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Want to know more about Chakras? Here you go...

Chakras are energetic pathways in our bodies. There are 7 main ones that are located at the centre of your body, along your spinal axis. This is said to be because your spine carries your energy, flowing up and down your spine.  


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In many yogic practices, we use the chakras to access energetic flows and to help us heal, physically and mentally. Different chakras have different purposes to help you through a physical or mental block. Each Chakra is associated with a sound and colour. Many yogis believe that practicing your Chakra balancing and alignment will alleviate you from illness and help you find spiritual enlightenment.

Here is more about the 7 chakras, from the first Chakra to the last.

•The First Chakra - Colour associated: red. Sound Lam

This Chakra is located at the base of the spine. It is said to be associated with survival. I recommend balancing this Chakra out if you are feeling unstable or financially unstable.

A great pose for balancing this Chakra out is bridge pose. Make sure to contract your pelvic floor, allowing your Chakra to balance out. Hold the pose for  more than a minute and repeat three times.

•The Second Chakra- Colour associated is orange. Sound: Vam.

This Chakra is located just above your groin area. It is said to be associated with sexuality and confidence. I recommend balancing out this Chakra if you are feeling sexually unstimulated or sexually unattractive.

A great pose to balance out this Chakra is pigeon pose or happy baby pose. Make sure to relax into the deep hip stretch so that this Chakra can open and release any negative energy.

TheThird Chakra- Colour associated is yellow. Sound associated is Ram.

This Chakra is located below your belly button. It is said to be associated with confidence and personal power. I recommend balancing this Chakra out if you feel taken advantage of in a situation or feel like you are powerless.

A great yoga pose for this is boat pose. Make sure to keep chest lifted as you pull your belly-button in, towards your spine. This will allow you to strengthen your abs, the abdomen is related to this Chakra.

• The Fourth Chakra - Colour associated is emerald. Sound associated Yam.

This Chakra is located at the centre of your chest, where your heart is. It is associated with receiving and giving love. I recommend balancing out this Chakra if you have been feeling unloved and unwanted by friends and family.

A great pose for this Chakra is camel pose. As with boat, keep your chest lifted allowing your heart to open. Your hips must be stacked over your knees and your back shouldn't hurt, a slight pinch in sensation but nothing more than that.

The Fifth Chakra- Colour associated is royal blue. Sound associated is Shyam.

This Chakra is located at the centre of your throat. It is associated with communication and self-expression. I recommend balancing out this Chakra if you feel misunderstood or having a burning sensation in your throat when you are about to cry.

A great pose for this is camel, again, or a full standing backbend. Remember to keep hips over knees- be safe to your back and don't strain your lower back.

• The Sixth Chakra - Colour associated is dark blue, also known as your third-eye. Sound is Ksham.

It is associated with intuition. I recommend balancing out this Chakra if you are feeling a disconnection between you and your inner-voice and your gut feelings about situations and people.

A great pose for this is salabasana with palms pressed placed at your third-eye. Make sure to have hips over heels. Or, if it hurts, sitting cross-legged.

The Seventh Chakra- Colour associated is amethyst or lavender.

Sounds is Om.

This Chakra is located at the centre of the top of your head. It is associated with acknowledging your connection to your higher self and The Creator or Higher-Being. I recommend balancing out this Chakra if you are feeling purposeless and wondering what your purpose is in this life.

A great pose for this is handstand or headstand. Make sure that you keep your head still in either and see if you can close your eyes once you have your balance to balance out this Chakra even more.