
9 Things I would tell all my Exes if I saw them today.

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I have been single for over a year and it has been splendid. I do see myself settling down and being in a partnership that is sacred, respectful, honest and filled with love. 

As I think back on previous relationships, I am only grateful. Every now and then I get glimpses of the past of memories that leave me with a smile on my face. After it all, I am left with deep gratitude. 

Here are 9 things that I would tell my exes

1. Thank you. 

2. You helped me grow. 

3. You helped me learn how to love. 

4. I am here today and have transformed partially because of you. 

5. You are loved. 

6. I hope you have all the love and happiness you deserve. 

7. May all your wishes come true. 

8. I pray for your health, your well-being and that you continue to choose love. 

9. I’ve forgiven you as I am sure you have forgiven me. 

I forgive him. B.

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Why do I want to forgive him?

Because I have made a decision to not involve myself in petty drama. 

I forgive him because my growth is a choice. The future has so much to offer me and I feel that this universal cleansing is reminding me of that. 

I forgive him because each day is too precious to force ideas and potentials when the present is powerful and worthy of embracing. 

I forgive him because he did the best that he could. I have no animosity towards him; I merely send him love. 

I forgive him because how he dealt with me and us helped me move forward with my life- I had to. 

I forgive him because I truly believe that there is someone for him in this world but it is not me. 

I forgive him and I wish him the best with his life as I do with my own life. We are both worthy of love, whether we are together or apart. 

What my narcissistic toxic relationship revealed to me about what I needed to heal from my childhood.

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It’s no secret that I am dealing with a narcissistic ex-boyfriend who continues to harass me and starve for my attention. To get to me, he has hacked my phone, made a few popular songs about me and has made threats of my financial security without him. *Please read my former love articles to be updated on this romantic relationship.

He will continue to do what he does. I am physically safe; however, his emotionally abuse tactics have left my sanity and well-being threatened.

After I left the relationship, I made a decision to heal whatever needed to heal so that I would not allow this form of behaviour in my life again. In the process of healing, I noticed that I also had a few friends with similar behavior to his. So, I did some research and sought out advice from narcissistic abuse experts who revealed that we often allow abusive behaviour if we have grown up in that environment.

My first thoughts were that my parents were supportive. Sure, they are human but I know that they did the best that they could. Following this thought, I had a plethora of memories of how my older sibling emotionally (and sometimes physically) abused me for many years growing up as a kid and into my early adulthood.

I thought that I had dealt with this person (my family member) by cutting them off and no longer engaging in their abusive ways; but I forgot that the biggest thing that the abuser leaves with the abused is a mindset that they are weak, not enough and should feel guilty for how they feel.

Here are 3 things that have been revealed to me that I need to heal from my childhood.

1. Feeling like I can’t speak up.

Family abuse creates a culture of silence and as though the abused can’t speak up for themself. What elders in the situation often don’t understand or realize is that abuse begins with psychological training of the abused so that they won’t speak up. This is no shade to anyone in my life because I know that I was loved and raised from love; however, when I would let some of older family members know of how she treated me, it was often met with phrases like, ‘that’s your blood’, ‘that’s just the way that she is’ or, ‘I’m sure she could say the same about you.’

This subconsciously trained me into thinking that I couldn’t speak up for myself. I am clearly older now and sometimes still have difficulty being truthful or honest because we live in a culture that silences the abused as opposed to dealing with the abuser. I’m not sure exactly why. However, I am re-learning that my truth is more valuable than keeping people around who try to hush me for it, for my sanity and well-being.

2. We live in a culture that supports abusers.

As I previously mentioned, when I would let some elders know about how my older sibling would emotionally abuse me by calling me fat, inadequate and that I would never be loved, the common response was not to take it seriously. This created a belief system in me that if I was being abused or targeted by someone, ignoring it will help it go away- which is completely untrue. Abusers receive satisfaction from going out of their way to abuse their victims so ignoring it will not stop it- only confronting it will. We are all guilty of supporting some form of abuse and, the most common version of this is bullying. I’ve often heard that bullying is necessary because it makes you stronger; however, when you are being bullied or abused, that is the last thing that you are thinking about. The main thing that bullying does is train the person who is bullied that they are less than and need to make up for it by putting up with unhealthy behaviour because the abuser will leave behind these thoughts in the bullied persons thought system.

3. Abusers are not the same person to everyone.

I was watching a video of emotional abuse by Meredith Miller on YouTube and, she said that the classic traits of someone who is abusive is that they become a different person daily. Not meaning that people have different moods; it is as though you are dealing with a completely different person than you did the day before without doing anything to spark this change. It can make you feel like you are walking on eggshells.

While dealing with my older sibling for many years growing up, I felt like I was walking on eggshells and as though she was a ticking time bomb. In general, when I voiced concern, people would emphasize what she had done for me and as though she would give me so much. But, this is what abusers do: they create a façade to everyone else that they are kind and loving towards their abused so that they can continue their abuse. There are many theories for this but at the core of it is that the abuser needs healing and covering up what they have done or continue to do doesn’t help anyone (including the abuser) because the sooner that they can receive healing, the sooner they can make peace with what has led to them behaving this way in the first place.

*If you or anyone that you know is being emotionally or physically abused, please seek help. Your sanity, livelihood and well-being are too important to put at stake.

Lo que desearía haber sabido antes de salir con un narcisista.

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Hace un mes, corté a mi ex novio. Había llegado al punto en que ya no podía tenerlo en mi vida. A pesar de que habíamos estado separados por casi seis meses y había dejado mi relación, estaba claro que él todavía quería volver a ser mi compañero. Y haría "cualquier cosa" (como lo expresó) para que esto suceda.

Una vez que corté los lazos con él, prometí no hablar más de él ni nada más que las muchas lecciones que aprendí de lo que tuvimos juntos. Ingenuamente pensé que él lo entendería, pero había olvidado que mi ex pareja tenía tendencias narcisistas. De hecho, creo que es un narcisista. * Consulte mi artículo sobre enamorarse de un narcisista en nuestra sección de amor.

A medida que avanzo con mi vida, él está haciendo todo lo que está en su poder para mantenerme involucrado en su vida y su paradero. Sin embargo, como un verdadero Acuario, cuando he pasado de una relación romántica, no hay vuelta atrás.

Sé que no puedo retroceder el reloj, no quisiera. Y prometí no hablar de eso. Sin embargo, creo que debo transmitir esta información a alguien que la necesita.

Aquí hay 3 cosas que desearía haber sabido antes de salir con un narcisista:

1. El amor no es una competencia o una pelea.

Soy una persona muy competitiva y creo en dar lo mejor de mí; Sin embargo, algunas situaciones no son sobre ganar o perder. Especialmente cuando se trata de amar. Cuando comencé a salir con mi ex pareja, él me dijo que me convencería. Pensé que era peculiar porque no estaba interesado en nadie más. Pero, pensó y creyó lo contrario. Si no estaba peleando con alguien que creía que estaba interesado en mí, me pelearía por mi libertad y me preguntaría agresivamente dónde había estado cuando no lo había visto en unas pocas horas. Noté un profundo deseo en él de ganar a toda costa, incluso si eso significaba pelear conmigo en el proceso. Hasta el día de hoy, él todavía está en guerra conmigo y la decisión que he tomado de no estar más con él. Pero eso no es amor verdadero. El amor puro comprende y reconoce que si alguien está hecho para ti, no tendrás que luchar por ello. Proponer esfuerzo y luchar son dos cosas diferentes.

2. Las acciones hablan más que las palabras.

Aunque he escuchado esto decir más de una docena de veces, es difícil comprender lo que realmente significa. En una cultura que pone el romance en un pedestal, es difícil entender si alguien está siendo auténtico en lo que dice o si es para mostrar. Pensé que mi ex estaba presentando acciones por sus gestos grandiosos: escribir canciones sobre mí, publicar carteles publicitarios y proclamar cómo no podría vivir sin mí. Poco sabía, no tenía intención de esforzarse porque eso significaría hacer algo que no giraba en torno a él. Y, con los narcisistas, su mundo se trata de ellos mismos.

Me cansé de escuchar la misma historia de cómo cambiaría, iría a terapia y seguiría adelante con su comportamiento egoísta. Al final, entendí que vale la pena para él y su éxito vivir la vida que él está viviendo. No tuvo nada que ver conmigo.

3. No es personal.

Algunos amigos me han enviado una ruptura muy pública que tuvo con su ex novia hace una década. Anteriormente había evitado leerlo porque no me gusta juzgar a las personas en función de su pasado; Sin embargo, mucho de lo que ella dice que le sucedió es lo que él está tratando de hacerme actualmente. Está difundiendo palabras negativas sobre mi personaje, lo que le hice e incluso me ha deseado la muerte. ¡Suena dramático, lo sé! Porque los narcisistas no pueden manejar el rechazo. He decidido tomar lo bueno y seguir adelante independientemente. Su comportamiento no se trata de mí y si se lo devuelvo, pareceré más loco que él. Desafortunadamente, vivimos en una sociedad en la que cuando una mujer dice su verdad, es horrible, pero cuando un hombre hace lo mismo, es su verdad. No siempre, pero la mayoría del tiempo.

He aprendido que no hay necesidad de alimentar el fuego. Él puede pensar y decirle a la gente que soy la peor persona viva, pero sé en mi corazón que soy un alma amable. Saber quién soy y lo que defiendo es protección contra cualquier forma de negatividad innecesaria.

What it took to get to me-part 4.

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It took me admitting that I am human to get to me.

It took me owning my regrets, to get to me.

It took me forgiving myself to get to me.

It took me forgiving others to get to me.

It took me accepting that not everyone has good intentions for me, to get to me.

It took me setting healthy boundaries to get to me.

It took me accepting that falling is a part of the process, to get to me.

It took me picking myself up (over and over) to get to me.

It took me choosing to believe in myself to get to me.

It took me letting go of people and things that are in alignment with my purpose, to get to me.

It took me admitting that I am no angel to get to me.

It took me realizing that in this human body, my imperfections are a chance to grow- to get to me.

4 Reasons why I will never hate my Ex.


I’ve been pretty open about how happy I am being single and without my former partner. Sometimes, however, we can confuse statements like this as a reason to hate someone or anyone in this World. But, no one deserves that much energy and effort- especially if it’s negative.

I’ve learnt many things about relationships from being in them and from people around me. And, one of the major things that I have learnt is that when you hate someone, they control your life. It is definitely much easier said than done. But, I believe that if I am being asked to be a stronger person, I can and will rise to the occasion.

Here are 4 reasons why I will never hate my ex:

1. Hate is negative power at its height.

It’s easy to hate. I know because I’ve spent a lot of my life hating people for treating me a certain way, thinking a particular way or for just for being different. But, what I have understood about this is that the only person it really affects is The Hater. Hate builds walls, creates animosity and tension. All of which, I would be experiencing if I choose to hate him. If I truly believe in making The World a better place, then it is my responsibility to ensure that I do the best that I can. That involves releasing hate for people who I believe to have done me wrong.

2. He is human.

I believe in transparency and would be lying if I said that his behaviour doesn’t sometimes bother me. Even though his actions towards me are currently vengeful and angry; I still see a human. Yes, I have chosen to not be with him but I don’t have to vilify him like he is trying to do to me. His path is his; mine is my own. If I respond to his behaviour with the same energy, I am fueling it. So, I would rather let it go and move on with my life.

3. I am human.

When we first broke up, I tried so hard to do it in a peaceful way because I was afraid of being seen as mean or evil- especially as a woman. I’ve never been able to be friends with any of my exes and that has affected me. I carried a deep burden that I need to be friends with my former partners because a lot of people that I know can. In honour of this, I bent over backwards trying to appease my recent ex because I was afraid to be seen in a bad light. I didn’t want anyone to label me as the one who can’t keep a relationship or stay cordial with the person that she spent so much time with. He knew this and used it against me. It is water under the bridge. However, I understand fully that I am human and that I don’t have to always be seen in the best light. I have to make the right decision for me and my health, whether anyone else likes it or not. I am okay with people judging me because I am only human and I will not live according to other people’s standards- I am not meant to.

4. Hate is bonding.

If I am truly done with my former relationship then there is no reason to hold on to it anymore. Not everyday is peachy and rosy when I think about him, particularly when it is visible how much negativity he has for me right now because I hear songs that he wrote about me that play frequently. I am not a victim; I can feel what I need to feel and then move on with peace because when we feel extremely passionate (in a good or bad way) we stay tied to that person. I have chosen to release him no matter what he might say or do to me because the past is not worth being tied down to.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

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Image from Unsplash

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

He is in the form of someone who gives me space as much as I give him. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

He understands what a woman goes through in life, as much as I understand what a man goes through as well. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

He clearly communicates the boundaries of respect that he requires without being mean or harsh. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

He believes that I have something unique to offer him and keeps returning for that specialty. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

He has grown enough to understand that some space doesn’t mean distance, it can allow growth and love to flourish.

The 12 Ways that love describes what it is.

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As Sadghuru says, ‘Love is not something you do, it is something you are’. 

Love can be described as many different things but hateful, vengeful and resentful is not one of those things that it can embody. Sometimes when we love someone, we forget what love is and we get caught up in negativity and battles because of our own past hurt, judgements and cloudy perspectives. 

So, I came up with a list of 12 affirmations of what love would say if love could speak. 

Love says:

1. I am pure. 

2. You are worthy of me. 

3. I am not a competition. 

4. I do not equal jobs, money, titles, weight and security. 

5. I require work. 

6. The most of me you will feel, is within yourself. 

7. I am the most powerful force on the planet. 

8. Even though some people resist me, I always win. 

9. I heal and unite people, out of free-will. 

10. If you want to embrace me truly, you have to be honest with yourself. 

11. I do not require domination or control. 

12. Manipulation and I are two very different things.

I’m ready

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I’m ready 

Ready to face this World without you. 

I’m starting a new chapter that is mine. 

And, in this book there’s no wrong or right. 

So, leave me to do what I need to do. 

‘Cause I don’t want to do anything close to what you do. 

I’m ready to be free. 

I’m ready to be me. 

So what? You thought you could ruin my plans. 

And, destroy all the emotions that I have. 

I’m so glad that you were mean. 

So that I could see all the things that I’ve seen. 

So, leave me to do what I need to do. 

‘Cause I don’t want to be anything close to what you do. 

I’m ready to face all of my fears. 

I’m ready to be me. 

Izizathu ezi-4 zokuthi kungani kuyisikhathi sokwakha i-paradigm entsha yobudlelwano ngokususelwa othandweni nasekuhloniphe.

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Isitombe se-Unsplash

Noma ngingumuntu othanda amasiko athile, angiyena fan wokuqhubeka namasiko angabasizi futhi abaqinisayo. Njengomuntu osecishe washada kabili futhi wabuza ezinye izikhathi ezimbalwa kunalokho, ngokweqiniso angiqinisekile ukuthi ngizoshada. Engikulungele.

Isikhathi esiningi lapho ngikusho lokhu ngokuzwakalayo kumuntu othile, baphendula ngokuthi, 'Ungasho njalo!' - kungathi ukungashadi kuyisiqalekiso. Uma ngingowesifazane ongashadi, ngikulungele lokho ngoba izindinganiso zomlingani engifuna ukushada naye ziphakeme. Futhi, uma ngingatholanga umuntu ohlangabezana nalokho okulindelwe kule nkathi yokuphila, ngingcono ngaphandle kwalokho.

Ngisanda kukhunjuzwa ngokwenzeka lapho sihlala futhi sinikela ngaphezu kwalokho esikutholayo, sikhathala. Bengikhathele kakhulu ubudlelwano bami bokugcina, okwamanje, angisakwazi nokukhuluma naye. Umcabango wokumbona uyangixosha. Kepha akuyena yedwa okufanele asolwe. Ngihambisane nemicabango yami nenhlalonhle ejwayelekile ngenxa yesiko. Okungukuthi, angisoze ngakwenza futhi.

Nazi izizathu ezine zokuthi kungani sidinga ukudala i-paradigm entsha yobudlelwano ngokusekelwe othandweni nasekuhlonipheni:

1. Iparadigm endala yobudlelwano ayisebenzi.

Ngaphandle kokuthi uhlala emhumeni, kufanele wazi ukuthi sigcwala kanjani ngamahlebezi osaziwayo noma imibhangqwana eyaziwayo ehlukana.

Ngokwalokho engikubonile nengibonile, ezimeni eziningi, indoda ikopela umuntu wesifazane futhi kufanele anqume ukuhlala noma ukuhamba. Impendulo ejwayelekile kulokho ukuthi, 'Amadoda azoba amadoda.' Yiliphi isiko lakudala. Umbono wokuthi umuntu angakwazi ukuguqula ngokususelwa ekukhulisweni kwakhe awunangqondo. Ngoba uma umuntu emthanda ngokweqiniso omunye, bayovuka babe ngumuntu ongcono kumlingani wakhe noma bavumele omunye wabo obalulekile ukuthi athole omunye umuntu ongeke aqhubeke nokubalimaza. Ngiqedile ukuzwa, 'abafana bazoba ngabafana' noma 'amadoda akopela' ngoba lokho kwehlisa kuphela amazinga wohlobo lwabantu okufanele sifise ukuba yilo. Abantu abahloniphayo futhi badala ukuthula ezimpilweni zabanye.

2.Izindima zobulili ziyaphela.

Akumele ube ongashisi kanambambili ukubona ukuthi umbono wakudala wobudlelwano bendoda nowesifazane awusebenzi. Sake sathengiswa isithombe- somndeni ophelele wendoda sibona owesifazane amthandayo futhi amenza owakhe. Owesifazane ube esechitha ubudlelwane emgcina noma ephoqa ukuthi ashintshe. Lokho kwaba ubuhlobo bami bokugcina. Futhi, engikufundile ukuthi konke kuyisihibe. Kuyindlela nje yokugcina idrama nezinkinga ezungezile ngoba othile uzohlala ecasule enye. Engihlangabezane nakho ngokuba yisimo sothando esinjengalesi, ukuthi izindlela ezilinganayo zilingana. Ubudlelwano obuphilile buthuthukisa ukulingana nenhlonipho, hhayi ukuthi ngubani onemali ethe xaxa, othola izingane, owaziwa kakhulu, owenza okuningi noma owazalwa owesilisa noma owesifazane. Zisuselwa othandweni nasekuhlonipheni.

3. Ukwethemba kufanele kufike ngaphambi kokuvikelwa.

Uma ngikhuluma nabantu abaningi ngobudlelwano, ngiphatheka kabi. Kuyangiphatha kabi ukuthi iningi labantu lingena ebudlelwaneni noma emishadweni lilindele okubi kakhulu futhi lidinga ukuzivikela. Ngake ngaba khona phambilini, lapho ngangesaba ukuthi izinto zizolunga nomuntu engimthanda kakhulu. Ngenxa yalokhu kwesaba, ngizamile ukulawula omunye umuntu ukuthi bazohlala bekhona. Ukudlala imidlalo yengqondo, ukwenza izinto ezingaqondakali, ukuza nokuhamba futhi nokuba nohlobo oluthile lwendlela yokuthola ithuba lokuthola umuntu othile ngoba uma ngikhethe ukubathanda, lapho-ke ngikufanele ukubuyisa okuthile. Lokhu kucabanga kunobuthi futhi kuncike ekubambaneni. Lapho sithanda ukuba nodonga lwethu luphakame, omunye umuntu ngeke akwazi ukungena endlini yethu. Kwesinye isikhathi sibeka izindonga phezulu kakhulu size singaboni nokuthi simvalele kanjani omunye umuntu ongakolunye uhlangothi. Ukunqoba yonke injongo yobudlelwano. Ngeke sithande ngaphandle kokuthembela. Uma kungekho ukwethenjwa, alukho uthando.

4. Ubudlelwano bumayelana nobumbano nokwakha inyunyana.

Ubudlelwano bami bokugcina bungifundise izinto eziningi kepha iningi lingifundise ukuthi uma ubumbano kungeyona inhloso, alikho iphuzu lokuthi uzoba nomunye umuntu. Okungukuthi, kungani ngashiya. Ngithathe isinqumo sokuhamba ngoba ngangizizwa ngingedwa kakhulu kunokuthi ngibe nomuntu. Ngemuva kokuba ngihambile, ngaba ne-epiphany, uma othile engithanda ngokweqiniso, kungani bangafuni ukuba nobunye nami? Futhi, uma kungenjalo, alikho iphuzu lokuba nabo. Ukuba nomuntu akufanele uzizwe sengathi ulwa naye ngokungaguquki, kufanele uzizwe sengathi umuntu okhethe ukuba naye ungasohlangothini lwakho; hhayi empini nawe.

Tengo la esperanza de encontrar el amor verdadero y el respeto.

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Tengo la esperanza de encontrar el amor verdadero y el respeto.

Tendrá la forma de alguien que puede dejar de lado su orgullo.

Tengo la esperanza de encontrar el amor verdadero y el respeto.

Comprenderá que el amor no es un juego porque en los juegos siempre hay un perdedor. Sin embargo, en el amor, las personas deben elevarse mutuamente.

Tengo la esperanza de encontrar el amor verdadero y el respeto.

Ahora más que nunca creo que soy digno de ello.

Tengo la esperanza de encontrar el amor verdadero y el respeto. Él me verá como un igual: no biológicamente, financieramente, materialista o emocionalmente. Pero soy su igual con respeto, consideración y amabilidad.

Tengo la esperanza de encontrar el amor verdadero y el respeto.

Se arruinará porque es humano. Pero cuando lo haga, se disculpará, igual que yo haré lo mismo.

Tengo la esperanza de encontrar el amor verdadero y el respeto.

Él ha puesto los juegos y juguetes infantiles para descansar y está listo para crear un reino (conmigo) que prospere.

Tengo la esperanza de encontrar el amor verdadero y el respeto. Él respeta mi espacio y tiempo suficiente para dejar de lado la necesidad de ser lo que la sociedad dice que un hombre debería ser. Él trata a las mujeres con respeto.

Tengo la esperanza de encontrar el amor verdadero y el respeto. Él se respeta a sí mismo, primero, y por lo tanto puede respetar a los demás también. Él entiende que el respeto no se da sino que se gana.

Tengo la esperanza de encontrar el amor verdadero y el respeto. Él está trabajando, tan duro como yo, para hacer de este mundo un lugar mejor para sus hijos, seres queridos y las generaciones venideras.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

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I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

He will be in the form of someone who can let go of his pride. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

He will understand that love isn’t a game because in games, there is always a loser. However, in love, people should lift each other up. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

I believe now more than ever that I am worthy of it. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. He will see me as an equal: not biologically, financially, materialistically or emotionally. But I am his equal with respect, consideration and kindness. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

He will mess up because he is human. But when he does, he will apologize- just as I will do the same. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

He has laid the childish games and toys to rest and is ready to create a kingdom (with me) that thrives. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. He respects my space and time enough to let go of the need to be what society says a man should be. He treats women with respect. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. He respects himself, first, and can therefore respect others as well. He understands respect is not given but earned. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. He is working, just as hard as I am, to make this World a better place for his children, loved ones and generations to come. 

Forgive him

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Image by Getty Images

Why do I want to forgive him?

 Because it is not healthy to hold onto anger. I want to forgive him because I am tired of questioning why he hasn't responded or put forward actions, instead of merely talking. I want to forgive him because I am tired of feeling rejected and he doesn't have as much power in my life as I have previously given him. 

I want to forgive him because he is not a bad person- merely human and, just like I, he has issues. I want to forgive him because it is the best way to move forward from this. I want to forgive him because I cannot force him to change, I cannot re-write the past and I don't want to. I learnt so much about life and loving, which is even more reason for me to forgive as I am grateful and pleased with the outcome.

I want to forgive him because my next chapter is too promising to be ruined by feelings of bitterness, worry and uncertainty. I want to forgive him because I am certain that I deserve a love that is not heavily burdened by insecurities; that reassures us when we are not sure. 

I want to forgive him because I cannot force the truth. It is not forced or jaded. I want to forgive him because he has served his purpose in my life, it may not have been how I wanted it but I am here. I am here to forgive because there is nothing more beneficial.