3 Crystals that are essential for spirituality.

Image from Unsplash

The esoteric world is one that I have grown to admire with caution and guides. Among the guidance of Angels and Spirt guides, I have found that crystals can help our spiritual journey in many ways. 

Like with all things, the esoteric would has good & evil and one must be cautious when dealing and handling crystals. 

Here are 3 crystals that are essential for spirituality: 

1. Amethyst

This crystal is often a lilac color and comes in rock form. It is the birth stone of February and is known for energy protection and enhancing intuition. 

Most spiritual teachers will recommend this stone to you along your spiritual journey and with good reason. I recommend keeping it in pendant form on your neck and one in your bourse at the entrance to protect your place of habitat from negativity. 

2. Emerald. 

The crystal of love as it is the same color as the love chakra in Hindu culture. This is the birthstone of those born in May and is a deep green. 

This crystal helps us open up our love chakra and manifest it as a byproduct. 

It reminds that unconditional and authentic love starts with us and the different practices that we implement to stay in high vibrations and abundance. 

3. Turquoise. 

This is the crystal of healing and purification. I have one in a pyramid form that helps me clear my mind of any heavy thoughts and weighty feelings in the body. 

It is turquoise color and is the birthstone of those born in December. 

I recommend having it around in pyramid or pouch form for when you are not feeling well and are in need of a physical or mental 

3 Things that I remember during tough times.

Image from Unsplash

I am always grateful for times of struggle as much as I am for the fun times. Both are necessary to live a balanced life. 

When we go through challenging things in our lives, that is when we become stronger, build character and can learn so much about ourselves. I believe, that that is why difficulty exists and it’s up to us to make the most of it. 

Here are 3 Things that I like to remember when things get tough: 

1. Strength is for those who are willing. 

We can spend all day and all night dwindling on how things could be different but, real change comes when we take action. 

Strength comes from doing things that make us stronger; not by wishing things away. We have to go through challenges to come out on the other side with a different belief system, physique or mentality. 

2. Running away from problems will not solve them. 

As a child of divorce, I learned earlier in my life to run away from things that were too painful or that made me uncomfortable. A huge teacher of mine when it came to facing myself and problems was yoga- particularly Bikram Yoga. 

When I used to practice consistently, I learned to see what I needed to in order to progress in life. Not all of us have Yoga but whatever physical discipline allows you to face up to something challenging and not run from it will teach you to do that in your life. 

3. Tough times will always be in our lives. 

We have a negative connotation when it comes to dealing with challenges or difficulty. Many of us have been programmed to think of them as negative or bad. 

Over the years, I have come to truly understand how having a positively realistic attitude when dealing with our issues can help us overcome them. I’m not saying that we pretend that they don’t exist but seeing them as gifts sent to us to become better, stronger and more knowledgeable in whatever way applies to the particular situation. 

9 Ways to cleanse your energy.

Have you ever walked into a room and felt like the energy is off? Or, when you left someone you felt like they rubbed off some negativity on you that is hard to shake? 

I believe that is because life is made up of energy and vibrational frequencies. And, in this way of living, what we tend to focus on, we attract more of. 

That is why it is important to cleanse your energy from time-to-time. So that you can clear out attracting negative patterns and energy over-and-over. 

Here are 9 ways to cleanse your energy: 

1. Meditation. 

2. Yoga 

3. Crystal cleansing. 

4. Selenite crystals. Not edible. 

5. Cold showers 

6. Forgiveness

7. Breathwork meditation.

8. Chakra-cleansing.

9. Purification through hydration. 

3 Sayings that I choose to live by.

As a writer and someone who is drawn to literature and words, phrases and sayings have always resonated with me like nothing else ever could. 

I strongly believe that words carry power and immense significance in our lives and energetic fields. That’s why we must align ourselves with those of encouragement, support and growth so that it can manifest into our lives. 

Here are 3 sayings that I choose to live by: 

1. Behind rejection is God’s protection. 

When I first heard this saying, it was on The Wendy Williams show and at the time I was going through a bad break-up. I had been trying to change him into being who I wanted him to be and he was doing that with me. 

Listening to those words reminded me that someone not being who I want them to be isn’t a reflection on either of us but that sometimes things and people are not meant to be in your life for a reason. And, one day, you will get it. 

Sometimes divine protection comes in the form of a ‘no’ or someone not wanting to be with you. And, it is often for a reason bigger than we realize. 

2. ‘Still I rise’- Maya Angelou. 

Although I never met Maya Angelou, her teachings and life has left a big imprint on me and my growth as a spiritual being. 

As with most of her phrases, I appreciate her humility and compassion towards the human experience. A big part of being alive is overcoming, over and over. 

It is through those times that we learn who we are and create another layer of strength, wisdom and courage. If we believe we can rise again, we always will- an affirmation that I choose to live by. 

3. Life is what you make it. 

I have had the fortune of being surrounded by positive role models on my Father’s side of the family who embody kindness, compassion and seeing the silver-lining. 

In fact, one of my most vivid memories of my childhood was when I attended my (paternal) Grandfather’s funeral and remembered how everyone said how positive he was. It made me want to focus on positivity as much as possible. 

Yes, life will not always be unicorns, butterflies and rainbows but there is always something to appreciate. It’s important to align yourself with gratitude so that you remind yourself it is always there when you need it. 

3 Things I wish I knew before I became a Tarot reader.

Image from Unsplash

I have been reading Tarot for (on and off) sixteen years and I am grateful to have the gift to do so. It has given me the opportunity to serve and be humble in ways that I never imagined.

With that being said, I have had my challenges and was directed by The Creator and mentors along the way. Thank goodness that I had them as, who knows where I would’ve been led towards without them.

As with everything, I am grateful to be where I am but if I could know some things beforehand I would take the advice.

Here are 3 Things that I wish I knew before I became a Tarot reader:

1. Be true.

Six years ago, I got the words ‘Be true’ tattooed on my arm to remind me to be authentic and truthful. It was a reminder for life but is very applicable to reading Tarot.

Those words remind me to read the cards with my intuition and not my judgment or any prejudice. It can be challenging but when it becomes a battle, I meditate on forgiveness, love and humility.

2. Do what you can.

When I started reading professionally, I was a bit insecure that what I saw through the cards might be misconstrued and taken in a negative light. I had to remember that if I come with good intentions, am kind and align myself with light-work then that is all that I can do.

At the end of the day, I am human and although I am a resource for guidance, there is only so much that I can do for another. A lot of our destiny lies in our own hands and in those of The Creator.

3. Protect your energy.

Being a medium, I pick up on energies and inter-dimensional beings to the point where I was starting to absorb them. My dreams and moods would manifest from the absorption of these beings.

I learned through different mentors to focus on the good and align myself with healing vibrations. I also learned to block off any negative entities that are present in people or different energies so that I can protect myself and focus on healing.

3 Things that I learned from returning to my Yoga practice.

Image from Unsplash

After my disappointment and lack of love of Yoga, I decided to take a break from it and have recently returned to practicing it.

While a break after consistently practicing after 10 years weekly was deeply needed, I am grateful that I get to practice again.

Here are 3 Things that I learned from returning to Yoga:

1. My body needs it.

Although I taught yoga for almost ten years, I became disillusioned by the benefits and industry. While a part of me was taking it for granted, I also felt as though I needed to let it go and find my way back to it.

Although I still did physical activity, I noticed my back and joint pain come back that I had healed through my practice of many years. When my knees started to hurt, I forgot how healing it was to practice until I began practicing again.

2. My practice is about me and my body.

Since I have left teaching Yoga, I have found it very difficult to find a class that I genuinely enjoy. I taught Bikram for a few years and have some resentment for the culture and some toxic ideas that are being promoted.

I also taught and practiced at other studios that I found have lost their foundation in the meaning of what Yoga is.

So, I developed a home practice that has become so sacred to me. I have truly come to recognize and acknowledge that my practice is for me and my body; no one else.

3. Yoga is not about force; it’s about devotion.

I have always been extremely disciplined when it comes to physical activity. So, becoming a Yoga practitioner and teacher seemed natural to me. However, with that came a sense of obligation that I developed over the years that I had to practice at least 4 times a week.

At times, this strict discipline helped me and my asana reach their full potential. However, other times, I would feel a disappointment in myself if I didn’t make it to class that many times per week.

Releasing the need and obligation to practice has freed me up to willingly devote my body, mind and spirit to something that I love: to practice Yoga.

'And it’s for this reason that intention setting is a no-no.' New moon eclipse in Taurus by Astrologer, Natasha Weber.

SYDNEY: 6:28 am, May 1

NEW YORK: 4:28 pm, April 30

LONDON: 9:28 pm, April 30

LOS ANGELES: 1:28 pm, April 30

PERTH: 4:28 am, May 1

Food and finances are two hot topics associated with this new Moon. Expect your dinnertime conversation to be dominated by what’s on your table, how much it costs, and where it was sourced from. This lunation starts its cycle in Taurus, the zodiac sign representing nourishment, agriculture, sustenance and anything edible. On top of that, the Bull loves life’s little luxuries, meaning that you may look for alternative ways of acquiring those special extras that you may not necessarily need but you absolutely do want.

Most importantly, expect the unexpected as this Taurean new Moon kicks off eclipse season. Unpredictability is commonplace during any eclipse, but this one is nestling up to Uranus, the planet of sudden changes and unforeseen circumstances.

And it’s for this reason that intention setting is a no-no. That said, you’ll feel a sense of urgency to shake things up as this new Moon compels you to make a change - like now! And that wouldn’t be a bad thing. In fact, Venus, La Luna’s ruler, is aligning with fortunate Jupiter at the same time as the new Moon, giving this lunation a more positive, upbeat and protective vibe than your typically disruptive eclipse.

It’s not that the change you desire won’t happen. It’s just that it may not occur in the way you predict, nor may the outcome be precisely what you envision. But that may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Still, setting intentions ritualistically during this new Moon isn’t recommended because you could derail what the eclipse intends to manifest for you. 

So what should you do instead? Flow with the twists and turns that this new moon eclipse delivers. Trust that this new direction is fated - and surrender.

But if you’re still finding it hard to sit on your hands, writing affirmations that support a flexible mindset can be helpful. Things like “I trust that the changes occurring in my life support my growth” or “I flow with whatever arises, knowing it’s in my best interests” will work beautifully.

Give this new moon eclipse permission to do its thing without forcing your own agenda, and you'll allow the magic to unfold.

About Natasha Weber, the author:

Astrotash, Natasha Weber PMAAAC, MAFA


A self-confessed astrology nerd, Astrotash is the resident astrologer for myBody+Soul,Australia’s #1 health and wellness site. She writes horoscopes for Mamamia and has presented on radio and podcast shows, such as Sivana and Healthy-ish. Astrotash has appeared on Sunrise morning show and is also a guest speaker at the Soul Star Festival.


Motivated to build a bridge between sun-sign columns and the ancient science behind our celestial movements, Astrotash aims to bring deeper personal awareness through the lens of astrology. When she’s not reading the stars, you’ll find her in downward dog, ‘earthing’ in the Australian bush or dancing up a storm at Zumba.


Astrotash is accredited by the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology and a member of the American Federation of Astrologers. Her articles have appeared inThought Catalogue, Out of Office New Yorkand Today’s Astrologer, in addition to international publications across the globe. She continues to research, present and publish, and is an active member of the following astrological organisations:


•          Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology

•          American Federation of Astrologers

•          Federation of Australian Astrologer

'Keep the faith!'Full moon in Libra by Astrologer, Natasha Weber

SYDNEY: 4:55 am, April 17th

NEW YORK: 2:55 pm, April 16th

LONDON: 7:55 pm, April 16th

LOS ANGELES: 11:55 am, April 16th

PERT: 2:55 am, April 17th


April’s full Moon in Libra aligns with Jupiter and Neptune’s recent rare meet-up, keeping hope alive for a miracle.


Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock lately, you’ve heard about Jupiter and Neptune’s connection. These two planetary heavyweights haven’t met up in Pisces since 1856, so it’s been big astro news worldwide. In a nutshell, this alignment could manifest in one of two ways, especially if you have Pisces, Virgo, Gemini or Sagittarius prominent in your birth chart, or you have a natal planet in twenty-three degrees. You do? Then listen up because you’re more likely to feel this shift.


Firstly, remember that free will trumps astrology (this astrologer strongly believes it does). Of course, there are certain limitations with what’s cosmically accessible. Still, you can choose how you react to your circumstances and how to best use the planetary energy available at the time.


The upshot of Jupiter and Neptune’s link highlights creativity, spirituality, great compassion, evolutionary breakthroughs, dreams coming true and healing - all incredibly optimistic predictions. But, as previously mentioned, addictions, scams, delusion, foolishness and escapism are also possible with this alignment. So, if you’re treading a fine line between these two different sides of the same coin, it’s vital that you choose the high road during this full Moon.


What has all this got to do with April's full Moon in Libra anyway? Well, plenty. Because La Luna’s ripening illuminates and enlightens, meaning that each full Moon brings something to fruition. Although Jupiter and Neptune have been working hard behind the scenes to make your dreams come true since coming together on April 12th/13th, this full Moon may be the cosmos’ last push to bring you your miracle moment. Keep the faith!


This is particularly true for all your relationships, business interactions and romantic attractions because, let’s face it, partnerships are what Libra is all about. 


My hot tip for April's full Moon is to manifest your heart out! A Jupiter-Neptune alignment topped off by a full Moon is the most potent celestial combination in astrological existence if you want your wishes to morph into reality.


Now, excuse me while I add the fishing touches to my vision board. 


For more, visit: www.astrotash.com

About Natasha Weber, the author:

Astrotash, Natasha Weber PMAAAC, MAFA


A self-confessed astrology nerd, Astrotash is the resident astrologer for myBody+Soul,Australia’s #1 health and wellness site. She writes horoscopes for Mamamia and has presented on radio and podcast shows, such as Sivana and Healthy-ish. Astrotash has appeared on Sunrise morning show and is also a guest speaker at the Soul Star Festival.


Motivated to build a bridge between sun-sign columns and the ancient science behind our celestial movements, Astrotash aims to bring deeper personal awareness through the lens of astrology. When she’s not reading the stars, you’ll find her in downward dog, ‘earthing’ in the Australian bush or dancing up a storm at Zumba.


Astrotash is accredited by the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology and a member of the American Federation of Astrologers. Her articles have appeared inThought Catalogue, Out of Office New Yorkand Today’s Astrologer, in addition to international publications across the globe. She continues to research, present and publish, and is an active member of the following astrological organisations:


•          Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology

•          American Federation of Astrologers

•          Federation of Australian Astrologer

3 Ways that I have healed since I left California.

Image from Unsplash

I am very open about my journey to California that occurred just over four years ago. I felt like I needed some more Sun, health and easy-living in comparison to New York. While I will always have The New Yorker hustle inside of me, I have concluded that life doesn’t have to be so expensive and challenging.

So when I moved to California, I felt a sense of relief because it was what I needed at that time until it wasn’t anymore and I decided to leave. I left Los Angeles in December of last year for freedom, the space to breathe and to build a better future for myself and, I do not regret it.

Here are 3 ways that I have healed since leaving Los Angeles:

1. Leaving Hollywood behind.

When I lived in Los Angeles, I was immersed in the ‘Hollywood’ lifestyle and a lot of what I did was centered around that area, most of my yoga students were celebrities or people attached to them. And although many of them mean well, it can be a very shallow sense of self.

After my first relationship with someone famous, I saw through the facade of most friendships and acquaintances that I had as a lot of them were attached to me because of who I was dating and what they could get from me.

It is pleasant to live in a place where people want to know you for who you are. A feeling that I haven’t felt in a while.

2. Feeling safe in my home and my neighborhood.

As much as people will harp on about not needing to feel safe to be at peace. Safety, particularly as a woman, means a lot to me.

My last few months in Los Angeles were a struggle. I felt the most unsafe that I have ever felt and while I won’t get into politics, I am disappointed that it has come down to people fearing their lives. I stopped hiking and doing any outdoor activities due to the lack of safety.

Many spiritual Gurus will claim that fear is not real and a figment of our imagination. However, I disagree. Some of it can be real and is a call for us to learn to differentiate what is for safety and what has been fabricated from our internal subconscious’ manifestations.

3. Letting go of the past.

I moved to Los Angeles to teach yoga and to heal and once I had decided to no longer teach yoga, I felt it time to move on with my life.

Although leaving Los Angeles was one of the nest decisions that I ever made, I was still sad and emotional about it because it had become my temporary home.

However, my necessity for healing, safety and growth overrode any fond memories that I had of California. And when I left, I was very glad that I did. Both can be true: I loved California when I moved there and I still loved it when I left it. But, I am also glad that I have moved on with my life.

'Endings and beginnings coincide with April’s new moon - the first new moon of the new zodiac year.' New Moon in Aries by Astrologer, Natasha Weber.

Image from Unsplash

SYDNEY: 5:24 pm, April 1st

LONDON: 7:24 am, April 1st

NEW YORK: 2:24 am, April 1st

LOS ANGELES: 11:24 pm, May 31st

PERTH: 2:24 pm, April 1st



Endings and beginnings coincide with April’s new moon - the first new moon of the new zodiac year.


Mars, La Luna’s ruler, and Saturn are closing in on each other, cutting ties with something or someone holding you back from reaching your full potential. But this dynamic duo isn’t about to go quietly! Because Mercury, the communication planet, is in the same sign as the new moon, and Aries says what it means and means what it says - no holds barred.


One door must close before another one opens. And sometimes, doors don't close properly - they get jammed, fall off their hinges and creak loudly. This is when April's new moon steps in to say what needs to be said, allowing you to close the door properly behind you and step over the threshold into a shiny new future. 


Yet Mercury's spit-fire tongue tempts you to speak your mind, minus the sugar-coating. And while direct, honest communication is the way to go during this new moon, be mindful of the words that spill from your mouth. You'll be itching to blurt out what everyone else is too afraid to say, and while telling it like it feels great in the moment, there's a real danger of regret if you go too far. Speaking without thinking could cause unnecessary upset and divide you from your true purpose. So, stick to the topic, avoid getting caught up in personal assaults or vicious slander, and just make your point.


Your new beginning awaits once all is said and done (hopefully without any verbal casualties). This may manifest as an updated attitude, improved wellness, an exciting new career path, a new love interest or the revival of a new chapter in an existing relationship. It will be what you need and not necessarily what you want, but trust that it’s in the best interest of your personal evolution. 


This lunation encourages speaking up for yourself and asserting your independent views. Say what’s on your mind knowing that April’s new moon is cheering you on from the sidelines. Dish out your opinions straight up, but don't lose your humanness in your quest for truth or stone-cold facts. And before speaking with #nofilter, ask yourself; is this comment aligned with the person I want to be?

For more, visit: www.astrotash.com

About Natasha Weber, the author:

Astrotash, Natasha Weber PMAAAC, MAFA


A self-confessed astrology nerd, Astrotash is the resident astrologer for myBody+Soul,Australia’s #1 health and wellness site. She writes horoscopes for Mamamia and has presented on radio and podcast shows, such as Sivana and Healthy-ish. Astrotash has appeared on Sunrise morning show and is also a guest speaker at the Soul Star Festival.


Motivated to build a bridge between sun-sign columns and the ancient science behind our celestial movements, Astrotash aims to bring deeper personal awareness through the lens of astrology. When she’s not reading the stars, you’ll find her in downward dog, ‘earthing’ in the Australian bush or dancing up a storm at Zumba.


Astrotash is accredited by the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology and a member of the American Federation of Astrologers. Her articles have appeared inThought Catalogue, Out of Office New Yorkand Today’s Astrologer, in addition to international publications across the globe. She continues to research, present and publish, and is an active member of the following astrological organisations:


•          Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology

•          American Federation of Astrologers

•          Federation of Australian Astrologer

'Tell yourself that you can and will smash ceilings.' Full Moon in Virgo by Astrologer, Natasha Weber



SYDNEY: 6:17 pm, March 18

NEW YORK: 3:17 am, March 18

LONDON: 7:17 am, March 18

LOS ANGELES: 12:17 am, March 18

PERTH: 3:17 pm, March 18



This is the last full Moon of the astrological year. 


Because La Luna is wrapping things up a few days before the new astrological year kicks off, on March 21, there’s a huge sense of anticipation in the air. 


You’d be forgiven for feeling overwhelmed by the choices that lay before you. This way or that? After all, Jupiter, the planet of plenty, is gearing up for its once-in-a-lifetime connection with Neptune, directly opposite the full Moon. But the point is, you have the power of choice. And although change is inevitable, the type of twists and turns you experience will boil down to the decisions you make during March's full Moon.


So, now that you’re woke, which direction will you take? Because sometimes, the right choice can be as clear as mud.


Jupiter and Neptune’s upcoming meet-up is magical. The new astrological year promises to make the impossible possible, so trust in that. And scrap limiting beliefs, especially if they hold you back from reaching your most magnificent potential.


This full Moon in Virgo wants you to make meaning out of mayhem. But first, you must adopt a can-do attitude. Virgo loves routine, order and making sense out of everything. Use those qualities to slay your dreams, and don’t let the shadow side of Virgo - with its hypercritical tone - tell you otherwise. 


Keep a positive mindset on track with powerful affirmations and write a checklist of lofty goals. Tell yourself that you can and will smash ceilings. That you deserve abundance. That you will find the big love. Anything and everything is possible during this full Moon, so rewrite a killer narrative and start the new astrological year believing that the sky’s the limit. 

For more, visit: www.astrotash.com

About Natasha Weber, the author:

Astrotash, Natasha Weber PMAAAC, MAFA


A self-confessed astrology nerd, Astrotash is the resident astrologer for myBody+Soul,Australia’s #1 health and wellness site. She writes horoscopes for Mamamia and has presented on radio and podcast shows, such as Sivana and Healthy-ish. Astrotash has appeared on Sunrise morning show and is also a guest speaker at the Soul Star Festival.


Motivated to build a bridge between sun-sign columns and the ancient science behind our celestial movements, Astrotash aims to bring deeper personal awareness through the lens of astrology. When she’s not reading the stars, you’ll find her in downward dog, ‘earthing’ in the Australian bush or dancing up a storm at Zumba.


Astrotash is accredited by the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology and a member of the American Federation of Astrologers. Her articles have appeared inThought Catalogue, Out of Office New Yorkand Today’s Astrologer, in addition to international publications across the globe. She continues to research, present and publish, and is an active member of the following astrological organisations:


•          Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology

•          American Federation of Astrologers

•          Federation of Australian Astrologer

'La Luna in Pisces longs for world peace in a utopian universe.' New Moon in Pisces by Astrologer, Natasha Weber.

Image from Unsplash



SYDNEY: 4:34 am, March 3rd

NEW YORK: 12:34 pm, March 2nd

LONDON: 5:34 pm, March 2nd

LOS ANGELES: 9:34 am, March 2nd

PERTH: 1:34 am, March 3rd


A new moon of big dreams, where anything and everything is possible.


March’s new moon is in Pisces, the sign that rules creativity, artistry, intuition, fantasy, magic, imagination, movie stars, illusion, spirituality and transcendence. But above all, Pisces is deeply compassionate and wants desperately to rescue the world from its woes. 


La Luna in Pisces longs for world peace in a utopian universe. 


Both Pisces' traditional and modern planetary rulers, Jupiter and Neptune, are edging towards a once-in-a-lifetime union in their home sign. When they get together, these two planets wield cosmic magic, making this an excellent time to set intentions and practice your favourite manifestation technique. And for extra manifesting oomph, create an inspiring vision board during this new moon. Still, idealism without action is simply wasted good intention.


But this lunation isn’t airy-fairy - it’s got a celestial bite! 


As La Luna and the Sun meet in our skies to begin a brand-new cycle, warring Mars meets powerhouse Pluto. And here’s the twist: these planetary heavyweights pack a punch and are often associated with superhuman effort and extraordinary force. Yet you can use the contradictory new moon vibe to your advantage. 


The trick is not to expect your problems to disappear without any effort on your part. A much better idea would be to put some elbow grease into what you want to change in your life. Because with a bit of grit and determination, you become empowered to make the necessary changes to foster smoother relationships, create a more rewarding professional path and elevate your health and happiness.


This new moon grants a miracle - but Mars and Pluto want you to work for it. And if you’re up for the challenge, this lunation could literally transform your life.


For more visit: www.astrotash.com

About Natasha Weber, the author:

Astrotash, Natasha Weber PMAAAC, MAFA


A self-confessed astrology nerd, Astrotash is the resident astrologer for myBody+Soul,Australia’s #1 health and wellness site. She writes horoscopes for Mamamia and has presented on radio and podcast shows, such as Sivana and Healthy-ish. Astrotash has appeared on Sunrise morning show and is also a guest speaker at the Soul Star Festival.


Motivated to build a bridge between sun-sign columns and the ancient science behind our celestial movements, Astrotash aims to bring deeper personal awareness through the lens of astrology. When she’s not reading the stars, you’ll find her in downward dog, ‘earthing’ in the Australian bush or dancing up a storm at Zumba.


Astrotash is accredited by the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology and a member of the American Federation of Astrologers. Her articles have appeared inThought Catalogue, Out of Office New Yorkand Today’s Astrologer, in addition to international publications across the globe. She continues to research, present and publish, and is an active member of the following astrological organisations:


•          Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology

•          American Federation of Astrologers

•          Federation of Australian Astrologer

'Is it ever okay to be selfish?' Full Moon in Leo by Astrologer, Natasha Weber.

Image from Unsplash

SYDNEY: 3:56 am, February 17th

NEW YORK: 11:36 am, February 16th

LONDON: 4:36 pm, February 16th

LOS ANGELES: 8:36 am, February 16th

PERTH: 12:36 am, February 17th



The upcoming full Moon creates a push-pull dynamic between self and the collective. And you might ask; why you should sacrifice - money, time, ambition, leisure - for the benefit of the greater good? Is it ever okay to be selfish?


La Luna in Leo points out that your needs are just as important as anyone else's. You have the right to pursue what makes you happy, so go ahead and fill your own cup even if that means someone else’s cup stays bone dry.


Because the harsh reality is not everyone can win first prize, nor is life always fair and equal. And yes, that’s a sad fact. But February’s lunation green-lights your path towards happiness minus the guilt trip, so you can either put yourself front and centre or step aside and let someone else steal your thunder. Of course, you needn’t ruthlessly step on someone else’s toes to get to where you want to go. Just make sure you give yourself the best possible chance because this month, La Luna favours the bold.


However, don’t be surprised if the Aquarian Sun puts you in a position where you feel compelled to defend your choices or explain your actions, especially if they differ from the crowd or are out of character. Naturally, it's important to consider other people's opinions and demands. But when it comes to February's full Moon, your personal desires, beliefs, and wishes come up trumps.

For more, visit www.astrotash.com

About Natasha Weber, the author:

Astrotash, Natasha Weber PMAAAC, MAFA


A self-confessed astrology nerd, Astrotash is the resident astrologer for myBody+Soul,Australia’s #1 health and wellness site. She writes horoscopes for Mamamia and has presented on radio and podcast shows, such as Sivana and Healthy-ish. Astrotash has appeared on Sunrise morning show and is also a guest speaker at the Soul Star Festival.


Motivated to build a bridge between sun-sign columns and the ancient science behind our celestial movements, Astrotash aims to bring deeper personal awareness through the lens of astrology. When she’s not reading the stars, you’ll find her in downward dog, ‘earthing’ in the Australian bush or dancing up a storm at Zumba.


Astrotash is accredited by the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology and a member of the American Federation of Astrologers. Her articles have appeared inThought Catalogue, Out of Office New Yorkand Today’s Astrologer, in addition to international publications across the globe. She continues to research, present and publish, and is an active member of the following astrological organisations:


•          Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology

•          American Federation of Astrologers

•          Federation of Australian Astrologer

3 Ways that we can heal as a collective.

Image from Unsplash

It is very clear that as a whole, we need to raise the vibration of the collective consciousness. You might have heard this before and wonder what it means. In simple terms, we resonate energetically through vibrations and the lower or higher they are, have an impact on our moods, bodies and general well-being.

It has been scientifically and spiritually-proven that the higher our vibrations are, the more positive we feel and are able to heal mentally & physically.

I used to think that it was about healing as many people as I could but over time, I have learned that I am the only that I can heal. I am responsible for my life and what I choose to put out into The World. And, of course, it’s not always to think like this but we must always try. For no one else but ourselves.

Here are 3 ways that we can heal the collective consciousness:

1. Self-forgiveness.

When I learned the power of forgiveness, it changed my life. I finally got to understand that we don’t have to keep re-creating the past in our heads. That we have the power to set ourselves free from the shackles of guilt and the past.

Although forgiveness is rewarding, we often forget that the most beneficial form is self- forgiveness. Letting go of the hurt we have cause ourselves and others to make space for healing and serenity is a huge prize that many of us have not experienced.

A great teacher of mine, Dr. Wayne Dyer used to say, ‘Feeling guilt will not do anything’. That is why we need to forgive ourselves because, as another phenomenal teacher of mine said, ‘Once we know better, we do better.’

2. By eating mindfully.

Although I was once a self-righteous vegan, I understand that it doesn’t suit my body and something like that cannot be forced. So now, instead of forcing myself to be healthy defined by a label; I do so by listening to the response my body gives me.

Health is not only about exercise and movement but also what is going into our bodies. There is a huge difference in the kind of energy we receive from different foods and this plays a role in the energy we contribute to the collective.

While it is important to notice how we receive our energy, it is also equally significant to not judge ourselves in order to ‘get it right’ because that is negative energy, too.

3. By forgiving others.

None of us are perfect and as the world becomes more divided, I see a lot of judgement, lack of understanding and condescending attitudes openly being expressed to one another.

It is vital to remember that we are human and in this experience, we are not meant to get it all right. So, we must make space for others to make mistakes and learn.

It’s time for us to drop the need to hold others to an unattainable goal with our harsh judgments and expectations through forgiveness or distancing ourselves from those who may be harmful.

3 Crystals to enhance your intuition.

Image by Unsplash

Throughout my life, crystals have had a significant role on my spiritual journey. I grew up with them in my house and being interested in their metaphysical and spiritual characteristics.

So, when I began my adult spiritual journey, crystals played a huge role in my healing process. Yes, there are some that heal and others that do many other things. However, understanding them (to me) has been less about a scientific way; rather a spiritual one.

None of this article is scientific. This is about spirituality.

Here are 3 crystals that can help enhance your intuition:

1. Selenite.

A clear crystal which often comes in a wand form has been known for centuries by psychics and those who wish to open up their third eye.

I, myself, sleep with it under my pillow when I am seeking answers to a question that I think archangels and the divine can help me answer.

If you want to be more intuitively inclined, I highly recommend using it yourself, too.

2. Amethyst

My birth stone and a Crystal known for its intuitive properties is, Amethyst. Usually found in a purple/lavender color.

I have naturally always kept this crystal close to me (because it is my birthstone) and I believe it is one of the reasons that I have been intuitively inclined.

To enhance your intuition, keep this charged crystal around you when you sleep and focus on your third eye before you drift off.

3. Citrine

This crystal is usually a variation of yellow and is helpful to enhance your intuition. It is the birthstone of November and also has healing properties.

There was a time in my life when I saw the number 1111 a lot and would keep a pendant of this crystal around my neck. It helped guide me to manifesting and fine tune that inner voice that acknowledges and knows what is best for my highest good.

*Before you work with crystals or enhance your intuition, do so with care and awareness.

'Trust that you know what’s right for you and what’s gotta go' New Moon in Aquarius by Astrologer, Natasha Weber.

Image from Unsplash

SYDNEY: 4:46 pm, February 1st

NEW YORK: 12:46 am, February 1st

LONDON: 5:46 am, February 1st

LOS ANGELES: 9:46 pm, January 31st

PERTH: 1:46 pm, February 1st




This is a new Moon of surprise revelations and unexpected twists and turns - so prepare for change. February’s new Moon in Aquarius explores uncharted territories, tempting you to conquer brand-new frontiers as you explore lush green pastures. Yet, abandoning your cosy comfort zone for the promise of something new and shiny proves challenging if you insist on clinging to worn-out old patterns. Suffice it to say that turning your back on what feels safe and secure will feel a lot like pulling your fingernails off, one by one. Trust me, you won’t want to do it, no matter how stuck you are in a rut. But if your happy place has morphed into a job, person, habit or mindset that’s holding you back from reaching your highest potential. Or worse, sucking the joie de vivre right out of you, La Luna can rid you of this parasitic vibe if you’re willing to play your part too. 


From now until the next new Moon, do something wildly radical! February’s new Moon is ruled by electric Uranus. And because the rebellious planet is travelling through traditional Taurus right now - the sign of tradition, custom and routine - you will get some push back when you attempt to reset.


Trust that you know what’s right for you and what’s gotta go. And then, be brave and step boldly towards a revolutionary new direction.


Self-disciplined Saturn adds to this new Moon's story, supporting you through the separation process as you walk away from whatever’s past its use-by-date. From now on, it's onwards and upwards.

For more, visit www.astrotash.com

 About Natasha Weber, the author:

Astrotash, Natasha Weber PMAAAC, MAFA


A self-confessed astrology nerd, Astrotash is the resident astrologer for myBody+Soul,Australia’s #1 health and wellness site. She writes horoscopes for Mamamia and has presented on radio and podcast shows, such as Sivana and Healthy-ish. Astrotash has appeared on Sunrise morning show and is also a guest speaker at the Soul Star Festival.


Motivated to build a bridge between sun-sign columns and the ancient science behind our celestial movements, Astrotash aims to bring deeper personal awareness through the lens of astrology. When she’s not reading the stars, you’ll find her in downward dog, ‘earthing’ in the Australian bush or dancing up a storm at Zumba.


Astrotash is accredited by the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology and a member of the American Federation of Astrologers. Her articles have appeared inThought Catalogue, Out of Office New Yorkand Today’s Astrologer, in addition to international publications across the globe. She continues to research, present and publish, and is an active member of the following astrological organisations:


•          Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology

•          American Federation of Astrologers

•          Federation of Australian Astrologer

3 Things that I always want to remember.

Image from Unsplash

I am approaching my thirty-third birthday and I have a good feeling about this year. A well-known Guru, Sadghuru, said that when we hit the age of thirty-three that things start to manifest at a higher rate if we are on the right path and that, I feel strongly.

While I do feel like the past two years of my lift were wasted, I learned many lessons that are irreplaceable and sometimes it takes feeling like life has paused to be forced to slow down and process emotions and things that I was too afraid to before.

Throughout my life, I have learned a lot and of course, it is hard to narrow it down to just 3 things but here are some simple things that I always want to remember:

1. Everyone deserves to have an opinion.

We are experiencing a mass awakening and some people will come along while others will be too stubborn to open up their minds and live to in a new reality. I am not talking about a world where we shut one another down; however, the opposite. We are entering the age of Aquarius where all opinions matter.

As an Aquarius, I make sure to hear people out and to listen to where people are coming from. I don’t always get it right but I make an effort to try.

This is the era of being open-minded and expansive. No more black and white thinking, this is about seeing things from a different perspective.

2. Life is about lessons and blessings.

Every time I think about where I have come from, I am grateful. Of course, I have the gratitude of living in The USA, where I think most people take it for granted but this country is about reinvention and innovation.

I have rebuilt my career many times and as I do so again, I am grateful for the opportunity to. But as I do, I keep in mind that life is about learning and being grateful for the fact that I am here to breathe, live and make my dreams come true.

3. I am not the ultimate judge.

It can sometimes feel like judging people means that we care about them. Like if someone doesn’t do what we like, we can tell them they are wrong. However, there is a difference between suggesting to someone and enforcing your beliefs on them.

With love comes a form of acceptance that encourages and doesn’t judge.

I have come a long way with this and used to think that judging meant that I loved that person until I noticed that they didn’t feel comfortable around me to be themselves. If I wouldn’t want someone to watch and critique my every move, then I shouldn’t do it to others. People deserve the freedom to make their own decisions without the un-necessary peanut gallery.

'Kick (something soft), punch your pillow and scream out loud.' Full Moon in Cancer by Astrologer, Natasha Weber.

Image from Unsplash

SYDNEY: 10:48 am, January 18th

NEW YORK: 6:48 pm, January 17th

LONDON: 11:48 pm, January 17th

LOS ANGELES: 3:48 pm, January 17th

PERTH: 7:48 am, January 18th



January’s full Moon promises lasting transformation that's born from your limits being tried and tested. You know that growing sensation inside your belly when something feels off? It starts as a small inkling and erupts into a full-blown tantrum when you finally hit the wall. If this is where you’re at, know that all is not lost. La Luna’s link with intense Pluto will try to push your buttons, but if you find an outlet for your emotions, you will get to the other side feeling brand new. 


Kick (something soft), punch your pillow and scream out loud. Cry. A lot. If you prefer a release with a bit more style, then sing at the top of your lungs. Make up a song that expresses exactly how you feel and let it rip! The lyrics don't have to make sense if your pent-up emotions are placated. For four days following this full Moon, acknowledge anger, talk about rejection and delve into despair, so you can finally heal the hurt.


La Luna is at its ripest in Cancer, the most emotive sign of the zodiac, so honouring your feelings is paramount. Expect sentimental memories to arise during this full Moon, and trust that it's okay to sit with them for a while. Even though the Capricorn Sun attempts to hold it all together, don't put a stopper on your feels.


Once you've surfed your personal emotional wave, victory looks like this; suddenly, you don't care what your ex thinks, does or says. Not because they have changed, but because you have. People you've given your personal power to melt away as you reclaim that piece of yourself that you sold off too cheaply. That job you lost? You realise that brighter opportunities await, and that makes you feel excited. 


And sure, some clouds are void of a silver lining, no matter how hard you try to find one. In this case, La Luna encourages you to grieve, throw your best tanty and then let it all go.

For more, visit www.astrotash.com

About Natasha Weber, the author:

Astrotash, Natasha Weber PMAAAC, MAFA


A self-confessed astrology nerd, Astrotash is the resident astrologer for myBody+Soul,Australia’s #1 health and wellness site. She writes horoscopes for Mamamia and has presented on radio and podcast shows, such as Sivana and Healthy-ish. Astrotash has appeared on Sunrise morning show and is also a guest speaker at the Soul Star Festival.


Motivated to build a bridge between sun-sign columns and the ancient science behind our celestial movements, Astrotash aims to bring deeper personal awareness through the lens of astrology. When she’s not reading the stars, you’ll find her in downward dog, ‘earthing’ in the Australian bush or dancing up a storm at Zumba.


Astrotash is accredited by the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology and a member of the American Federation of Astrologers. Her articles have appeared inThought Catalogue, Out of Office New Yorkand Today’s Astrologer, in addition to international publications across the globe. She continues to research, present and publish, and is an active member of the following astrological organisations:


•          Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology

•          American Federation of Astrologers

•          Federation of Australian Astrologer

9 Affirmations for The New Year.

Image from Unsplash

There is something so powerful about a new year, When Earth rotates around the sun for another 365 days. Sometimes this power can feel overwhelming and like it will be over before we know it.

So, I believe we need to harness this energy and manifest it into something positive. I’m not into resolutions but I do have some goals that I hope to accomplish this year.

With that being said, it is important to remember that we are all human and yes, we can put our all into it but it is also about living life each day, one step-at-a-time.

Here are 9 Affirmations for the new Year of 2022:

1. I am present.

2. I am grateful to live through another year.

3. I attract what I need to, to be at my highest self.

4. I embrace life to the fullest.

5. I manifest with love and abundance.

6. I set my goals and work hard towards them, keeping in mind that they can change.

7. I open myself up to people and things for the highest Good.

8. I live and love fully.

9. I am open to lessons and blessings.

'Of course, you can still have your new beginning, darling.' New Moon in Capricorn by Astrologer, Natasha Weber

Image from Unsplash

SYDNEY: 5:34 am, January 3rd

NEW YORK: 1:34 pm, January 2nd

LOS ANGELES: 10:34 am, January 2nd

LONDON: 6:34 pm, January 2nd

PERTH: 2:34 am, January 3rd


The first new Moon of 2022 is in earthy Capricorn, a sign synonymous with grit, perseverance and a no-frills approach to life. Couple that with Venus’ retrograde in the same sign, and you get a down-to-earth mood that just wants to get on with things minus any fuss or fanfare.


Right now, the collective vibe is more than a little fed up with the rigmarole of the past, so racing into a brand-new year filled with fresh hope seems like a great idea, right? You’d be forgiven for wanting to pretend that some parts of 2021 were nothing more than a bad dream. However, La Luna urges you to reflect, nonetheless. Pluto also adds to the story, asking you to ponder past failings and triumphs. Use what you learnt in 2021 to fortify your resilience as you step into 2022.


Of course, you can still have your new beginning, darling. But take your time. Plan business ventures to a T, outline important courses of action and get to know someone before handing them your heart on a silver platter. Set yourself up for success by ensuring you’ve done your background research. Then these things will last well into the future, rather than being a flash in the pan. 


This new moon begs you not to rush into the fresh start you so desperately (and understandably) desire. Go slow instead. That way, you’ll build solid foundations to withstand even the mightiest storm

For more, visit: www.astrotash.com

About Natasha Weber, the author:

Astrotash, Natasha Weber PMAAAC, MAFA


A self-confessed astrology nerd, Astrotash is the resident astrologer for myBody+Soul,Australia’s #1 health and wellness site. She writes horoscopes for Mamamia and has presented on radio and podcast shows, such as Sivana and Healthy-ish. Astrotash has appeared on Sunrise morning show and is also a guest speaker at the Soul Star Festival.


Motivated to build a bridge between sun-sign columns and the ancient science behind our celestial movements, Astrotash aims to bring deeper personal awareness through the lens of astrology. When she’s not reading the stars, you’ll find her in downward dog, ‘earthing’ in the Australian bush or dancing up a storm at Zumba.


Astrotash is accredited by the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology and a member of the American Federation of Astrologers. Her articles have appeared inThought Catalogue, Out of Office New Yorkand Today’s Astrologer, in addition to international publications across the globe. She continues to research, present and publish, and is an active member of the following astrological organisations:


•          Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology

•          American Federation of Astrologers

•          Federation of Australian Astrologer