12 Reasons why you should meditate.


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Meditation has been practiced in some Eastern Cultures for at least 5000 years. And now, The Western World has tapped into the benefits. Scientists confirm now what some traditions from The East have known before.

These are the twelve reasons why you should meditate:

1. It relieves stress.

2. It sharpens your focus.

3. It allows you to be at peace in stillness.

4. It creates a firm stance within oneself.

5. It creates clarity in your brain.

6. It creates clarity in your life.

7. It can help with cardiovascular issues and hypertension.

8. It can relieve one of migraines and headaches caused by stress of light sensitivity.

9. It can help you be more present.

10. It creates a solid foundation of self worth.

11. It improves brain function.

12. It can help reduce your potential of developing brain-related diseases that develop over time.

*Check out our latest meditation in Le Magasin. 

12 redes dat ek myself vergewe.


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Dit het my 'n rukkie geneem om te besef dat perfeksie vervelig is en nie die moeite werd is om te hardloop nie. Ek het geleer om te groei in sterkte en helderheid in teenstelling met perfek.

Aangesien ek my behoefte om perfek te wees, laat val het, het ek ook wat ek voorheen teen myself gehou het, laat val. Ek was (soms nog steeds) te hard op myself. Ek het egter geleer dat negatiwiteit iets is wat ek agterlaat.

Dit alles kom neer op vergifnis. Gebruik my verlede en hede om op 'n gesonde manier te vorder. Hier is 12 redes waarom ek myself vergewe:

1. Ek vergewe myself omdat ek nie perfek is en nie bedoel is om te wees nie.


2. Ek vergewe myself omdat die bagasie van die verlede in my gedagtes gehou word.


3. Ek vergewe myself omdat die verlede my hierheen gelei het, so ek is dankbaar.

4. Ek vergewe myself omdat vergifnis vir ander met my begin.

5. Ek vergewe myself, ek doen die beste wat ek kan, my beste is my beste nie-enigiemand anders nie.

6. Ek vergewe myself, want ek is my beste ondersteuningsisteem, wat my verbind tot die verlede, hou my net terug.

7. Ek vergewe myself omdat vryheid begin met my en wat ek kies om vas te hou.

8. Ek vergewe myself omdat vooruitgang 'n keuse is.

9. Ek vergewe myself omdat daar net soveel keer is dat ek deur die verlede in my gedagtes kan gaan.

10. Ek vergewe myself omdat ek is wat ek kies om myself te onthou as.

11. Ek vergewe myself omdat selfrefleksie nie negatief of hard moet wees nie.

12. Ek vergewe myself omdat ek dankbaar is vir wat ek nie reggekry het nie. Mislukkings kan stene trap as ek dit toelaat.

12 Reasons to forgive myself.


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It has taken me a while to realize that perfection is boring and not worth running after. I have learnt to grow in strength and clarity as opposed to be perfect.

As I have dropped my need to be perfect, I have also dropped what I previously held against myself. I used to be (sometimes am still) too hard on myself. However, I have learnt that negativity is something that I want to leave behind.

It all boils down to forgiveness. Using my past and present to progress in a healthy way. Here are 12 reasons why I forgive myself:

1. I forgive myself because I am not perfect and not meant to be.

2. I forgive myself because the baggage of the past is being held in my mind.

3. I forgive myself because the past led me to here so I am grateful.

4. I forgive myself because forgiveness for others starts with me.

5. I forgive myself I am doing the best that I can, my best is my best- not anyone else’s.

6. I forgive myself because I am my best support system, chaining myself to the past only holds me back.

7. I forgive myself because freedom begins with me and what I choose to hold on to.

8. I forgive myself because progress is a choice.

9. I forgive myself because there are only so many times that I can go through the past in my mind.

10. I forgive myself because I am who I choose to remember myself as.

11. I forgive myself because self-reflection does not have to be negative or harsh.

12. I forgive myself because I am grateful for what I didn’t get right. Failures can be stepping stones, if I allow.

15 raisons pour lesquelles je pardonne quand il est difficile de.


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J'ai vraiment appris la semaine dernière (après la rupture) que parfois la personne la plus difficile à pardonner est celle contre laquelle vous voulez rester en colère.

* Veuillez lire les deux derniers articles de notre section AMOUR si vous n’êtes pas à la hauteur.

La semaine dernière, je me suis concentré sur le pardon afin de pouvoir me débarrasser de la toxicité qui se manifestait dans la vie par la douleur. Douleur qui a été infligée par quelqu'un avec qui j'étais auparavant.

Une autre chose que j’ai apprise, c’est que la douleur aime se personnifier et que si vous ne l’attrapez pas, elle prendra une vie à part. C’est pourquoi le pardon est la meilleure option pour moi pour le moment:

Voici 15 raisons pour lesquelles le pardon est si important pour moi en ce moment:

1. Je pardonne parce que les habitudes et les pensées toxiques n’ont pas leur place dans mon esprit ni dans mon cœur.

2. Je pardonne parce que la vie est une question de progrès.

3. Je pardonne parce que la liberté commence par la paix.

4. Je pardonne parce que c’est quand j’ai le plus besoin de pardonner.

5. Je pardonne parce que je veux voir le bon côté des choses.

6. Je pardonne parce que je veux sortir de ma propre voie.

7. Je pardonne parce que je veux garder mon coeur ouvert.

8. Je pardonne parce que la douleur dure aussi longtemps que je le veux.

9. Je pardonne parce qu'il y a toujours une image plus grande. Je ne comprendrai peut-être pas aujourd'hui, mais un jour, je le comprendrai.

10. Je pardonne parce que, parfois, l'amour nécessite de laisser le passé de côté.

11. Je pardonne parce que le meilleur moyen d'apprendre est de devenir un observateur.

12. Je pardonne parce que j'ai fini de prendre les choses personnellement.

13. Je pardonne parce que mon état d'esprit détermine la façon dont je guéris.

14. Je pardonne parce que ce moment vaut la peine d'être apprécié sans que le nuage du passé ne pleuve dessus.

15. Je pardonne parce que je refuse de conserver les bagages de quelqu'un d'autre. C’est leur problème à régler, tout comme j’ai le mien à traiter.

Izizathu ezine engizibonga ngazo ngabantu abangithandi.


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Sonke sazi okungenani esisodwa. Bangase babe umngane, umntakwethu, umzali, usebenza naye, umphathi noma omunye umuntu empilweni yethu othola indlela yakhe futhi ngaleyo ndlela, uthola indlela yabanye.

Laba bantu bangabazonda futhi ngeke bajabule uma wenza kahle noma kukhona ukuthula empilweni yakho.

Lapho ngisemncane, ngichitha isikhathi esiningi ngigxile ekushintsheni laba bantu, ngibaphoqele ukuba bahluke noma bazame ukukhanyisa. Kodwa-ke, lokho engikufundile ukuthi abanye abantu (kungakhathaliseki ukuthi uzama kangaki) badonseleka kokubi. Bazizwa bephansi futhi umgomo wabo ukuletha phansi ezingeni labo.

Nazi izizathu ezine ukuthi kungani ngiyabonga ngalaba bantu empilweni yami:

1. Basiza ukusetha imingcele.

Kulula ukusetha imingcele nomuntu oqonda ukuthi kungani uzibeka. Kodwa-ke, abantu abayinselele kakhulu ukubeka imingcele nabanqabile ngoba imingcele ivame iphuzu labo elibuthakathaka. Ukukwazi ukusho, 'Angiyikuvumela ukungabi nandaba kwakho kungibhubhise, usuku lwami noma impilo yami' ingenye yemingcele eqinile kakhulu ongayenza nomunye umuntu. Ngoba kukukhumbuza ukuthi uyabaluleka futhi uma uzovumela umuntu ongeyena ukuthi angene endleleni okholelwa ngayo ngawe.

2. Bangakusiza nge-drive yakho.

Ngezinye izikhathi othisha abahamba phambili bangabantu ababi kakhulu. Ngezinye izikhathi kuthatha ukufunda isifundo kumuntu onomusa futhi onomusa ukucwilisa umlayezo ebuchosheni nasezinkumbulo zethu. Ngezinye izikhathi kuthatha umuntu ongakholelwa kuwe ukuthi ukholelwe kuwe. Akuwona wonke umuntu oyobe nomusa kuwe kodwa ingabe lokho kuzokuvimba? Noma, ikunika ukushayela? Lokho, kuyisinqumo sakho.

3. Bangakusiza ube namandla.

Ngisanda kukhunjuzwa ngalesi sifundo. Singazibiza siqinile kuze kube yilapho sibhekene nenselele edinga amandla. Ngaphakathi kwalolu daba, siqinile yini? Kulula ukushumayela ngamandla njengothisha; Nokho, abangizondayo engizizwile ngokuqondile bangibiza okubi emehlweni ami bangibonisa ukuthi nginamandla kangakanani. Ukunciphisa izindinganiso zethu ukuhlangabezana nalabo abathandekayo bethu kubuthakathaka. Amandla kusho ukuthatha umgwaqo ophakeme lapho sifuna ukunikela kakhulu.

4. Bangikhumbuza ukuthi ngingagxila kuphi.

Ngifundisa i-yoga ekilasini eminyakeni embalwa eyedlule futhi udokotela, phakathi nendawo ukuya ekilasini, wangibiza igama elibi futhi ngashiya studio. Ngangineminyaka engamashumi amabili nanhlanu ubudala enesifiso esinesifiso esikhulu esasikhathazekile kakhulu ngalokho abantu ababekucabanga ngakho ngaleso sikhathi. Ngemva kokukhala kimi, abantu abangamashumi amathathu bashiywe ekilasini futhi ngenza isinqumo: Ngingacabanga ngowesifazane ongekho oshiya noma egxile kubantu abaye bakhetha ukuhlala ekilasini lami. Ngaleso sikhathi, ngakhetha abantu abangamashumi amathathu ababesele futhi ngazithembisa ukuthi ngizoqhubeka ngenza kanjalo empilweni yami. Ngithembisa ukuthi ngiyohlale ngibheka abantu abanomusa futhi abanompilo empilweni yami futhi ngithatha amandla kubantu ababi ngenxa yokuthi ngizikhethele ukuzigcina, nxazonke, ngokomzimba nangokwengqondo, noma cha.

The 4 Reasons why I am grateful for my haters.


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We all know at least one. They might be a friend, sibling, parent, colleague, boss or anyone else in our life who gets in their own way and thus, gets in the way of others.

These people are haters and they will never be happy if you are doing well or are at peace in your life.

When I was younger, I spent so much time focused on changing these people, forcing them to be different or trying to enlighten them. However, what I have learnt is that some people (no matter how many times you try) are drawn to the negative. They feel low and their mission is to bring you down to their level.

Here are the 4 reasons why I am grateful for these people in my life:

1. They help set boundaries.

It’s easy to set boundaries with someone who understands why you are setting them. However, the most challenging people to set boundaries with are haters because boundaries are usually their weak point. Being able to say, ‘I will not let your negativity destroy me, my day or my life’ is one of the most solid boundaries that you can set with someone. Because it reminds you of your worth and if you will let someone negative get in the way of what you believe about yourself.

2. They can help you with your drive.

Sometimes the best teachers are the worst kind of people. Sometimes it takes learning a lesson from someone who is mean and unkind to sink a message into our brains and memories. Sometimes it takes someone not believing in you for you to believe in yourself. Not everyone will be kind to you but will that stop you? Or, give you drive? That, is your choice.

3. They can help you get stronger.

I recently was reminded of this lesson. We can call ourselves strong until we are faced with a challenge that requires strength. In the midst of that challenge, are we strong? It’s easy to preach about strength as a teacher; however, my haters who I have literally heard call me evil in my presence prove to me how strong I am. Lowering our standards to meet those of our haters is weak. Strength means taking the high road when we want to give in the most.

4. They remind me where to focus my attention.

I taught a yoga class a few years ago and a practitioner, mid-way through class, called me a nasty name and left the studio. I was a twenty-five year-old wishy-washy young adult who was so bothered by what people thought of her, at that time. After she yelled at me, thirty people were left in class and I made a decision: I could either focus on the negative woman that left or focus on the people who have chosen to stay in my class. At that moment, I chose the thirty people who remained and promised myself to continue to do so in my life. I promised myself that I would always focus on the kind and positive people in my life and take power away from negative people because it’s my choice to keep them around, physically and mentally, or not.

15 Reasons I have learnt to forgive when I didn’t want to.


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I have truly learnt in the past week (post break-up) that sometimes the hardest person to forgive is the one that you want to stay angry at.

*Please read the last two articles in our LOVE section if you are not up to speed.

This past week, I have been focusing on forgiveness so that I can rid myself of toxicity which manifested it’s way into my life through pain. Pain that was inflicted by someone who I used to be with.

Something else that I have learnt is that pain likes to personify itself and if you don’t catch it, it will take on a life of its own. That’s why forgiveness is the best option for me right now:

Here are 15 reasons why forgiveness is so important to me right now:

1. I forgive because toxic habits and thoughts have no place in my mind and my heart.

2. I forgive because life is about progress.

3. I forgive because freedom starts with peace.

4. I forgive because when it’s most difficult to forgive is when I need to.

5. I forgive because I want to see the silver-lining.

6. I forgive because I want to get out of my own way.

7. I forgive because I want to keep my heart open.

8. I forgive because pain goes on for as long as I want it to.

9. I forgive because there is always a bigger picture. I may not understand today but one day, I will.

10. I forgive because sometimes love requires actively leaving the past behind.

11. I forgive because the best way to learn is to become the observer.

12. I forgive because I am done taking things personally.

13. I forgive because my mindset determines how I heal.

14. I forgive because this moment is worth enjoying without the cloud of the past raining on it.

15. I forgive because I refuse to hold on to someone else’s baggage. That is theirs to deal with as I have mine to deal with, too.

4 Things that I wish I’d known before my spirituality journey in this lifetime- not religious.


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I live in Los Angeles, the Mecca of spirituality in The U.S.A. You would think that I would only have great things to say about this, right? However, just like in life, not everything is black and white. Nuance can be applied to everything, including spirituality.

Even though both of my parents are spiritual people, I had to discover my own path. I don’t regret the journey at all because most times, not knowing opens space for us to truly learn with an open mind and heart.

If I could’ve know some things before my journey, they would be the following:

1. Spirituality is not always light.

I come from two extremely positive parents who always encouraged me that God and The Universe has my back. I know that this is not the average perspective because some people believe in the dark. I don’t mean dark like witchery (which can be darkness or light), I mean curses and using The Universe to manipulate people and things. One of the many great things about our lives is that they are usually direct reflections of what we are putting out. You might call yourself spiritual but what kind of spirituality are you aligning yourself with? The darkness (manipulation and force) or the light (manifestation, abundance and acceptance).

2. Just because you smile doesn’t mean that you aren’t in pain.

Everyone can wear a smile. However, internal happiness and wellbeing takes work. Daily practice and daily work to choose the path of enlightenment. As a yoga teacher, I encounter many yoga teachers who are in it for the enlightenment and wellness of all; however, unfortunately, I meet more teachers who are in it for self-elevation and Ego. The Ego is often an of extension of pain and until we learn to heal the pain that has occurred and manifested in our minds, bodies and lives, we will continue to think that we are above everyone else. However, the foundation of spirituality is connection- understanding that we are of the same: love.

3. Spirituality is a journey not a destination.

An extension of the last paragraph, in Western culture, we believe that if we receive a teacher-training or certificate makes us worthy of being followed on our spiritual path. However, in other cultures, who you are and what you represent is. Growing up in South Africa gave me an irreplaceable perspective that if I hurt my neighbour, I hurt myself because we are all connected. It also taught me that positivity is a daily practice and doesn’t happen when I get something but when I choose to be positive. Western Culture focuses so much on what we can get and then we’ll be happy: cars, phones, houses and other materials. This has been translated into our spiritual practice through having the right yoga-wear, practicing at the ‘best studio’, drinking the right kombucha, having celebrities practice next to us- all of this and then we will be spiritual. However, spirituality isn’t attached to when, it is attached to now. In this moment, will you be here?

4. Spirituality is not a replacement for therapy.

There is a huge difference between spirituality and therapy. The two cannot replace each other. Sometimes I hear people say that yoga can replace therapy which is dangerous. If you have been through something traumatic and need to speak to someone, please do so. Yoga teachers and the Asanas are not a replacement for someone who has been through years of study to hold you accountable for your healing. The same goes for tarot card readers, psychics, reiki healers and more. Asana (physical practice) of yoga is meant to show you your sanskars (behavioural patterns) so that it can enlighten you; accountability is a choice. If you have been through something that requires professional help, please seek it! So that someone can apply their expertise to what you are going through.



Imithetho engu-12 ye-karma


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Imithetho engu-12 ye-Karma

UMthetho Omkhulu ~ Uma uhlwanyela, uzokuvuna kanjalo.

Umthetho Wokudala ~ Ukuphila akukwenzeka nje, kudinga ukuhlanganyela kwethu.

Umthetho Wokuthobeka ~ Yini oyenqaba ukuyamukela, izoqhubeka ikulandela.

Umthetho Wokukhula ~ Nomaphi lapho uya khona, ulapha.

Umthetho Wemithwalo Yomthwalo ~ Noma nini lapho kukhona okungalungile, singathola lelo phutha ngaphakathi kokucabanga / umbono wethu.

Umthetho Wokuxhumeka ~ Ngisho noma into esiyenzayo ibonakala ingenakuthola, kubaluleke kakhulu ukuthi yenziwe njengento yonke e-Universe ixhunyiwe.

Umthetho Wokugxila ~ Awunakucabanga ngezinto ezimbili ngesikhathi esisodwa.

Umthetho Wokupha Nokungenisa Izihambi ~ Uma ukholelwa ukuthi kukhona okuyiqiniso, khona-ke esikhathini esithile empilweni yakho uzobizwa ukuba ubonise lokho.

Umthetho Welapha Nanjengoko ~ Ukubuka emuva ukuhlola ukuthi kwakunjani, kusivimbela ukuba singene lapha futhi manje.

Umthetho Wokuguquka ~ Umlando uyaziphindaphinda uze sifunde izifundo esizidingayo ukuze sishintshe indlela yethu.

Umthetho wokubekezela kanye nomvuzo ~ Zonke imivuzo zidinga ukuqala ukusebenza. Imiklomelo yokubaluleka okuhlala njalo idinga ukukhandleka kokugula nokuphikelela.

UMthetho Wokubaluleka Nokuphefumulelwa ~ Ubuyela emuva kokuthile noma yini oyifake kuyo.

kubhekiswe: www.oakwoodyoga.co.uk

The 12 Laws of Karma


The 12 Laws of Karma

The Great Law ~ As you sow, so shall you reap.

The Law of Creation ~ Life doesn't just happen, it requires our participation.

The Law of Humility ~ What you refuse to accept, will keep following you.

The Law of Growth ~ Wherever you go, there you are.

The Law of Responsibility ~ Whenever there is something wrong, we can find that error within our thinking/perception.

The Law of Connection ~ Even if something we do seems inconsequential, it is very important that it gets done as everything in the Universe is connected.

The Law of Focus ~ You can't think of two things at the same time.

The Law of Giving and Hospitality ~ If you believe something to be true, then sometime in your life you will be called upon to demonstrate that truth.

The Law of Here and Now ~ Looking back to examine what was, prevents us from being totally in the here and now.

The Law of Change ~ History repeats itself until we learn the lessons that we need to change our path.

The Law of Patience and Reward ~ All Rewards require initial toil. Rewards of lasting value require patient and persistent toil.

The Law of Significance and Inspiration ~ You get back from something whatever you've put into it.

referenced: www.oakwoodyoga.co.uk

10 quotes to help you release toxic people and things.


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We all need support and, the best support often happens when we are going through challenge.

As someone who recently let go of a few toxic people in their life, I know that I need support.

We often think of support being in the form of a person. However, support can also be in the form of affirmations, mantras and quotes.

So, I have compiled a list of quotes to help anyone stayed encouraged during the release of toxicity in their life:

1. ‘A year from now, you will have wished that you had started today.’ -Karen Lambe

2. ‘Just as God opens doors. God closes doors. Don’t get stuck trying to hold on to something that’s over and done.’ - Joel Osteen

3. ‘Do not let the behaviour of others destroy your inner peace.’ - Dalai Lama.

4. ‘To see what is right and not do it is cowardice.’- Confucius

5. ‘If I am not good to myself, how can I expect anyone else to be good to me?’- Maya Angelou

6. ‘Letting go doesn’t mean ignoring a situation.’ - Iyanla Vanzant

7. ‘If friends disappoint you over and over, that’s in large your own fault.’ - Oprah Winfrey

8. ‘Turn your wounds into wisdom.’ - Oprah Winfrey

9. ‘You don’t have to feel guilty about removing toxic people from your life.’ - Daniell Koepke

10. ‘I can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own.’- Mariah Carey

Chère Fake Girl ,

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Chère Fake Girl,

Je sais pourquoi tu bouges comme tu bouges. Vous n'avez jamais eu la chance de rester ferme dans votre vérité. Et maintenant, votre vérité est devenue floue. et ainsi ont vos actions et vos mots.

Vous voyez, être faux est une façade. La façade est très visible. Il est visible que vous tenir devant un miroir vous fait souffrir et que vous vous répandez sous forme de potins, d’agressivité passive et de manque de sincérité.

Comme avec n'importe quoi d'autre, la façade s'estompe et quand c'est le cas, que laisserez-vous derrière? Un jour, personne ne se souciera de ce que vous avez à dire car le sourire que vous portez ne contient aucune sincérité ni authenticité. Les gens sont plus intelligents que vous ne le pensez.

Donc, au lieu de répandre un faux amour et de faux compliments. Peut-être essayer d'être réel? Recherchez le véritable amour et le soutien en vous afin de pouvoir le transmettre aux autres.

Ce que nous accumulons dans nos esprits, nos corps et nos âmes se propage avec énergie. Donc, ne soyez pas surpris si vous avez actuellement de faux amis et des personnes autour de vous qui sont floconneux. Une fois que vous aurez appris à vous tenir dans votre vérité, vous pourrez / pourrez répandre un véritable amour et de la gentillesse.

Commencez dès aujourd’hui car chaque moment est trop important pour que nous passions à la recherche de choses pour nous compléter. Votre véritable pouvoir consiste à savoir et à comprendre que vous êtes suffisant. Votre véritable identité suffit, même si les autres ne l’acceptent pas. Vous n'avez pas besoin de leur acceptation. Vous êtes le seul à avoir besoin de vous accepter.

12 mentiras que solía decirme que ahora no creo.


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Soy un firme creyente en las afirmaciones positivas porque somos lo que / quiénes creemos que somos. Por lo tanto, es importante mantener nuestros pensamientos sobre nosotros mismos positivos y de apoyo porque nos convertimos en lo que creemos.

No siempre he sido tan positivo. Cuando no fui tan positivo, el mayor error que cometí fue creer lo negativo que la gente decía sobre mí. Convierto sus mentiras en verdad.

Ahora que sé que estas creencias son mentiras, puedo decir claramente que son 12 mentiras que una vez me dije a mí mismo que no son ciertas:

1. Soy desagradable.

2. Soy perezoso.

3. No soy inteligente.

4. Soy cruel.

5. Soy gordo.

6. Soy una puta.

7. No soy talentoso.

8. Soy como todos los demás.

9. Nunca llegaré a nada.

10. Soy falso.

11. Soy fea.

12. No soy suficiente.

12 Lies that I once told myself that I no longer believe.


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I am a firm-believer in positive affirmations because we are what/who we believe ourselves to be. So, it is important to keep our thoughts about ourselves positive and supportive because we become what we believe.

I haven’t always been this positive. When I wasn’t this positive, the biggest mistake that I made was believing negative things people said about me. I turned their lies into truth.

Now that I know that these beliefs are lies, I can clearly say that these are 12 lies I once told myself that aren’t true:

1. I am unlovable.

2. I am lazy.

3. I am not smart.

4. I am unkind.

5. I am fat.

6. I am a slut.

7. I am not talented.

8. I am like everyone else.

9. I will never amount to anything.

10. I am fake.

11. I am ugly.

12. I am not enough.

Dear Fake Girl,


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 Dear Fake Girl,

I know why you move the way that you move. You have never had a chance to stand firm in your truth. And, now your truth has become foggy. and so have your actions and your words.

You see, being fake is a facade. The facade is very visible. It is visible that standing in front of a mirror pains you and that pain you spread through gossip, passive aggressiveness and lack of sincerity.

Just like with anything else, the facade fades and when it does, what will you leave behind? One day, no one will care what you have to say because the smile that you wear holds no sincerity and genuineness. People are smarter than you think.

So, instead of spreading fake love and fake compliments. Maybe try being real? Seek real love and support within yourself so that you can spread it to others.

What we accumulate in our minds, bodies and our souls spreads energetically. So, don’t be surprised if right now you have fake friends and people around you who are flakey. Only once you learn to stand in your truth can you/ will you be able to spread genuine love and kindness.

So, start today because each moment is too important to spend seeking things to complete us. Your true power stands in knowing and understanding that you are enough. Your genuine self is enough, even if others don’t accept it. You don’t need their acceptance. You are the only one who needs to accept you.

20 choses que je suis plus fort que


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Je suis fermement convaincu que la force commence par l'esprit. Lorsque vous êtes fort dans votre esprit, il est plus facile de surmonter tout défi, que ce soit un défi physique, émotionnel ou mental.

Une fois que nous avons décidé de dépasser quelque chose, nous avons vaincu la moitié de la bataille.

Cela étant dit, j'ai compilé une liste de 20 choses que je promets d'être plus fortes que:

1. Mes peurs.

2. Mes doutes.

3. Les projections de quelqu'un d'autre.

4. L’opinion de quelqu'un d'autre sur moi.

5. Mon passé.

6. vibrations négatives.

7. Limites de la société.

8. Restrictions financières.

9. Un coeur brisé.

10. Reprendre l’histoire de quelqu'un d’autre.

11. Limitations précédentes que je me suis imposées.

12. Inauthenticité.

13. Mensonge.

14. Trahison.

15. Se sentir moins que.

16. Se sentir inadéquat.

17. Les doutes de quelqu'un d'autre.

18. faux amis.

19. Mauvaises intentions.

20. Les gens qui ont choisi d'être dans ma vie.

20 Things that I am stronger than.


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I am a firm-believer that strength starts with the mind. When you are strong in your mind, it makes it easier to overcome any challenge- whether it be a physical, emotional or mental challenge.

Once we make up our minds to move past somethings, we overcome half the battle.

With that being said, I compiled a list of 20 things that I promise to be stronger than:

1. My fears.

2. My doubts.

3. Anyone else’s projections.

4. Anyone else’s opinion of me.

5. My past.

6. Negative vibes.

7. Society’s limitations.

8. Financial restrictions.

9. A past heartbreak.

10. Taking on someone else’s story.

11. Previous limitations that I have placed on myself.

12. Inauthenticity.

13. Lies.

14. Betrayal.

15. Feeling less than.

16. Feeling inadequate.

17. Someone else’s doubts.

18. Fake friends.

19. Ill-intentions.

20. People who have chosen to be in my life.

What each zodiac sign needs for internal growth.


Image by Unsplash 


Growth is such an important part of life. As a firm-believer in Astrology and the characteristics &traits of each zodiac, it is important to understand how each zodiac is able to grow so that we evolve as human-beings.

*I am not an astrologer but am very knowledgeable about Zodiacs.

This is what each sign needs to make growth happen in their own life:

•Taurus- To accept people and things for how they are.

• Gemini- To think before speaking, sometimes.

• Cancer- To not take everything so personally.

• Leo- To let go of the uncontrollable.

• Virgo- To let go of needing to be perfect.

• Libra- To be okay with people not liking you.

• Scorpio- To be more trusting.

• Sagittarius- To not take everything so lightly.

• Capricorn- To not take everything so seriously.

• Aquarius- To practice compassion sometimes.

• Pisces- To stop playing the victim.

• Aries- To accept that not everyone is out to get you.

Yehlisa ukusetshenziswa kwakho kwepulasitiki ngokwenza lezizinto ezingu-7


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Ngamazwe angaphezu kuka-55 asanda kuvimbela ukusetshenziswa komuntu siqu wepulasitiki, kungukuthi (okuhlala emazweni angavinjelwe ipulasitiki) ukwenza umzamo wokuqeda ukusetshenziswa kwethu kwansuku zonke kwemikhiqizo esebenzisa amaplastiki.

Ungase ubuze, kungani lokhu kubaluleke kangaka? Ukuqaphela ipulasitiki kubalulekile ngoba yonke ipulasitiki eyodwa oyisebenzisayo iseseMhlabeni. Kuthatha iminyaka eyinkulungwane ukuze ipulasitiki ibe yi-biodegrade.

Nazi iziphakamiso ezingu-10 ozisebenzisayo empilweni yakho ukuze unciphise ukusetshenziswa kweplastiki yakho:

1. Thenga isikhwama sokuthenga esingasetshenziselwa esenziwe ngendwangu.

2. Gwema ukuthenga iziphuzo ze-iced kusuka ezitolo zekhofi ezingabuyiselwa kabusha.

3. Faka esikhundleni samapayipi ama-gels nama-gels eshayela asebenzisa iziqukathi zaseplastiki ngamapuphu ensipho.

4. Sebenzisa kabusha iziqukathi zokuthatha.

5. Sebenzisa ikhofi yakho noma ikati yetiye (ikakhulukazi iziphuzo ze-iced).

6. Faka esikhundleni seplastiki yakho nge-tin noma i-aluminium.

7. Ukubuyisela kabusha ngokuvumelana nemigomo yombuso ngamunye.

Lower your plastic consumption with these 7 suggestions.


Image by Unsplash 


With over 55 countries that have just banned personal use of plastic, it is up to us (living in countries that have not banned plastic) to make a conscious effort to limit our daily use of products that use plastics.

You might be asking, why is this so important? Being conscious about plastic is important because every single piece of plastic that you have ever used is still on this Earth. It takes up to a thousand years for plastic to biodegrade.

Here are 10 suggestions to apply to your life so that you lower your plastic consumption:

1. Buy a reusable shopping bag made from fabric.

2. Avoid buying iced drinks from coffee shops that don’t recycle.


3. Replace soap gels and shower gels that use plastic containers with soap bars.

4. Re-use takeout containers.

5. Use your own coffee or tea mug (particularly for iced drinks).

6. Replace your plastic with tin or aluminium.

7. Recycle according to each state’s regulations.