9 Red flags of a Yoga cult.

Image from Unsplash

Image from Unsplash

In 2016, after a long time with a yoga studio as student and then teacher, I decided to leave because it was taking a toll on my emotional well-being. After I left, I realized how abusive it was and began my internal healing; not only with regards to them but how I was susceptible to such behavior. 

I see now that we have systems of abuse held up but this is The Aquarius Age and this is the end of that. As these hierarchies fall, we become more self-autonomous and heal from the inside out. Letting go of the need to be in an establishment just to be amongst people but because these people fulfill us or give us direction. 

I have made a concerted effort to only teach for studios who treat their staff with fairness ; however, I have not always done so. In fact, I have come across many that are not fair. Just because I went through abusive behavior at these studios does not mean that I didn’t meet amazing people along the way. In fact, that is often why a lot of people stay in cult-type places because they have met awesome people or are being manipulated into staying. 

Now that I am free of it and that type of energy, I can tell others how they can spot a yoga cult. 

Here are 9 red-flags (of many others) of a yoga cult: 

1. You put in a lot of work and receive little appreciation or are told you can do better. 

2. You are paid little-to-nothing and/or paid under the table. 

3. You are gaslit a lot with phrases like: are you sure you are experiencing this? It might be in your head. Or, what about you attracts rude or nasty behavior? 

4. There is inappropriate touching between teachers and students. Or, they don’t take sexual harassment seriously. 

5. The Owner is never around or has others punishing people for them. 

6. When you ask questions, you are told that you are being hostile. 

7. You have heard tons of stories of how they have treated others. 

8. You feel uneasy entering the studio. 

9. You are expected to give your heart, soul, body and mind to the studio for nothing in return.