Image from Unsplash
I heard a quote last week and it said, ‘There are two kinds of people in The World: real or fake.’- Anon.
Which is apparent currently (most of us are at home) when social media and YouTube clips reveal who is able to sit with themselves in peace and be authentic vs. those who are grabbing at attention and desire validation. You don’t have to be a celebrity to crave attention. Social media is fun but needing validation through it is concerning.
I spent a lot of my life in the hamster wheel of needing to be ‘successful’ and pressured myself into jobs that I didn’t like and surrounded myself with (mostly) people who had the same agenda. 8 years ago, I made a decision to leave that behind and I am very grateful for it. Sure, I would like to own a house and have a few million in the bank but that is still coming. And, when it does, I won’t have to start to get to know myself because I am connected to myself already.
Here are 9 redefinitions of success in my 30s:
1. Being surrounded by sincere and well-meaning people.
2. Feeling loved by myself and others.
3. Being the change that I want to see.
4. Speaking and acting from a place of authenticity; not to please others.
5. Being healthy, mentally and physically.
6. Manifesting dreams that raise the energetic level of consciousness, harmony and kindness.
7. Understanding that my actions create the karma that I will receive in my life.
8. Working hard and smart, not at the expense of my health and well-being.
9. Enjoying my life because it should be lived through, not passed by.