Enjoy life

9 Things that I know for sure about haters.

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Image by Unsplash

We have all been, are or know someone who is a hater. Someone who is attracted to drama, loves to complain, is insecure or doesn’t believe in being positive. I have been both the hater and have come into contact with other people who have hated. Only to realize that when I was a hater, it had nothing to do with anyone else but me. I had some serious healing- which I did and am still doing. 

The biggest shift that I had which took me out of a low-vibrational frequency of negativity was to understand and know that I am love and am worthy of anything that I have ever wanted, and so is everyone else. There is enough for everyone so I don’t have to be jealous and angry when someone else is doing well or is thriving.

Whenever I encounter a hater these days, I try to practice compassion because I know what it feels to be in that position. I have learnt that I can still have my boundaries up and practice compassion from a distance because how they behave has nothing to do with me. Being hateful is a symptom of lack of self-awareness, kindness, understanding, compassion and empathy. 

Here are 9 things that I am sure of about haters

1. We have all been a hater at some point in our lives. 

2. Living life from a negative point of view only affects the person who sees it this way. 

3. Stepping out of a hateful mindset takes worth and effort but the end result is worth it. 

4. Hateful people are suffering and want to spread that feeling to others. 

5. Some people don’t mean well for you. 

6. Haters are only at war with themselves. 

7. You will never win an argument or situation with someone who is dead set on being negative. Sometimes the best boundary is distance and letting go. 

8. We can influence haters but it is up to them to change. 

9. It is okay and beneficial to put up boundaries towards people who don’t mean well for you. 

12 Affirmations that I want to remind myself of in 2020.

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Alas, it is 2020! The last decade, particularly last year, has been filled with many lessons and blessings. I am grateful for every single thing and person in my life because they have either taught me something or supported me in my growth.

This year, in spiritual numbers is calculated to 22. Which is a master number. The number 22 is associated with bringing manifestations into fruition. In order to do that, one must stay positive and in the right direction.

So, to make sure that I do, here are 12 affirmations to support that:

1. I am worthy of love.

2. I am worthy of time and affection.

3. I stand in my light.

4. I am light.

5. I am capable of creating a healthy life.

6. I progress from old patterns and create new ones.

7. I choose peace.

8. I take responsibility for my life and my past.

9. I am co-creating my life.

10. I am conscious and stand in purpose.

11. I am abundant.

12. I spread love and receive love.

6 Reasons to go back to school, by Diana Athena.

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Just like most people, I went to college right after I graduated high school. What I didn’t realize is that the universe had other plans for me and after two years of studying Hospitality & Hotel Management, I ended up moving to The United States. Adult life and freedom led me into the current of opportunities.

The ability to pay my bills by simply working at bars and restaurants seemed pretty tempting at first; however, the years were passing by and my first excitement has been replaced with questions like, “How much longer am I willing to do what I do?”, and ,“What will come after?”. I had been considering going back to school but was uncertain what I wanted to study. When you are older going back to school may seem a bit intimidating. It took me years (and some inspiration from close friends) to finally find the courage and take the first step by simply collecting information about the process of reinstatement. I went down the road from there, I’ve collected all the papers, applied and got accepted!

I can tell you, being a student in your 30’s is very different than being a student right after high school. But, it is still worth it! 

Being a freshman again made me realize a few things. This is what they are:


1. I have a better understanding of what I want.

I was 17 when I first went to college back in Russia and going to school was expected of me. At that age, i hadn’t yet understood who I wanted to be when I grew up. My interests were scattered between so many areas - I loved hospitality, theater, traveling ;but yet I also loved animals and wanted to be a veterinarian. Now when I am more settled, I can now better tell the difference between what I would like to pursue as a career and what would serve me better kept as a hobby. 


2. More confidence!

Now that I am a bit older, I have so much more confidence in myself. I no longer need to seek approval from peers or try to impress anyone. School is a place to work on my education, to get things done and to get better! 


3. Better time management.

Being a student while working a full time job (or 2 in my case) is not an easy task, but likely at this point of my life I have a better understanding of time management and self care, which helps me to keep a busy schedule and stay motivated.



4. I can choose classes based on what I already do to improve my performance.

Now when I am back at school, I have a clear idea of what I am drawn to. My past experiences serve as a strong foundation and relate to the knowledge that I am receiving at this moment. Having set opinions and believes helps to determine what exactly I would like to focus on in my education and my career.


5. New connections.

No matter how old you are it is important to keep expanding the circle of the people you know. Being back in school I have got to meet so many moving and inspiring people, who have changed my views and opinions and who I am continuing to learn from. 


6. The best investment of your time is investment into yourself!

There is always room for growth! Regardless of if it is getting another college degree, or taking some dance lessons because you have always loved salsa. Whatever it is for you, learning is a good way to stay ahead and to keep the everlasting energy of change flowing. 


Dear Hali, an apology letter to my younger self.

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Image by Unsplash

Dear Hali, 

I’m sorry that I didn’t believe in your capability and I believed people who knew nothing of what you are or what you are made of. 

I’m sorry for ever telling you that you are ugly, fat, worthless or not enough. Those words are untrue and only stopped you from reaching your potential. 

I apologize for letting people into your life that came in-and-out with disrespect, unkind words and toxicity. 

I’m sorry for being ignorant about your heritage and not allowing you to be proud of who you are and where you come from. 

I’m sorry that I let what happened to you build walls up against other people, for fear that it wouldn’t happen again. That fear only brought the same kind of people around over-and-over. I have now learnt that peace is power. 

I’m sorry for ever doubting you, fearing your strength and allowing anything to hide your light. 

You deserve to shine bright and I promise to make choices that align with your purpose in life, true love and peace of mind. 

I love you,

I accept my invitation into The Beautiful Journey of Life. 


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I accept my invitation to The Beautiful Journey of Life.
I accept that we have flaws and are often times vulnerable to hurtful situations. The Beautiful Journey that I have been invited to reminds me that I choose to whom I will allow myself to be vulnerable.

I accept that we find ourselves wanting things from people that are not able to give it to us. The Beautiful Journey that I have been invited to, over time, introduces me to someone out of the six billion people alive who is gladly willing to do so.

I accept that from time-to-time someone will not agree with me. Someone will have an opinion that contradicts mine. The Beautiful Journey that I have been invited to considers an opposing opinion because the truth is the truth. However, perspective hinders or changes it. We are all allowed to share our version of events.

I accept that we are all able to be angry at something/ someone. The Beautiful Journey that I have been invited to acknowledges that emotions pass. They tell you stories of moods. The only thing that matters is what you choose for them to leave behind.

I accept that some people are not tolerant of others because of something that they have done or how they look. The Beautiful Journey that I have been invited to does not forget that we all feel the same pain. We are born the same, laugh the same and want to be considered just like others.

I accept my invitation to this Journey. Will you join me?

I ask you to join me because a Journey where 'bad' and 'good' scenarios are harmonized is a chance for you to be at your best. Yes, it is relieving to know that there is kindness in This World. However, challenge is often worn victoriously.

In this Journey, nothing is an obligation. However, situations are sent to you to question what you want and how you will survive.

Accept my invitation to a Journey that allows you to make a choice between healthy and unhealthy decisions. In this journey we embrace the power of consequence.