Las 3 razones por las que he decidido renunciar al odio hacia un hombre.


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Recientemente, tomé una decisión. Decidí dejar de lado el odio que sentía hacia un DJ / músico / productor que frecuentaba un estudio de yoga en el que daba clases.

Cuando él venía al estudio de yoga, mi odio se mostraba arrogante y se comportaba como si fuera mejor que él, lo cual se ha convertido en mi protección y armadura cuando oculto mis verdaderos sentimientos.

A pesar de que sabía que no era saludable tener estos sentimientos de odio hacia él, lo hice de todos modos porque me sentía cómodo observando su comportamiento y cómo trataba a las mujeres. Verá, anteriormente había sido un fanático de su música y estaba desanimado de que él tuviera una gran plataforma en las redes sociales y en el ojo público y que tuviera imágenes de mujeres casi desnudas y que promocionara la imagen pobre de las mujeres. Que las mujeres solo son buenas para mirar y que tienes que ser sexy para que te vean como una mujer.

Soy feminista por lo que los derechos humanos y la igualdad son importantes para mí, para todos, no solo para las mujeres. Menciono esto porque me pareció (a mí) como el tipo de mensaje que intenta difundir a través de su plataforma que me decepcionó a mí como fan, mi decepción causó dolor y mi dolor condujo a la ira.

Estaba tan lleno de ira que cuando lo veía, escuchaba su música o su nombre, me quemaba por dentro y me sentía extremadamente incómodo. Hasta que un día, estaba saliendo de Trader Joe en Hollywood y vi una enorme cartelera de él. Tuve un trastorno mental Sentí que había hecho todo lo posible para dejar ir a este hombre y la sombra de este hombre me estaba siguiendo. Comencé a llorar porque me di cuenta de que mis pensamientos y sentimientos estaban mejorando de mí y tenía que terminar. Decidí dejar de lado el odio que había desarrollado durante algunos meses.

Y, aquí es por qué:

1. Cuando odiamos algo, se expande.

Nuestros pensamientos son muy poderosos. Así como hay manifestación positiva; También hay manifestación negativa. Que tu atención se expanda. Lo que había estado practicando mentalmente con él era que, si lo odiaba lo suficiente, dejaría mi existencia, pero no es así como funciona. El Universo quiere que seamos mejores personas y quiere que liberemos el odio. Hasta que decidamos hacerlo, se nos enviarán las razones por las que es hora de liberar el odio hasta que un día decidamos hacerlo.

2. El odio solo detiene a la persona que está odiando.

Durante mi fase de odio hacia él, tendría un día maravilloso hasta que su canción saliera en la radio y luego me llenaría de ira. Enojado porque alguien tan talentoso era tan hipócrita porque en sus canciones y entrevistas, él difunde el mensaje de amor e igualdad, pero sus acciones mostraron lo contrario. Miré en su página de Instagram una vez (para juzgarlo) y vi un reloj que decía que era hora de respetar a las mujeres y me puse furioso. Les dije a todos mis amigos que pensaba que era repugnante que alguien que retrata a las mujeres de esa manera pueda decirles a las demás que respeten a las mujeres cuando él claramente no lo hace. Todo esto solo me estaba afectando. Porque cada vez que hablaba mal de él, que lo ignoraba y que criticaba su carácter, viajaba por el mundo, vivía su vida y probablemente no tenía ni idea de que tenía tanta animosidad hacia él. ¿De qué se trata, pues? Cuando odiamos a alguien o algo, es posible que no tengan una idea de nuestros verdaderos sentimientos. Siguen viviendo sus vidas; Mientras estamos atrapados en el pasado y la falta de perdón.

3. El odio solo continúa por cuánto tiempo lo queremos.

Claro, la gente puede decir y hacer cosas que nos lastiman, nos hacen enojar y pueden llevarnos a querer odiarlos. Es una parte de la vida. El Dalai Lama dice: "El verdadero héroe es el que conquista su propia ira y odio", lo que significa que el odio y la ira son parte de nuestras emociones; Sin embargo, solo nos convertimos en mejores personas al elevarnos por encima. Elevándose por encima de las acciones de otra persona, superando los comentarios hirientes y superando los malentendidos Superar sus propias negatividades le permite comprenderse y apreciarse a sí mismo, así como a los demás

The 3 Reasons Why I Have Decided To Give up Hate Towards A Man.


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Recently, I made a decision. I decided to let go of the hate that I had towards a DJ/Musician/Producer who would frequent a yoga studio that I taught at.

When he would come to the yoga studio, my hate showed up in arrogance and behaving like I am better than he is- which has become my protection and armor when I am hiding my true feelings.

Even though I knew it was unhealthy to have these hateful feelings towards him, I did so anyway because I was comfortable looking down on his behaviour and how he treated women. You see, I had previously been a fan of his music and was disheartened that he had a big platform on social media and in the public eye and would have almost-naked pictures of women and would promote the poor portrayal of women. That women are only good to look at and that you have to be sexy to be seen as a woman.

I am a feminist so human rights and equality is important to me, for everyone, not just women. I mention this because it seemed (to me) like the kind of message that he tries to spread through his platform was which disappointing to me as a fan, my disappointment led to hurt and my hurt led to anger.

I was so filled with anger that when I would see him, hear his music or his name, I would burn inside and feel extremely uncomfortable. Until one day, I was walking out of Trader Joe’s in Hollywood and I saw a huge billboard of him. I had a mental freak out. I felt like I had done everything to let go of this man and this man’s shadow was following me. I began crying because I realized that my thoughts and feelings were getting the better of me and it had to end. I decided to let go of the hate that I had developed over a few months.

And, here is why:

1. When we hate something, it expands.

Our thoughts are very powerful. Just like there is positive manifestation; there is negative manifestation too. What you focus on, expands. What I had been mentally practicing with him was that, if I hate him enough, he will leave my existence but that’s not how it works. The Universe wants us to be better people and wants us to release the hate. Until we decide to, we will be sent reasons why it’s time to release the hate until one day, we decide to.

2. Hate only stops the person who is hating.

During my hateful phase towards him, I would be having a wonderful day until his song would come up on the radio and then I would be filled with anger. Anger that someone so talented was such a hypocrite because in his songs and interviews, he spreads the message of love and equality but his actions showed otherwise. I looked on his Instagram page once (to judge him) and saw a clock that said that it was time to respect women and I went ballistic. I told all my friends that I thought it was disgusting that someone who portrays women like that, can tell others to respect women when he clearly doesn’t. All of this was only affecting me. Because every time that I spoke badly of him, that I ignored him and that I criticized his character, he was travelling the world, living his life and probably clueless that I had such animosity towards him. So, what was the point? When we hate someone or something, they might not have a clue about our true feelings. They go on living their lives; while we are stuck in the past and unforgiveness.

3. Hate only goes on for how long we want it to.

Sure, people can say and do things that hurt us, make us angry and can lead to us wanting to hate them. It’s a part of life. The Dalai Lama says, ‘The True Hero is the one who conquers his own anger and hate’, meaning that hate and anger are a part of our emotions; however, we only become better people by rising above. Rising above someone else’s actions, rising above hurtful comments and rising above misunderstandings. Overcoming your own negativities allows you to understand and appreciate yourself, as well as others.

The 4 Best Things That Have NEVER Happened to me!


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I am a firm-believer in everything happening for a reason. That doesn’t mean that you sit around waiting for things to happen to you, it means that all your energy, effort and work can lead you to meet particular people at particular moments or that if you didn’t land that ‘dream job’, it’s because it might not have been so dreamy after all.

Everything is working to support us. Whether you want to live a lifestyle that is healthy, full of love and gratitude; or, want to live a life that lacks health, love and gratitude, The Universe will support your decision. Because what we reap, we sow. Not applying to everything! But, in most scenarios, the seeds that you plant today will begin to grow and manifest in your life.

Looking back on certain things in my life, I am so grateful that everything has turned out the way that it has because life is good. I do believe that things continue to conspire for my good; however, these are the 4 best things that I am glad never worked out:

1. My love life.

The ‘post-breakup’ me would not be happy to admit this but I am glad that every relationship that I have had didn’t work out because I believe that my soulmate is alive, healthy and is open to the idea of a loving and healthy relationship. I am forever an optimist and I believe wholeheartedly that love is real. I believe that every heartbreak I have been through had a purpose. All of my romantic partners have taught me something. Whether it was how to let go, to embrace darkness, to be patient or to genuinely love, all of my former partners helped carve who I am today and I am grateful because when I meet my soulmate, I can share the best things that I have learnt in love with him. All of that couldn’t have happened without them.

2. A baby.

I have been very vocal about having a miscarriage two years ago. Even though it was painful, it was necessary. This is how I see it: she (the baby) came into my life to teach me something and I believe it was how to stand up for myself and those that I loved. Before this happened, I had difficulty being strong and making firm-decisions. However, after I told my partner that I was pregnant and he disappeared, I decided to keep her and fight for love without caring about the consequences. I took a real stand for the first time in my life and, although I lost her, it felt great to stand firm in what is right and follow through. I made a promise to God that no matter what, I would always take a stand and do what was right- no matter what backlash I might face or what I might lose as a result.

3. My ‘dream’ job.

Almost three years ago, I was promoted to General Manager of a restaurant in New York. I had been a manager beforehand and, although it wasn’t my ideal job, it came with the chance to network with influential people and work in an affluent neighbourhood. However, I had three problems: The Owner that I worked for was inexperienced and had a bad temper, my Co-Worker mistreated me and undermined me (as a woman) and the pay fell extremely short. One day, I was in a yoga class and The Yoga Teacher said, ‘If you asked for something that you thought you wanted and you don’t want it anymore, you can always send it back’ and a lightbulb went off in my head. I could send back that job. So, I gave my resignation and decided to teach more yoga and wait on tables for a living. One of the best decisions that I have ever made.

4. Having my dad around my entire childhood.

I am proud today to say that I can see The Divine reason as to why my Father disappeared when I was 15. I spent many years taking his disappearing personally and hating him, only to realize that hating him was ridding me of living a full life that could belong to me if I chose to forgive. After the first time that I almost got married, I knew that I had some serious healing to do and it was more than anything to do with my romantic relationship, I had feelings of resentment towards men that I needed (and still need) to heal. After a therapy session, I wrote my Dad a forgiveness letter and I realized that I was meant to be raised exactly the way that I was. My Dad was well off and him leaving meant that a lot of the money went too. But, truthfully, I am glad that I didn’t grow up with a lot of money. Money is not bad if you are solidified in yourself, which I was not. Not having a lot of money growing up gave me drive and work ethic because I know that it is possible to achiever goals and that, if I want it, it can be mine no matter where I come from or what I look like.

4 autres choses que j'ai apprises sur les ennemis


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Que nous voulions l'admettre ou non, il y aura toujours quelqu'un de haineux dans nos vies. Il peut s'agir d'un ami, d'un membre de la famille, d'un colocataire, d'un partenaire amoureux, d'un partenaire commercial ou même de vous.

Récemment, j'ai appris quelques autres choses sur les ennemis que je voudrais partager avec vous:

1. Blesser des gens blesser des gens

Je me suis récemment rendu ennuyeux envers un musicien / DJ / producteur qui fréquentait un studio de yoga où j'enseignais à Los Angeles. Toute la haine que j'avais accumulée envers les hommes, je l'avais mise sur lui parce que c'était facile. Il était facile de haïr un homme qui n’est publiquement pas le plus gentil avec une femme parce qu’il était la cible la plus grande. Il a une plate-forme et des millions d'adeptes sur Instagram. La partie détestable de moi était jalouse de pouvoir répandre le message de démolir les femmes. Je me suis retrouvé à dire de vilaines choses sur son personnage jusqu'au jour où je me suis rendu compte que je ne le connaissais même pas. Comment puis-je être si détestable envers lui? J'étais tellement dur avec lui et être dur conduit à la haine. La haine est un fardeau que je ne veux pas porter. Alors, je lui ai envoyé une lettre d'excuses et je lui souhaite le meilleur. Je devais regarder en moi pour voir ce qui n’était pas guéri. Il n'est pas responsable de quelque chose que d'autres hommes m'ont fait. Il ne mérite pas d’être le destinataire de la haine.

2. Tout le monde ne va pas vous célébrer.

Dernièrement, j’ai accepté le fait que tout le monde ne sera pas content de mes réalisations, car elles n’ont pas à l'être. Ils ne doivent pas être heureux pour moi. En outre, j’ai appris que les personnes qui n’ont rien à célébrer dans leur vie risquent davantage de ne pas célébrer la vôtre. Les gens ont affaire à eux-mêmes et à leur propre vie et, habituellement, ce qu'ils ressentent pour vous n'a rien à voir avec vous. C'est une extension de ce qu'ils ressentent pour eux-mêmes.

3. Tout le monde ne veut pas le meilleur pour vous.

Dans un monde idéal, tout le monde s’enracine mais ce n’est pas la réalité. Le monde dans lequel nous vivons est plein d'amour et de lumière; Cependant, il y a aussi la haine et les ténèbres. Nous faisons tous un choix quotidien de ce que nous choisirons d'embrasser chaque jour et certaines personnes choisissent les ténèbres et la haine. Avec l'obscurité vient la négativité, être méchant, mensonges et actes répréhensibles. Nous ne pouvons pas nous attendre à ce que tout le monde soit à son meilleur ou s'enracine pour nous, nous ne pouvons qu'espérer le meilleur de nous-mêmes. Comment d'autres personnes choisissent de se comporter, c'est comment elles ont choisi de se comporter. S'ils voient la lumière, génial! Si ce n’est pas le cas, tant mieux! La vie continue.

4. Ce n’est pas personnellement.

Comme je l'ai déjà dit, les gens ont affaire à eux-mêmes et tout le monde ne sait pas comment surmonter l'incompétence, l'ego, la haine de soi, la trahison et la négativité. La plupart des gens vont le lâcher directement sur quelqu'un d'autre après que cela leur soit arrivé. Même certaines des attaques de haine les plus «personnelles» sont une extension de l'endroit où cette personne se trouve mentalement, physiquement et émotionnellement, ne le prenez pas personnellement. Tout le monde est à un endroit différent dans sa vie et certains ne sont pas enclins à être meilleurs. Aimez-les à distance et laissez-les partir. Ils ne sont pas votre problème, sinon vous vous retrouverez face à la négativité, la douleur et la souffrance de quelqu'un d'autre.


4 more things that I learnt about haters

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Image from unSplash

Whether we would like to admit it or not, there will always be someone hateful in our lives. It might be a friend, a family member, a roommate, a romantic partner, a business partner or even you.

Recently, I learnt a few more things about haters that I would like to share with you:

1. Hurt people hurt people

I found myself recently being a hater towards a Musician/DJ/Producer who would frequent a yoga studio that I used to teach at in Los Angeles. All of the hate that I had accumulated towards men, I had placed on him because it was easy. It was easy to hate a man who publicly isn’t the kindest to woman because he was the biggest target. He has a platform and millions of followers on Instagram. The hateful part of me was jealous that he could spread the message of tearing women down. I found myself saying nasty things about his character until one day, I realized that I didn’t even know him so how can I be so hateful towards him? I was so harsh on him and being harsh leads to hate. Hate is a burden that I don’t want to carry. So, I sent him an apology letter and wish him the best. I needed to look within myself to see what wasn’t healed. He is not responsible for something that other men have done to me. He doesn’t deserve to be the recipient of hate.

2. Not everyone will celebrate you.

Lately, I have come to terms with the fact that not everyone will be happy for my achievements because they don’t have to be. They don’t have to be happy for me. In addition, I have learnt that people who have nothing to celebrate in their own lives are more likely not to celebrate yours. People are dealing with themselves and their own lives, and usually how they feel about you has nothing to do with you. It is an extension of how they feel about themselves.

3. Not everyone wants the best for you.

In an ideal world, everyone is rooting for each other but that is not reality. The world we live in is full of love and light; however, there is hatred and darkness too. All of us make a daily choice of what we will choose to embrace each day and some people choose darkness and hatred. With darkness comes negativity, being mean, lies and wrongdoing. We cannot expect everyone to be at their best or to be rooting for us, we can only expect the best from ourselves. How other people choose to behave is how they have chosen to behave. If they see the light, great! If they don’t, great too! Life goes on.

4. It’s not personally.

Like I said before, people are dealing with themselves and not everyone knows how to overcome incompetence, Ego, self-hatred, betrayal and negativity. Most people will unleash it right onto someone else after it has happened to them. Even some of the most ‘personal’ attacks of hatred are an extension of where that person is at mentally, physically and emotionally, don’t take it personally. Everyone is at a different place in their lives and some are not inclined to be better people. Love them from a distance and let them go, they are not your problem to deal with or you will find yourself taking on someone else’s negativity, hurt and pain.

3 cosas que podrían arruinar tu piel.


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Siempre digo eso: 'Detrás de cada persona confiada es una piel suave y saludable', porque lo que sentimos por nuestra piel puede tener un efecto en cómo nos vemos a nosotros mismos y, por lo tanto, en cómo nos ven los demás.

Luché durante años con eczema y rosácea y nada me ayudó durante muchos años. Esto me llevó a investigar un poco y descubrí que el ingrediente principal de la mayoría de los productos para la piel era el agua que seca la piel.

Como resultado de mis hallazgos, volví a la escuela para estudiar piel y me gradué con un diploma en formulación para el cuidado de la piel orgánica.

A lo largo de los años de dirigir una compañía de cuidado de la piel y ayudar a las personas con su piel, he visto lo que puede dañarla.

Compartiré contigo 3 cosas que podrían arruinar tu piel:

1. agua

Cuando pensamos en el agua, pensamos en la hidratación; Sin embargo, no nos estamos refiriendo a la hidratación externa. Externamente, usamos agua para limpiar, no para hidratar. La mayoría de los productos utilizan 70% o más de agua como base para ahorrar dinero. Sin embargo, esto no es ideal para su piel porque cuanta más agua haya en sus productos, más conservantes se necesitarán en sus productos para mantenerlos en el período de validez. Es por eso que la mayoría de las personas actualmente tienen acné porque los productos se están secando la piel y, en lugar de hidratarse, se les colocan sustancias químicas tóxicas.

Remedio: opte por sus productos para la piel a base de agua por aquellos que son ricos en aceites y humedad.

2. Fragancia sintética

Según un estudio publicado por la FDA en 2016, la fragancia es el carcinógeno número 1. No solo no es saludable para los pulmones, sino que si se lo coloca en la piel, puede provocar diferentes trastornos y problemas de la piel. Cuando me refiero a la fragancia, me refiero a las fragancias sintéticas que se utilizan más comúnmente en nuestra vida cotidiana. Aunque existen limitaciones para la fragancia de aceites esenciales, hay menos porque los aceites esenciales están hechos de ingredientes botánicos que son más compatibles con nuestras células de la piel y se derivan de las plantas, por lo que tienen menos efecto sobre el medio ambiente.

Remedio: cambie su antigua fragancia sintética por una fragancia a base de aceite esencial.

3. Estilo de vida

Puede tomar de su piel todo lo que quiera, pero si come de manera poco saludable, bebe mucho café y alcohol, y se siente estresado todo el tiempo, verá que su piel se deteriora. Gaste todo el dinero que desee en el mundo y eso no cambiará nada. La salud es un estilo de vida y generalmente su piel le mostrará que necesita hacer un cambio en su estilo de vida.

Remedio: ser honesto consigo mismo y preguntarse si está durmiendo lo suficiente, comiendo lo suficiente o bebiendo suficiente agua. Luego haga más de lo que necesita para lograr un equilibrio saludable en su vida.

* Patrocinado por KindGirlco. Echa un vistazo a nuestro BUY BIOLOGIQUELIFE para productos KindGirlco Para màs


3 things that could be ruining your skin.


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I always say that, ‘Behind every confident person is smooth and healthy skin’, because how we feel about our skin can have an effect on how we see ourselves and thus, how others see us.

I struggled for years with eczema and rosacea and nothing helped me for many years. This led me to do some of my research and I discovered that most skin products main ingredient was water which dries the skin out.

As a result of my findings, I went back to school to study skin and graduated with a diploma in organic skincare formulation.

Over the years of running a skincare company and helping people with their skin, I have seen what can damage the skin.

I will share with you 3 things that could be ruining your skin:

1. Water

When we think of water, we think of hydration; however, we are not referring to external hydration. Externally, we use water to cleanse, not to hydrate. Most products use 70% or more of water as a base to save money. However, this is not ideal for your skin because the more water that is in your products, the more preservatives are needed in your products to keep them at shelf-life. That is why most people currently have acne because products are drying out their skin and instead of hydration, toxic chemicals are being placed on their skin.

Remedy: Opt out your water-based skin products for ones that are rich in oils and moisture.

2. Synthetic Fragrance

According to a study released by The FDA in 2016, fragrance is the number 1 carcinogen. Not only is that unhealthy for your lungs but if placed on your skin, it can lead to different skin disorders and problems. When I refer to fragrance, I am referring to synthetic fragrances which is most commonly used in our everyday life. Although there are limitations to essential oil fragrance, there are less because essential oils are made from botanicals that are more compatible with our skin cells and are derived from plants so they have less of an effect on the environment.

Remedy: Swap out your old synthetic fragrance for an essential oil-based fragrance.

3. Lifestyle

You can take of your skin all you want but if you eat unhealthily, drink a lot of coffee and alcohol, and are stressed out all the time, you will see your skin deteriorate. Spend all the money you want that you want in the world and it will not change a thing. Health is a lifestyle and usually your skin will show you that you need to make a change in your lifestyle.

Remedy: Be honest with yourself and ask yourself if you are getting enough sleep, eating enough greens or drinking enough water. Then do more of what you need to bring a healthy balance to your life.


*Sponsored by KindGirlco. Check out our BUY BIOLOGIQUELIFE for KindGirlco products  

10 raisons pour lesquelles il est important de parler


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Nous avons tous quelque chose qui nous passionne: les droits de l’homme, les droits des animaux, le féminisme, la durabilité, l’amour, etc. La liste s’allonge encore et encore.

Quelle que soit votre passion, je vous encourage à en parler.Je suis moi-même passionné par quelques domaines, en particulier les droits des femmes et le fait que les femmes soient décrites dans des médias aussi puissants et puissants que les hommes, car ces représentations laissent une trace dans notre esprit.

Voici 10 raisons pour lesquelles il est nécessaire de parler de ce en quoi vous croyez:

1. C’est important.

2. Votre voix doit être entendue.

3. Cela pourrait inspirer quelqu'un d'autre.

4. Vous pourriez vous surprendre.

5. Vous pourriez surprendre quelqu'un d'autre.

6. Vous pourriez être exactement ce que quelqu'un a besoin d'entendre.

7. Cela pourrait encourager quelqu'un d'autre.

8. Cela pourrait vous aider à progresser.

9. Cela pourrait vous aider à vous laisser aller.

10. Cela pourrait aider le monde à devenir un meilleur endroit. 

10 reasons why it’s important to speak up.


image courtesy of Unsplash 


We all have something that we’re passionate about, it might be human rights, animal rights, feminism, sustainability, love... the list goes on and on.

Whatever you are passionate about, I encourage you to speak up about it. I, myself, am passionate about a few things, particularly women’s rights and women being portrayed in media as powerful and strong as men are portrayed to be, because portrayals leave an imprint on our minds.

Here are 10 reasons why it is necessary to speak up about what you believe in:

1. It’s important.

2. Your voice needs to be heard.

3. It might inspire someone else.

4. You might surprise yourself.

5. You might surprise someone else.

6. You might be exactly what someone needs to hear.

7. It might encourage someone else.

8. It could help you progress.

9. It could help you let go.

10. It could help the world be a better place.

10 inspirational quotes by Gary Zukav



When I saw Gary Zukav speak on Oprah for the first time, he was featured on a segment called ‘Super Soul Sunday’. This was four years ago and he spoke about a Spiritual Partnership that he shared between him and his partner, Linda. One that two people share that is higher than romantic relationships, beyond games and allows spiritual growth between two people. 

After that, I read his book entitled Spiritual Partnerships and it enlightened me about a relationship that I wanted to attract into my life. One that enriched each other’s souls as opposed to depleted them. In general, Gary has a great way of simplifying what the soul is and how it relates to us in our lives and relationships.

Here are 10 inspiring quotes about Gary Zukav.

1. The amount of stress in your life is determined by how much energy you expend resisting your life.

2. Try to realize, and truly realize, that what stands between you and a different life are matters of responsible choice.

3. Eventually, you will come to understand that love heals everything, and love is all there is.

4. Humbleness, forgiveness, clarity and love are the dynamics of freedom. They are the foundations of authentic power.

5. Spiritual growth requires the development of inner knowing and inner authority. It requires the heart, not the intellect.

6. What is behind your eyes holds more power than what is in front of them.

7. Awareness is a blissful state, not a painful one.

8. Spiritual Partnership ... The new female and the new male are partners on a journey of spiritual growth. They want to make the journey. Their love and trust keep them together. Their intuition guides them. They consult with each other. They are friends. They laugh a lot. They are equals. That is what a spiritual partnership is: a partnership between equals for the purpose of spiritual growth.

9. The loving personality seeks not to control, but to nurture, not to dominate, but to empower.

10. If you choose to forgive someone who has wronged you rather than to hate that person, you shift the frequency of your Light.

4 things you can do instead of hate Donald Trump


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It’s been a gloomy and crazy two years with President Trump in the office. Now, more than ever, The U.S.A. is very divided. A lot of people are frustrated, annoyed and anxiously awaiting when he will no longer be President.


While this is the reality of many, some people are happy that he is in his position because they believe in his mentality of firmness and that he gets things done.

Whether you agree with him or not, the reality is that he is our President and hating him will not help us progress as a nation. So, instead of hating him, try these FOUR things:

1. Voting

This one is obvious; however, not as obvious as some people may think. I, myself, never really gave voting that much influence until Donald Trump became president. For many years, I had the mentality that someone else would vote for me. However, in a democracy, everyone is responsible for making change happen. In a true democracy, your voice counts towards the end result; it doesn’t always mean that you win but it means that you are heard.

2. Listening to those who voted for someone else.

Although I am an American citizen, I grew up in two other countries so I have a different perspective. I have never lived in a country that is so divided by policies and it frightens me. It makes me ask the question, how can humanity and understanding occur when two sides are at war with each other?

When I speak to a lot of liberals, they look down upon conservatives. And, when I speak to a lot of conservatives, they feel like they aren’t truly allowed to say how they feel. What is the solution? Listening to each other, first. If we speak down upon another, it isolates the other person and the unity is lost. Instead of building a wall of judgement; build a relationship of understanding by listening to why someone decided to vote for him in the first place.

3. Keep your thoughts positive.

I had to stop watching CNN, MSNBC and other news networks because I feel like they focus too much on the downfalls on President Trump. In the laws of physics, what you focus on expands. So, if we continue to hate Trump, he will become stronger. How about we focus on love and positive thoughts? How about we manifest the kind of country that we want? Instead of giving in to hate and negativity. Like Martin Luther King JNR. said, ‘Hate is too great a burden to bear.’ So, let’s elevate our collective consciousness by speaking and thinking words of positivity to get us out of this negative place we are in.

4. Learn why and how this happened.

Trump didn’t come from another planet to ruin ours, like a lot of people paint it. He was born and raised in this country, which means that there are other people like him. These people feel the way he does and are a symptom of the corporate America, where a certain demographic of Americans feel entitled to be better, smarter and more advantaged than others. We need to learn what about The American system has caused this to occur and how we can prevent this. And then find solutions: More money in education? Moving towards other energy resources that can provide people with jobs? Provide accessible healthcare? The past has happened so that we can learn from it, not pretend like it didn’t exist.

Why do I want to forgive him?

Image from Unsplash

Image from Unsplash

 Why do I want to forgive him?

Because it is not healthy to hold onto anger. I want to forgive him because I am tired of questioning why he hasn't responded or put forward actions, instead of merely talking. I want to forgive him because I am tired of feeling rejected and he doesn't have as much power in my life as I have previously given him.

I want to forgive him because he is not a bad person- merely human and, just like I, he has issues. I want to forgive him because it is the best way to move forward from this. I want to forgive him because I cannot force him to change, I cannot re-write the past and I don't want to. I learnt so much about life and loving, which is even more reason for me to forgive as I am grateful and pleased with the outcome.

I want to forgive him because my next chapter is too promising to be ruined by feelings of bitterness, worry and uncertainty. I want to forgive him because I am certain that I deserve a love that is not heavily burdened by insecurities; that reassures us when we are not sure.

I want to forgive him because I cannot force the truth. It is not forced or jaded. I want to forgive him because he has served his purpose in my life, it may not have been how I wanted it but I am here. I am here to forgive because there is nothing more beneficial.

10 inspirational quotes by Elon Musk


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There is nothing more inspirational, to me, than when someone becomes rich by bettering the world. Elon Musk, founder of Tesla, was born in Pretoria, South in 1971. He moved to The U.S.A. to study and has been here ever since. 


He speaks of Tesla as being proof that electric cars can look good too.  


Here are 10 inspirational quotes from Mr. Musk: 

1.’When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favour.’

2. ‘You get paid in direct proportion to the difficulty of problems you solve.’

3. ‘I'm not trying to be anyone's savior. I'm just trying to think about the future and not be sad.’

4. ‘It is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary.’

5. ‘When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.’

6. ‘Any product that needs a manual to work is broken.’

7. ‘Life is too short for long-term grudges.’


8.’ Patience is a virtue, and I’m learning patience. It’s a tough lesson.’


9. ‘Persistence is very important. You should not give up unless you are forced to give up.’


10. ‘It’s OK to have your eggs in one basket as long as you control what happens to that basket.’

11 things that I am sorry for.


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When I forgive others, I do so after having forgiven myself. Because I know in my life, I have done things that I am not proud of.

So, here is a list of 11 things that I am sorry for:

1. For being judgemental, at times.

2. For being unapproachable.

3. For giving my ex-boyfriend a reason to call me crazy.

4. For having fed into stereotypes.

5. For not being truthful when I wasn’t interested in someone.

6. For dating two friends at once, twice.

7. For calling myself nasty names.

8. For calling others nasty names.

9. For ever projecting how I feel onto another.

10. For selling myself short.

11. For ever caring what anyone else has said or thought about me.

10 quotes to help you get through tough times.


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Tough times can be a chance for you to become a victim or a victor. Our choices during difficult situations can set us up to become better people or weaken us. But, it all starts with the mind. Some days, we have to literally take a step at a time, trusting that we will be okay.

Here are 10 quotes to help you through a difficult situation:

1. ‘You're going to go through tough times - that's life. But I say, 'Nothing happens to you, it happens for you.' See the positive in negative events.’- Joel Osteen

2. ‘If everything was perfect, you would never learn and you would never grow.’ - Beyonce Knowles

3. ‘We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.’ - Maya Angelou

4. ‘Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.’ - Oprah Winfrey

5. ‘The only problem we really have is we think we’re not supposed to have problems! Problems call us to higher level, face & solve them now!’- Tony Robbins.

6. ‘Choose to be optimistic, it feels better’ - The Dalai Lama

7. ‘And I know that I can survive, I walked through fire to save my life.’ - Sia

8. ‘Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.’- Ghandi

9. Ask me to steal, block out, sacrifice, lead, dominate, anything. But it’s not what you ask of me it’s what I ask of myself.’

LeBron James

10. ‘It always seems impossible until it's done.’ - Nelson Mandela

11 things that I’ll never be sorry for


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Recently, a colleague bumped into me and somehow my reaction to this was to think that if only I had thought to stand further out of the way, he wouldn't have bumped into me. I found myself saying sorry to someone about something that I shouldn't have been sorry for.

My irrational apology was basically saying, "Sorry for being in the way when I wasn't in the way." I began to question what else I was or had been sorry for, and made a decision to no longer be sorry for the following:

I'm not sorry for:

1. Who I am.

There's a reason why all of us are born as the people we are.

2. For not being a person that someone else wants me to be.

Nobody else can live my life, and there's nothing wrong with living life the way that I want to.

3. For not being perfect.

There's no such thing as perfect.

4. For having an opinion.

We're all allowed to form ideas based on our experiences.

5. For messing up.

Mistakes are inevitable and I have something to learn from them.

6. For loving someone.

My intention is to spread love. Sometimes I get it back and sometimes I don't. Regardless of the outcome, I won't miss out on an opportunity to love someone.

7. For feeling.

Feelings remind me that I am alive.

8. For asking someone to do something.

The worst thing that they can say is no.

9. For forgetting sometimes.

All of us forget, what can we do?

10. For failing or falling.

Both of these actions re-route our journeys and we often end up having acquired more knowledge and wisdom than we had previously thought.

11. For taking my time.

My time belongs to me.

15 more reasons to forgive


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In the words of Nelson Mandela, “Forgiveness liberates the soul, it removes fear. That’s why it’s such a powerful weapon.”

1. I forgive because I want to be free of bitterness.

2. I forgive because there is always a silver-lining, I just need to find it.

3. I forgive because there is a bigger picture.

4. I forgive because love is more important to me.

5. I forgive because peace is more important to me.

6. I forgive because releasing my problems and anger to The Higher Consciousness is stronger than me holding onto it.

7. I forgive because peace relieves my body of anxiety and stress.

8. I forgive because there will be an answer, not on my time but when it is the right time.

9. I forgive because I continue to learn.

10. I forgive because I continue to grow.

11. I forgive because anger has no place in my heart.

12. I forgive because my life is a journey that I would like to happily walk through as much as I can.

13. I forgive because my life is in my hands.

14. I forgive because I am responsible for my own actions.

15. I forgive because life is going on and I want to keep up with it.

4 razones por las que la unidad parece una fantasía en Estados Unidos.


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Si a alguno de nosotros nos gusta admitirlo o no, hay mucha negatividad, ira y rabia palpables entre nosotros en Estados Unidos. Parece que el presidente actual (y su gabinete cambiante) ha tenido un impacto en nuestra vida diaria.

Como nación, estamos atrapados en el modo de lucha o huida. Listo para atacar a cualquiera que diga algo que no esté de acuerdo con lo que creemos. He vivido en los EE. UU. Durante casi 14 años y hay una clara división entre todos (que viven aquí).

Y, estas son 4 razones por las que:


1. Hablamos más de lo que escuchamos. ¿Alguna vez has notado cómo la gente habla sobre ti cuando intentas decir algo? Siento que ahora, más que nunca, muy pocas personas se escuchan activamente, pero son las primeras en decir algo. El Dalai Lama dice: 'Cuando hablas, solo estás repitiendo lo que sabes. Pero, si escuchas, puedes aprender algo nuevo ". La falta de la escucha nos mantiene atascados en nuestro pensamiento y construye un muro entre nosotros y la persona con la que mantenemos una conversación, porque no nos estamos dando la oportunidad de estar abiertos.


2. Estamos adheridos a las etiquetas. Demócrata. Republicano. Negro. Blanco. Asiático. Gay Derecho. Vegano. Vegetariano. La lista sigue y sigue. No soy anti-etiquetas; Simplemente creo que las etiquetas pueden impedir que escuchemos, amemos y entendamos a alguien que no usa la misma etiqueta que usted. Hace poco recibí un correo electrónico de un profesor de yoga que me dijo que debía obligar a las personas a ser veganas porque soy maestra de yoga. Leer ese correo electrónico me rompió el corazón porque probablemente le está diciendo lo mismo a sus alumnos. ¿Qué pasa si ella tiene una persona no vegana en su clase de yoga y escucha ese comentario? ¿Cómo se sentirá esa persona? Lo más probable es que se sientan aislados, creando una división entre ella y un estudiante. Me entristece cuando veo que esto sucede porque realmente creo que las etiquetas pueden ser limitantes. Sólo gustar a alguien con la misma etiqueta que nosotros es limitado y débil. Hay fuerza en los números, los números aumentan cuando dejamos que las etiquetas se vayan y nos aceptemos por lo que somos y lo que debemos ser.


3. Somos adictos a ser reaccionarios.

Es difícil no ver un tweet molesto, ver un clip de YouTube o encontrarte con alguien que te odia y no decir nada al respecto. No te estoy diciendo que tengas que estar callado y pasar desapercibido. Pero le estoy pidiendo que aprenda a tener una conversación con alguien que lo haya molestado sin que las cosas se salgan de control hasta el punto de no retorno. Las reacciones solo encienden las reacciones en otros; sin embargo, las respuestas maduras permiten que ambas personas se sienten y observen. Honestamente, no siempre lo entiendo bien, pero es por eso que practicamos. Practicamos para que podamos fortalecer el músculo que nos permite tener una conversación a pesar de que estamos molestos; En lugar de volar cosas fuera de proporción.


4. Somos adictos al sensacionalismo.

Esta es una extensión de la tercera razón. Se ha puesto de moda sensacionalizar y hablar sobre lo más escandaloso que ha sucedido. La parte desafortunada de esto es que personas como nuestro presidente, Kanye West y Kardashians han descubierto que esta es la mejor manera de obtener atención. Y, con las redes sociales, la atención es igual al dinero. Que es probablemente la razón por la que dicen estas cosas indignantes en primer lugar. Tomé la decisión de que cuando escuche un comentario que Kanye West ha hecho, ya no voy a escupir algo (por indignación emocional); sin embargo, me sentaré con él y respiraré, sentiré lástima por él porque tiene que llamar la atención de esta manera y seguir adelante con mi vida. Podría seguir molesto por las declaraciones escandalosas de que a la gente le gusta Kanye Westmake mientras él se está relajando en su casa por un valor de millones de dólares, sin dar dos vueltas sobre mí O puedo seguir con mi vida y vivir la vida que merezco. La ira, la indignación, la amargura son emociones de las que quiero separarme, por lo que no hay necesidad de seguir apegándome a ellas.


4 reasons why unity may seem like a fantasy in The USA.

image by Getty Images 

image by Getty Images 

Whether any of us like to admit it or not, there is a lot of negativity, anger and rage palpable between each other in America. It seems like the current President (and his changing cabinet) has had an impact on our daily lives. As a nation, we are stuck in fight-or-flight mode. Ready to attack anyone who says anything that remotely disagrees with what we believe.

I have lived in The USA for almost 14 years and there is clearly a divide between all of (who live here). And, these are 4 reasons why:

1. We talk more than we listen.

Have you ever noticed how people talk over you when you are trying to say something? I feel like now, more than ever, very few people are actively listening to each other but are the first to say something. The Dalai Lama says, ‘When you talk, you are only repeating what you know. But, if you listen, you may learn something new’. The lack of us listening causes us to stay stuck in our thinking and builds a wall between us and the person we are having a conversation with, because we aren’t giving ourselves a chance to be open.

2. We are attached to labels.

Democrat. Republican. Black. White. Asian. Gay. Straight. Vegan. Vegetarian. The list goes on-and-on. I’m not anti-labels; I just think that labels can stop us from hearing, loving and understanding someone who does not wear the same label as you. I recently received an e-mail from a fellow yoga teacher who told me that I need to force people to be vegan because I am a yoga teacher. Reading that e-mail broke my heart because she is probably saying the same to her students. What if she has a non-vegan in her yoga class and hears that commentary? How will that person feel? Most likely they will feel isolated, creating division between her and a student. It saddens me when I see this happen because I truly believe that labels can be limiting. Only liking someone with the same label as us is limiting and weak. There is strength in numbers, numbers increase when we let labels go and accept each other for who we are and who we were meant to be.

3. We are addicted to being reactionary.

It’s hard not to see an upsetting tweet, watch a clip from YouTube or come across someone being hateful and not say anything to them or about it. I’m not telling you that you have to be quiet and go unheard. But, I am asking you to learn to have a conversation with someone who has upset you without things escalating out of control to the point of no return. Reactions only ignite the reactions in others; however, mature responses allow both people to sit back and observe. Honestly, I don’t always get it right but that’s why we practice. We practice so that we can strengthen the muscle that allows us to be able to have a conversation even though we are upset; instead of blowing things out of proportion.

4.  We are addicted to sensationalism.

This is an extension of the third reason. It’s become trendy to sensationalize and talk about the most outrageous thing that has happened. The unfortunate part about this is that people like our President, Kanye West and The Kardashians have figured out that this is the best way to get attention. And, with social media, attention equals money. Which is probably why they say these outrageous things in the first place. I made a decision that when I hear a comment that Kanye West has made, I will no longer spew something out (out of emotional outrage); however, I will sit with it and breathe, feel pity for him that he has to get attention this way and move on with my life. I could continue to be upset by outrageous statements that people like Kanye Westmake while he is chilling in his house worth millions of dollars, not giving two hoots about me OR I can move on with my life and live the life that I deserve. Anger, outrage, bitterness are all emotions that I want to detach myself from so there is no need to keep being attached to them.