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Unfortunately, we look at as health as having an end date or goal. However, health is a lifestyle. Eating healthily, working out and staying hydrated does not mean that your life will be complete once you have gone a month of being healthy.
No, healthy is a choice! It's a choice that we make when we are done abusing our bodies and realize that what we put into our bodies has a direct effect on it.
If you have chosen to live a healthier lifestyle or are intending to do so, avoiding these words will make it easier to do so:
1. Must
Ever heard the phrase, 'If you can, you must'? Let's emphasize CAN. There has been extensive research that clearly shows that everybody's body processes food and it's nutrients differently depending on blood type, metabolic rate, hormonal health, organ function and activity. Some people are able to go on 3-day detoxes; while others are not. Don't force your body to do something that it is not able to do. Your body wants to work with you, not against you.
2. Starve
As someone who has a history of eating disorders, I know first hand of the effects of starvation. Read this carefutlly, YOU WILL NOT LOSE WEIGHT BY MISSING A MEAL! Please rid yourself of this thinking. You will lose weight by replacing trans fats with healthy fats, replacing unhealthy calorie intake with healthy calorie intake, sugary sodas with water and, many more healthy options.
3. Fat.
Being healthy is also about being positive and affirming yourself. If you are stuck in a mindset that doesn't support you, you are most likely not to succeed. Speak kind words to yourself and you will what an impact it has on you. Yes, we all have fat but no one is fat.
*If you are seeking help on your health journey, e-mail for more information*