alternative to her community. In the forms of nutritional healing, spiritual embodiment and mental fortitude.   

After battles with pneumonia and other respiratory issues such as asthma and bronchitis, Rhea was looking for new ways to feel better; not only physically but overall.  She was tired of constantly being sick and dealing with waves of things she couldn’t understand.   With no where to start, she began collecting books and trying to change the little things that she ate.  Without a solid foundation or support system, she gave up.  

Regardless of those who didn’t support her or made her feel bad through her journey, she refused to give up on her health and on living a life deserving of my essence.  She started DTH to remind herself of that goal, to circulate her knowledge and offer products that actually work and contain healing properties. Knowing that she can help herself and others be healthier and more wholesome contributes to her journey.  

Through this journey, she began by cutting out the junk foods / fast food , some meats like pork and beef.   Then she started opting out processed foods for more Whole Foods, as well as cutting out dairy. ( which contributed to most of her inflammation) .  She gained knowledge on fasting, eating in rhythm & how it benefits the body and mind. She also started cooking more at home and getting creative with plant based dishes . She didn’t have to change the menu; only the ingredients.  With a new found perspective, She was able to discipline herself in embodying my own teachings and healing.  DTH is an embodiment of that resolution.

*This is not endorsement; it is an opinion. Please see a physician to mantain optimal, particularly when trying new supplements and diet changes.