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I’m ready

Image by Unsplash

I’m ready 

Ready to face this World without you. 

I’m starting a new chapter that is mine. 

And, in this book there’s no wrong or right. 

So, leave me to do what I need to do. 

‘Cause I don’t want to do anything close to what you do. 

I’m ready to be free. 

I’m ready to be me. 

So what? You thought you could ruin my plans. 

And, destroy all the emotions that I have. 

I’m so glad that you were mean. 

So that I could see all the things that I’ve seen. 

So, leave me to do what I need to do. 

‘Cause I don’t want to be anything close to what you do. 

I’m ready to face all of my fears. 

I’m ready to be me.