I am thirty-two years-old and single. Yes, I have almost been married. Yes, I have almost had a kid. Yes, I have been through relationship wringers but I still believe in a divine partnership. And, I know that it is on the way.
They say that as you get older, the more content you become with yourself. Which, I have found to be true about myself. I have also let go of the need to be in a relationship for the sake of it and have lovingly let go of people as a result.
The last time that I recently let go of someone who I saw a future with, I did so with no hate and only love because anger no longer serves a higher purpose in my life-especially when it comes to relationships. So, maybe what they say is correct because I have no space in my life for drama, hurt and un-necessary pain.
So, I am content with being single even though I believe in the value of partnerships and know that God will bless me with it one day.
Here are 3 reasons that I am done looking for a partner:
1. I am at peace with my life right now.
It has taken me a long time to get here but I am at peace with my life and who I am. The paradox of valuing relationships and divinity lies in the fact that one day, I would love to relinquish my singlehood to a relationship that allows me to maintain the peace that I have created.
I know that God has a partner for me who is kind, loyal, a family-man and considerate. So there is no need to force it. I fully trust that he is on the way.
2. Nothing is ever worth forcing in life.
I have had my fair share of relationships where I forced the outcome and created my own suffering by forcing men to be there for me when they didn’t want to be or who weren’t ready. There is a value in learning the hard way, sometimes. Because I now know that I will never do it again.
I am done forcing anything. Relationships are work, yes but equally from both parties. I will never ever force someone to see the value in being with me, in understanding me or in choosing what we have over him choosing what he has with someone else. I have been severely hurt by situations where I was the only one fighting for our relationship and that pain taught me one of the best lessons: that force and effort are two different things.
No relationship is worth being in if you have to coerce the other person to see the benefit of it. I have been there and won’t do it again. I know (now) that there is a bigger picture and I am not meant to control it but flow with it. Learn what I need to and move forward where I am not wanted.
3. Being present is the best gift we can ever have.
I woke up today and heard the birds chirping with glee. Before I started being concerned about an exam that I have been studying for, I closed my eyes, took a deep-breath and listened to the music that the birds were creating. All of a sudden, my worries dissipated and I aligned myself with the vibration of gratitude.
I remembered that I have a healthy body, two legs, two arms, a healthy mind, my heart is beating, I have enough food, I have enough money and I have been blessed with another day. What could be better?
Sometimes I have to pause when I get asked when I will have kids, get married or the same boring questions that circulate amongst materialistic people. I take a step-back and remember that I could’ve had that life a few times but I chose the one that aligns with high vibrations and being present. I want to enjoy everyday to the fullest and let go of the need to have things just because someone else says that I should.
When my future partner arrives, I want to present enough to appreciate the time with him like I am meant to. I am done rushing anything and life is too precious to throw away for what-ifs and lack of gratitude. All is coming because all is already here.