I tried the Bars Method with Syrita Morgan for the first time. What an incredible experience!

Our session begins with Syrita explaining how it works in a gentle way, with her soft voice. She went through what she was going to do so that it was calming and she had a bed prepared for when she was going to perform Bars on me. To me, it felt like hands being pinpointed on different parts of my head, to clear any blockages.

Syrita’s explanation of Access Bars is, ‘This is a series of 32 points on the head that, when held gently, dissipate the conscious and subconscious patterns of thought that create individual and collective reality. The end result is more lightness, freedom, and possibilities in a recipients everyday life and for the planet!’

The session was just short of an hour because I had a time-limit but Syrita was patient and understanding.

While she was performing Bars Method on me, I felt an energetic shift in my brain, particularly on my temples and crown of my head. After the session, I asked her about why I had felt that and, she suggested that it might be linked to age. Which, is very appropriate, this year I turned 30 and was afraid of getting older until I did. This year, I have been letting go of blocks and limitations regarding age, so this was very fitting.

Following this session, she gave me some tips to drink water and eat sugary or salty foods if I had a headache. Thank goodness she did because an hour after the session, I developed a headache so I drank a lot of water. Syrita’s explanation for why I might develop a headache is because my brain had just gotten a workout and it definitely felt that way. I felt refreshed, particularly the next day when I woke up.

I would highly recommend trying Bars, at least once, because I feel more intuitive. I definitely feel like my intuition has heightened and I have a sense of clarity about the direction that I am headed towards in life. I think this had some involvement in it.

To book Syrita, visit Mind•Body•Connection.

To book Syrita, visit Mind•Body•Connection.